Do you have a question for an EX muslim??

TheSonOfaBattlecry said:
ok i used to be a muslim now im an athiest if you got anything you wanna ask(about islam) fire away i wont get offended i can explain a whole loads of shit its not everyday you come across an open minded ex muslim.

Congratulations TheSonOfaBattlecry! Thats quite an accomplishment. I do have a question, if you had declared yourself as an atheist while living in your former muslim country, would you have been tortured or killed?
TheSonOfaBattlecry said:

correct me where i go wrong:

Islam believes in an invisible all-seeing all-good God who is male

- Yeah the first part is right, but Allah is neither a male or a female even though its referred to as a male

me)))))))))do you see rtheir contradiction now? on onehand tey CLAIM 'Allah' has no image, yet refer to him as male?

Islam does not believe in a Goddess

- Islam doesn’t believe that god is anything like us, so god doesn’t have a sex, unless he’s married!!

me)))))of course they are fiercely ptriarchal as are all te Abrahamic beliefs

Islam means 'sunmission' to this invisible God

- Its not believing in the unknown, its believing in the unseen.

me)))))lke some godawful CCTV camera reight. but in this case you dont even get to see the fukin camera cause its all over te soddin place

Any thing tat happens to a person, including deformed birthetc is the will of God

- This point is essential, that’s when I started thinking whats the point of my life if its all in the will of god, if he knows what’s going to happen next why he made us in the first place, there is a verse in the quran who explains why god made is saying ‘I only made you to worship me’ and I must’ve thought he’s such a bored arrogant bastard, but still now it doesn’t make sense to me.

me))))))well its all 'HIS will'. one''s individual will counts for nuthin in such tyranny!

Islam does not condone psychedelics and their experience .....(why?--would like you to elaborate here if you know)

- There is a simple explanation that Marx elaborated saying: “Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand” its always explained as demons, possession and so on.

me))))of course. same as it was/is for Christian Europe, and still is formany fundamentalists.
can you point me to Koranisc verses that specifically demonize psychedelics--to of course i realize they will have a different term for them...?

Islamic belief in its fundamental mode can newver really understand Christianity, because the idea of 'God made flesh' is totally contradicting their belief in the invisible and non-image status of their God

- not sure if that was a question but I agree, they don’t disagree with Christianity they just think what we have today is only a manipulated version of the original thing.

me))))yes they believe he was a prophet dont they?

If yo do not conform to the ritual of Islm in te cpuntries where your called to payer and so on, you can be punished, espcially women

- Yeah I want to piss in their eye, but it doesn’t say anywhere in the quran that you deserve punishment in life for missing rituals, cause you will be bbq’ed in the after life for that.

me)))) man it has it in te Koran you will suffer after death for missing rituals..?

Homosexuality is strictly forbidden and homosexuals can be severely persecuted and even executed

- Yeah alahu akbar and may god bless ‘I hate homos’

children are enforced to recite Koran from very early age

- Its not completely useless, but I disagree with forcing children to recite for example I know about 50 paged of it by heart I used to remember much more but time and weed affect you

me))))))whay is it not completely useless? what use does that do?

And don’t worry im more than happy to answer any more questions, im not saying I know everything, but I can do my best to explain few things from their point of view.


Welcome in the real world.
Two questions, only for the case you are living in a strong majority Muslim country (you shouldn’t name it).
First, is the Muslim religion compulsory to study at all level schools, and second, could you make public your atheist belief without any prejudice ?

- I used to live in a Muslim country, and yes you have to study Islam unless you’re a non-Muslim.

- I live in the UK now, but I’ve seen the light from before. I was brave to admit it to anyone who would ask me, and it’s the same thing as here really if a person is educated they will respect my beliefs if not then they will disagree calling me a devil worshiper or whatever saying I should die, some are kind who will ask god to forgive me like my auntie shes been praying that god save’s me for about 6 years now bless her.
HI....can i ask you more quesys then:
ok: is it true that in Koran there are no references that Muslims must fight and/or destroy those of ote belief systems?

Is it true that there is no denigration of women. and no demand for tem to cover teir heads and bodies in veils?

Though you have dropped out of Islam, i hear you quoting Marx.........doyou hafve any regard for spirituality now?
Congratulations TheSonOfaBattlecry! Thats quite an accomplishment. I do have a question, if you had declared yourself as an atheist while living in your former muslim country, would you have been tortured or killed?

- If i went in the streets shouting it or wrote a book about it then yeh probably both

ok: is it true that in Koran there are no references that Muslims must fight and/or destroy those of ote belief systems?

- not exactly, the purpose is to spreed islam by convincing if that doesnt work then yeah what you said, with exception for chirstians and jews(any religion with a holy book form god)

Is it true that there is no denigration of women. and no demand for tem to cover teir heads and bodies in veils?

-Thats bullshit every religion opress women, islam just takes it a bit too far.

Though you have dropped out of Islam, i hear you quoting Marx.........doyou hafve any regard for spirituality now?

- I can say Im a hardcore athiest, I didnt come to this cause i want to be different arrogant or cool, I came to this after searching and whole loads of reading about complete bullshit. I admit though marx had a major impact on me.
Battlecry, you're not someone posing as an ex just to denigrate Islam are you? Not that I am accusing you but just cautious. But to me, the "fight disbelievers" however it's quoted in the Quran since I'm no muslim, means to deny or keep them at bay in your mind so they don't tantalize you to succumb to their ways, as in "fight the urge". I think it's more than likely a simple misunderstanding, what the extremists are doing, as opposed to what Muhammed may have meant, unless I'm missing something. I've only read very little of the Quran but I can see where some parts can be taken out of context and used for evil purposes just like the Bible. But I do commend you for speaking out and letting others help understand.
TheSonOfaBattlecry, Hi there. I know quite a few atheist exMuslims from Iran. Do you think that Muslims from any particular country are more likely to become Atheist?

Also, I have a few freinds that are Aussies/USA/Canadian ect.. that lived in KSA for work. They said that they were surprised by the high numbers of gay Muslims in KSA but recon that this was because the boys and girls are separated during puberty.

What are your thoughts?

I though these ideas were interesting because they demonstrate how a strong religous culture actually undermines the religion. Like a self limiting mechanism.


Battlecry, you're not someone posing as an ex just to denigrate Islam are you? Not that I am accusing you but just cautious. But to me, the "fight disbelievers" however it's quoted in the Quran since I'm no muslim, means to deny or keep them at bay in your mind so they don't tantalize you to succumb to their ways, as in "fight the urge". I think it's more than likely a simple misunderstanding, what the extremists are doing, as opposed to what Muhammed may have meant, unless I'm missing something. I've only read very little of the Quran but I can see where some parts can be taken out of context and used for evil purposes just like the Bible. But I do commend you for speaking out and letting others help understand.

- Not at all, if you read my previous posts you will see I defend Islam more than degrade it. Ok I admit I was unclear about the unbelievers and their situation in Islam, I will try and explain here. Most of the violence committed in the name is Islam is not ordered by the Koran cause believe it or not Islam is a peaceful religion. You might think im contradicting myself here as I said yeah you will be tortured or killed; well it all depends on how you translate certain scripts like the following:

Noble Verses 9:28-29 "O ye believe! Truly the pagans are unclear; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear povery, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, For Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, from among the people of the book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Noble Verse 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
From the verses above some parties would look at it as an open jihad plan, but if you look carefully dates and times are specified ‘’Then, when the sacred months have passed’’ ‘’after this year ‘’. This was when Islam was young and the tribes tried destroying it, after that fighting was not necessary. However there are verses, which are very generalized and open for any sort of interpretation Arabic being a very flexible language like:
Noble Verse 8:12
Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them."
Noble Verse 9:73
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their Home: an evil fate.
Noble Verse 4:144
Believers, do not choose the unbelievers rather than the faithful as your friends. Would you give Allah a clear proof against yourselves?
Ok there we see a different story of favouring the Muslims above the unbelievers; which is very understandable, its almost instinctive to defend your comrades. What I hate about Islam and god in general is the unclarity if he was so perfect the books shouldn’t have any leaks where retards can use as excuses to take lives. I cant say islam if a completely peaceful religion I would be a liar the descriptions of hell there is horrific and terrifying. In gerneral contradictions exist in every religion islam is no different anyway that’s my point of view.


TheSonOfaBattlecry, Hi there. I know quite a few atheist exMuslims from Iran. Do you think that Muslims from any particular country are more likely to become Atheist?

-Its probably Iran as the laws there are stupidly strict, people cant help but rebel, its unacceptable to force people to do what they don’t want. I think the Iranian government should focus more on unemployment and heroin addiction rather than a women showing her foot

Also, I have a few freinds that are Aussies/USA/Canadian ect.. that lived in KSA for work. They said that they were surprised by the high numbers of gay Muslims in KSA but recon that this was because the boys and girls are separated during puberty.

- I wont say they are gay, just heterosexuals, more like sailors or inmates they are happy to have a women but if not a man or a goat will do. That’s mostly happens cause of the lack of women, specially they cant lose their virginity unless they married.

I though these ideas were interesting because they demonstrate how a strong religous culture actually undermines the religion. Like a self limiting mechanism.

- This is a huge misunderstanding, the west has no view at all of the inside of our culture what you get is what you see from tv and newspapers which are mostly propaganda weather from the west to make us look worse or from the east where it makes us look united and strong. Even though Islam is taught from an early age, if I said the rituals are preformed by 50% of the Muslim population that would be an exaggeration. We like all others we have porn, football, beer, our girls like boys and our boys like to wank

Sock puppet path

Welcome Son of a battlecry. Are you living in a muslim country? If so do you know any other atheists there?

- I wont say there is plenty but they are not rare, communism has quite an influence where I came from.
you see, look. it is quite simple. IF a mindset identifies with a 'God' who demands 'submission', then guess who invented tis 'god'--yeah, males! and the believers IN tis dogma , like teir invented 'Allah' will also fundamentally demand submission. it does so of its woomen, and those who rebel and certainly will of any who are 'outsiders'. I am not here just pickin on Islam, but on all patriarchal revealed religious dogmas.
And VERY much the same it is with our own supposedly athiestic secualr culture

snofabattlecry---sorry to press yu, but i am VERY interested in tis. i asked up if you knew passages in Koran that show prohibiton to psychedelics..? i am familiar in Judaic Christian Bibible but not that much with Koran

Also, tis is a challenge to your 'new belief' which you hint is ..kina into Marx...?
i first must inquire. why? whay Marx? hat was/is it that's attracted you to his writings etc?