Do you save 100,000 or 10,000?

Who do you save, read the options for dilemma 1 and 2 first

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apparrantly too difficult a dilemma?

I thought everyone here was in favour of the theory:

The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few?
Oh well if you put as Spock would, there is only one answer. Why didn't you put it that way in the frirst place?

Not a very well thought out poll.

It wouldn't matter who you destroyed since the assumption, which you've not explained at all, is the fact the one is forced to destroy a group of people, for reasons yet unknown.
I would save the smart people. But isn’t 1B the same thing as 2B? And how am I destroying the people. It would have been better if you wrote a scenario where you had a choice of disarming one of two nuclear bombs that was about to destroy both populations.
Hey she has a point! What is the criteria to place more value on one life over another? A human life is a human life! Conclusion : there is no moral justification to calibrate a judgement of one mans life above 10.
imaplanck. said:
Hey she has a point! What is the criteria to place more value on one life over another? A human life is a human life! Conclusion : there is no moral justification to calibrate a judgement of one mans life above 10.

I disagree with what you wrote. There is no one on this planet that I care more about than myself, but I do believe that some people’s lives are more valuable than mine. I think the life of a brilliant medical doctor or a mathematical genius is more important than my life because they have more to offer humanity. The smartest people in the world are the people that create the technology that makes life easier for all of us. I’m am sure that there are some members on this site that would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the work of brilliant research scientists and medical doctors. The lives of the smartest people in the world are definitely more valuable than the majority.
q0101 said:
I would save the smart people. But isn’t 1B the same thing as 2B? And how am I destroying the people. It would have been better if you wrote a scenario where you had a choice of disarming one of two nuclear bombs that was about to destroy both populations.

no there is a difference, the devil is in the details, all be them brief, read them again.

I'll do some voting myself that may make the matter clearer or less so
q0101 said:
I disagree with what you wrote. There is no one on this planet that I care more about than myself, but I do believe that some people’s lives are more valuable than mine. I think the life of a brilliant medical doctor or a mathematical genius is more important than my life because they have more to offer humanity. The smartest people in the world are the people that create the technology that makes life easier for all of us. I’m am sure that there are some members on this site that would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the work of brilliant research scientists and medical doctors. The lives of the smartest people in the world are definitely more valuable than the majority.
Hey I would like nothing better to value my brilliant life :) over 10 brainless, hopeless morons, but there's no way I could justifiy it morally. Im sure even Einstein(arguable the greatest mind that ever lived) would not place the value of his life above another no matter how insignificant.
q0101 said:
I disagree with what you wrote. There is no one on this planet that I care more about than myself, but I do believe that some people’s lives are more valuable than mine. I think the life of a brilliant medical doctor or a mathematical genius is more important than my life because they have more to offer humanity. The smartest people in the world are the people that create the technology that makes life easier for all of us. I’m am sure that there are some members on this site that would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the work of brilliant research scientists and medical doctors. The lives of the smartest people in the world are definitely more valuable than the majority.

so re dilemma 2? your choice is 2b)?
To be honest your dilemma proposals are nothing near as good as James's, but I don't like to see anyone fall. ;)
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imaplanck. said:
To be honest your dilemma proposals are nothing near as good as grommits, but I don't like to see anyone fall. ;)

:) The problem is despite the lack of details you are all missing important detail which is why I posed it like this, to see if you can 'consider' beyond what you THINK you are being asked to consider.

I shall re-edit and see if you 'see' it, it's less of a dilemma than you realise.

Ok I've re-edited dilemma 2 but my selection remains the unchanged.

My selection to save 1b and 2a is the only sensible thing to do.............common guys don't disappoint me.
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