Do you love God?


the sea
Registered Senior Member
Do you love God?

How does one know whether one loves God?

How is one to love God?

What does it mean to love God?

These are potentially loaded questions, I know. They may easily come across as a provocation. However, I feel compelled to ask them. I am not sure myself why I am asking them -- but I take they do bear some significance.
So I ask those who know an answer, to answer these questions, and maybe then we can see better how come a non-believer asks questions like that.
water said:
let me preface what your askin with this:

'If you're an asker you'll be a knower:
poetry's knotty and wily-
the riddles you hear are windows,
and the door is enquiry...
(Gofriadh Fionn O'Dalaigh)

Do you love God?

d))))what do you mean by 'God'? the biblical 'God'? the sky god?
My understanding of god comes from the earthiest reaches oe paganism where 'god' is the entheogenic brew you drink. he is son/lover of the Goddess and it the Horned God, god of the Dance, of Ecstasy. of Nature, of Masks. so that when you drink, and ingest you dont just 'love' him, you ARe 'him'. you are possessed of the god of Nature. imagine that. is that love? i would say that that is fathomable love. of whicher there is no whicher

How does one know whether one loves God?

d))))do you love Nature? do you see through the game people are playing trashing it and making excuses as the species disappear, children are drugged to fit into this evil -at schools, and people are too busy consuming shite to even care. if so you are loving Goddess rather than biblical 'god' who wnats men to dominate Nature. cause 'the bible told meee soooo'

How is one to love God?

d)))) by seeing through to the core as much you can. which mens exploring roots and realizing what 'God' is. his history
Again which 'God'...the Horned God, son/lover of the Goddess or the nobodaddy William Blake hated?
Goddess is Earth where we have shelter, clothes, food--if we are lucky in this man-made system. Amd spirit. Bible 'god' is this dodgy deity full of dodgy conntradictions ready to fry non-believers in everlasting hell. take yer pick.
if a mafiosa got a gun at yer head, you gonna love HIM? yeah.....but

What does it mean to love God?

from what i have witness, literal;ism, and all kinds of weird notions. but to BE god is another matter. no room for BS, though people have misinterpreted tthe experiences and concocted divsive myths. that has to be challenged

These are potentially loaded questions, I know. They may easily come across as a provocation. However, I feel compelled to ask them. I am not sure myself why I am asking them -- but I take they do bear some significance.
So I ask those who know an answer, to answer these questions, and maybe then we can see better how come a non-believer asks questions like that.

what i understand as god, i love.

but i hear and see other people refer to god and i think that isnt the god i know, i'm not sure i love that god.
ellion said:
[Duendy] are you a scouser?

hahaha...oh, you gonna hate me.
no, i'm a manc
but i actually love scousers. love the accent, and creative spirit. love mancs too--generally VERy friendly people... when they aren't kikin yer head in heh
By faith and not by works, one loves God.

Although that doesn't make very much sense. Just because you believe you love God, you love God? Hmm
§outh§tar said:
By faith and not by works, one loves God.

Although that doesn't make very much sense. Just because you believe you love God, you love God? Hmm

your right, that doesnt make much sense.

try it this way
i know, i love that which is love.
duendy said:
hahaha...oh, you gonna hate me.
no, i'm a manc
but i actually love scousers. love the accent, and creative spirit. love mancs too--generally VERy friendly people... when they aren't kikin yer head in heh

i dont say chrimbo........ much
§outh§tar said:
How do you know what love is? Not by faith?

not by faith, faith is trust, trust is developed by experience.
love is experinced.
ellion said:
not by faith, faith is trust, trust is developed by experience.
love is experinced.

Is truth not faith - faith in someone or something?

Therefore does it not take faith to know love?
Yorda said:
... by common sense
if you mean love of a person the it's lack of common sense.
and if you mean a god then your totally out of your head.
§outh§tar said:
Is truth not faith - faith in someone or something?

Therefore does it not take faith to know love?

no truth is not faith.
you might experience love through faith, i will not deny you that.
but no, it doesnt take faith to know love.

you can experience love without intellect.
audible said:
if you mean love of a person the it's lack of common sense.
and if you mean a god then your totally out of your head.

it must be lonely to live in a head where love does not exist, except as a threat to your sanity.
ellion said:
audible said:
if you mean love of a person then it's lack of common sense.
and if you mean a god then your totally out of your head.
it must be lonely to live in a head where love does not exist, except as a threat to your sanity.
if you want to interpret my words that way fair enough.
however love is a beautiful lunacy, Ie lack of common sense.
this is from the recent song by katie melua: " this is the closed thing to crazy I have ever known, I was never crazy on my own, and theres a link between the two, being close to crazy and being close to you." quite clearly you could never had been in love, to say that.
and the ultimate lunacy must be believing in fantasy figures, Ie a god then your totally out of your head.

my head has more love in it, then any xian could ever have, as i'm a atheist/humanist.
I hold humanity above any non-existent sky daddy, I wont ever kill my fellow humans, just because I want to appease my god, life is far more sacred to me, than it could ever be to a xian, this is the only chance we get theres no afterlife and when you xians, reallise that you might consider not killing someone and taking away there only chance of a life.
audible said:
if you want to interpret my words that way fair enough.
however love is a beautiful lunacy, Ie lack of common sense.
this is from the recent song by katie melua: " this is the closed thing to crazy I have ever known, I was never crazy on my own, and theres a link between the two, being close to crazy and being close to you." quite clearly you could never had been in love, to say that.
and the ultimate lunacy must be believing in fantasy figures, Ie a god then your totally out of your head.

my head has more love in it, then any xian could ever have, as i'm a atheist/humanist.
I hold humanity above any non-existent sky daddy, I wont ever kill my fellow humans, just because I want to appease my god, life is far more sacred to me, than it could ever be to a xian, this is the only chance we get theres no afterlife and when you xians, reallise that you might consider not killing someone and taking away there only chance of a life.

if this repy is to my comment, why do you say 'you xians'?
audible said:
if you want to interpret my words that way fair enough.
however love is a beautiful lunacy, Ie lack of common sense.
this is from the recent song by katie melua: " this is the closed thing to crazy I have ever known, I was never crazy on my own, and theres a link between the two, being close to crazy and being close to you." quite clearly you could never had been in love, to say that.
and the ultimate lunacy must be believing in fantasy figures, Ie a god then your totally out of your head.

my head has more love in it, then any xian could ever have, as i'm a atheist/humanist.
I hold humanity above any non-existent sky daddy, I wont ever kill my fellow humans, just because I want to appease my god, life is far more sacred to me, than it could ever be to a xian, this is the only chance we get theres no afterlife and when you xians, reallise that you might consider not killing someone and taking away there only chance of a life.

you come across as being so angry. i did not intend to stir that up in you. to carry so much anger and hatred toward xians is going to be hurting yourself more than hurting them.

all life is sacred, all life, not just human.
Unfortunately the bible says this - John 14:23** Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him."

and this - John 15:10** "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

luckily Jesus also says this - Jhn 15:12** "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.

I have my moments of really loving God.

But I take heart in the knowledge that it is more important first to be loved by God than to love God - Romans 5:6-8'For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.'
ellion said:
all life is sacred, all life, not just human.
totally agreed.
you have misinterpreted my post completely, theres no anger or hatred. I said,I had more love for my fellow humans, I was doing a comparison.
I dont hurt myself or anybody else, the religious however do, that is what I said.
please dont try to psychoanalyse me you are totally wrong.
I have not got a evil bone in my body, I have the right to debate a subject,
as you do.
You have not made me angry, irrated, incensed, but not angry. anger is a hateful emotion, it is not in my Psyche.

PS I used the word xians, just out of lazyness, I surpose I could have wrote "the religious", but xian is easier.