Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

This is an interesting exercise.

Teach your own AI to walk

Action Space
BipedalWalker has 2 legs. Each leg has 2 joints. You have to teach the Bipedal-walker to walk by applying the torque on these joints. Therefore the size of our action space is 4 which is torque applied on 4 joints. You can apply the torque in the range of (-1, 1)

  • The agent gets a positive reward proportional to the distance walked on the terrain. It can get a total of 300+ reward all the way up to the end.
  • If agent tumbles, it gets a reward of -100.
  • There is some negative reward proportional to the torque applied on the joint. So that agent learns to walk smoothly with minimal torque.
There are 2 versions of the Bipedal environment based on terrain type.
  • Slightly uneven terrain.
  • Hardcore terrain with ladders, stumps and pitfalls.



In the beginning

DDPG Network Architecture
I have chosen the following hyperparameters for my network.

Program is provided.
This is an interesting exercise.

Teach your own AI to walk

Action Space
BipedalWalker has 2 legs. Each leg has 2 joints. You have to teach the Bipedal-walker to walk by applying the torque on these joints. Therefore the size of our action space is 4 which is torque applied on 4 joints. You can apply the torque in the range of (-1, 1)

  • The agent gets a positive reward proportional to the distance walked on the terrain. It can get a total of 300+ reward all the way up to the end.
  • If agent tumbles, it gets a reward of -100.
  • There is some negative reward proportional to the torque applied on the joint. So that agent learns to walk smoothly with minimal torque.
There are 2 versions of the Bipedal environment based on terrain type.
  • Slightly uneven terrain.
  • Hardcore terrain with ladders, stumps and pitfalls.



In the beginning

DDPG Network Architecture
I have chosen the following hyperparameters for my network.

Program is provided.


It will all ways be based on metals . Not Life .
river said:
It will all ways be based on metals . Not Life .

Right. It's an intelligence based on a different platform.

The idea that only biology can ever think, feel emotion or show awareness is anthropomorphic bigotry.

No , that Biology will only understand biology . Life can not be understood by robots .

The experience of Evolution .
please post on topic.
But understood from Brain Matter .
And also by Networked non-Brain Matter. Lets get past human Brains.

How do bacteria use quorum sensing? How do slime molds have a sense of time? How do Venus flytraps catch insects? How do insects have ability to interpret pheromones? How do bees understand the"waggle dance"?


Waggle dance is a term used in beekeeping and ethology for a particular figure-eight dance of the honey bee. By performing this dance, successful foragers can share information about the direction and distance to patches of flowers yielding nectar and pollen, to water sources, or to new nest-site locations with other members of the colony.
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:dusts off the trusty ol' wheel:
Why do you do that? Have you actually ever tried to inform yourself about quorum sensing?
You are displaying a real ignorant attitude about a science which may bring us vaccines against viral and bacterial pandemics as well as artificial intelligence in robotic communication. The subject under discussion!

Quorum sensing
In biology, quorum sensing is the ability to detect and respond to cell population density by gene regulation. As one example, quorum sensing (QS) enables bacteria to restrict the expression of specific genes to the high cell densities at which the resulting phenotypes will be most beneficial. Many species of bacteria use quorum sensing to coordinate gene expression according to the density of their local population. In a similar fashion, some social insects use quorum sensing to determine where to nest. Quorum sensing may also be useful for cancer cell communications.[1]
In addition to its function in biological systems, quorum sensing has several useful applications for computing and robotics.
In general, quorum sensing can function as a decision-making process in any decentralized system in which the components have: (a) a means of assessing the number of other components they interact with and (b) a standard response once a threshold number of components is detected.

Don't make a fool of yourself by making ignorant prejudicial comments and displays and unwarranted complaints.
Check it out and learn something before you judge the validity of a scientific discipline

p.s. that is directed to others as well.
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"Moderation" would welcome a respite from having to regularly chase up complaints about off-topic posting from Write4U.
What do you think a brain is ?
As Descartes proved, if you place a brain in a vat attached to a computer and play an outdoor scene, the brain will think it is outdoors walking in the sun. Yes it will imagine more than just experiencing outdoors, but it'll still be in the vat.

Now suppose you do this with an AI and in addition to an image of the sun you also feed in warmth. Will the AI's thermometer sense the warmth and seeing the sun, imagine a sunlit scene from memory?
Descartes never proved that. But that is a thought experiment that would appear to be true.

Looks like you are inserting properties of Consciousness into inanimate objects again with no Logical justification. The AI will obviously not Imagine anything. Show me the Source Code for the Imagination module and I'll tell you what it is actually doing.
Show me the Source Code for the Imagination module and I'll tell you what it is actually doing.
It is obtusely naive to assume that AI devices of the future will have "source code" in "modules".

It's analogous to a 19th century technology cynic saying "Show me a lighter-than-air craft that can fly faster than 60 miles per hour and I'll show you a wicker basket full of passengers that died from oxygen deprivation."