Do you have a question for an EX muslim??


Registered Member
ok i used to be a muslim now im an athiest if you got anything you wanna ask(about islam) fire away i wont get offended i can explain a whole loads of shit its not everyday you come across an open minded ex muslim.
welcome aboard, it's nice to see common sense prevail, however I can think of one if not more atheistic ex-muslims such as mustafhakofi, Jev. etc
but it's so nice to know that even in such a indoctrinated religion, people can escape the stupidity and think for themselves.
singularity: why would it be?.
they deserve no more respect then xians, their all the same.
and welcome TSOAB, nice to have another sensible person.
people are allow to believe whatever they want, as long as it does not have an adverse effect of somebody else.
I dont think anybodys trying to change anybody, just to understand their thinking.
people will change if and when they wish to, which is the common trend at the moment and it's getting better, more and more people are being educated, but not indoctrinated, soon religion will be a thing of the past.
TheSonOfaBattlecry said:
ok i used to be a muslim now im an athiest if you got anything you wanna ask(about islam) fire away i wont get offended i can explain a whole loads of shit its not everyday you come across an open minded ex muslim.
Why did you ask?
once they are educated just like the rest of the world, and allowed to use the intelligence, they will be right up there with us.
but as long as they are subjugated, they will know no better.
so you could be right anomalous, but lets hope common sense prevails.
Welcome to Sciforums.
What made you decide to become an atheist?
- Well it started when I turned 14, I became interested in philosophy, so I started reading about religions and so on nothing really worked for me, they all have the same basic principles same shit different toilet Marx really impressed me, I took it from there.

welcome aboard, it's nice to see common sense prevail, however I can think of one if not more atheistic ex-muslims such as mustafhakofi, Jev. etc
but it's so nice to know that even in such a indoctrinated religion, people can escape the stupidity and think for themselves
- It’s not really stupidity. They cant help it if you were born to believe then beliefs is why you were born, disobeying is not out of the question is just unthinkable.

I hope this is not a ploy to defame muslims

-Not at all, it more to clarify and make people understand were they coming from and how they think.

singularity: why would it be?.
they deserve no more respect then xians, their all the same.
and welcome TSOAB, nice to have another sensible person.

- Thank you most appreciated

“ Originally Posted by TheSonOfaBattlecryok i used to be a muslim now im an athiest if you got anything you wanna ask(about islam) fire away i wont get offended i can explain a whole loads of shit its not everyday you come across an open minded ex muslim. ”
Why did you ask?
- Ok main reason is I realized there is a general hatred towards Muslims, Islam is not much different to other religions, I really hate the propaganda surrounding Islam and relating it to terrorism, why aint the crusaders called terrorists. People don’t understand Islam is not hated cause its violent its hated cause its contagious.

YA, I have a Big Fat Question for U.
Will mouslims be the last among humans to become Atheists ?

- Sadly I would love to be an optimist and think in a few hundred years the idea of god will be radicalise, but the generalization of the quran will prevent that, meaning its adaptable and left open for future interpretations.
TheSonOfaBattlecry said:
ok i used to be a muslim now im an athiest if you got anything you wanna ask(about islam) fire away i wont get offended i can explain a whole loads of shit its not everyday you come across an open minded ex muslim.
what are your views on Sufism?
I cant tell you much about Sufism cause I’ve never followed it, the majority of Muslims exclude them from Islam. For a simple reason they don’t really relate much. I think it’s a more physical type of meditation, using music and rapid movement to reach a state of high, not sure its my upbringing or my own thought but I don’t consider it a religion, I much rather smoking a blunt.
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TheSonOfaBattlecry said:
- Sadly I would love to be an optimist and think in a few hundred years the idea of god will be radicalise, but the generalization of the quran will prevent that, meaning its adaptable and left open for future interpretations.

So what do U think is wrong with Isam right now ?
TheSonOfaBattlecry said:
I cant tell you much about Sufism cause I’ve never followed it, the majority of Muslims exclude them from Islam. For a simple reason they don’t really relate much. I think it’s a more physical type of meditation, using music and rapid movement to reach a state of high, not sure its my upbringing or my own thought but I don’t consider it a religion, I much rather smoking a blunt.
did you smoke spliff when you were a Muslim?

also about Sufism. saw a really good documentary about it a while back.
showed you the two faces of Islam. th fundamentalist side which wnt allow music and dancing etc, and the dramatic contrastof Sufism which does very mucxh so, and how, as you say, had been persecuted by fundamental Islam

also showed two very different types of Sufism. the more formalized Whirling Dervish style, and the much wilder Morrocon Sufism

also showed how Sufism was more accepting of others' beliefs. they would go, for example, to a shrine of the Virgin Mary, etc.....
So what do U think is wrong with Isam right now ?

- I respect Islam as a way of life, as I respect Buddhism. To be honest the actual followers of Islam who are there for a higher purpose are intellectual and peaceful people, whoever they only resemble a minority of the Muslim population. You get the rest about 90% who are partial followers, they pick what they feel comfortable with and hope for forgiveness, and of course you get the ones who exaggerate it and they’re usually most of the retarded Muslims. Who have been brain washed mainly by governments or certain organizations. My main point is Islam as way of life is a good fixation as long as they don’t impose it or use it as a system of government where it completely fails.

did you smoke spliff when you were a Muslim?

- I was a recreational user back then, cause as you know its forbidden like many other things. In Islam anything harmful to your body is forbidden, cigarettes included, but you still see a lot of Muslims smoke. Islam is very much like communism no one really follows the actual thing they just use it and brag about it.

correct me where i go wrong:

Islam believes in an invisible all-seeing all-good God who is male

Islam does not believe in a Goddess

Islam means 'sunmission' to this invisible God

Any thing tat happens to a person, including deformed birthetc is the will of God

Islam does not condone psychedelics and their experience .....(why?--would like you to elaborate here if you know)

Islamic belief in its fundamental mode can newver really understand Christianity, because the idea of 'God made flesh' is totally contradicting their belief in the invisible and non-image status of their God

If yo do not conform to the ritual of Islm in te cpuntries where your called to payer and so on, you can be punished, espcially women

Homosexuality is strictly forbidden and homosexuals can be severely persecuted and even executed

children are enforced to recite Koran from very early age

haha...thats enuf for now. dont want to overburden you
Welcome in the real world.
Two questions, only for the case you are living in a strong majority Muslim country (you shouldn’t name it).
First, is the Muslim religion compulsory to study at all level schools, and second, could you make public your atheist belief without any prejudice ?

correct me where i go wrong:

Islam believes in an invisible all-seeing all-good God who is male

- Yeah the first part is right, but Allah is neither a male or a female even though its referred to as a male

Islam does not believe in a Goddess

- Islam doesn’t believe that god is anything like us, so god doesn’t have a sex, unless he’s married!!

Islam means 'sunmission' to this invisible God

- Its not believing in the unknown, its believing in the unseen.

Any thing tat happens to a person, including deformed birthetc is the will of God

- This point is essential, that’s when I started thinking whats the point of my life if its all in the will of god, if he knows what’s going to happen next why he made us in the first place, there is a verse in the quran who explains why god made is saying ‘I only made you to worship me’ and I must’ve thought he’s such a bored arrogant bastard, but still now it doesn’t make sense to me.

Islam does not condone psychedelics and their experience .....(why?--would like you to elaborate here if you know)

- There is a simple explanation that Marx elaborated saying: “Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand” its always explained as demons, possession and so on.

Islamic belief in its fundamental mode can newver really understand Christianity, because the idea of 'God made flesh' is totally contradicting their belief in the invisible and non-image status of their God

- not sure if that was a question but I agree, they don’t disagree with Christianity they just think what we have today is only a manipulated version of the original thing.

If yo do not conform to the ritual of Islm in te cpuntries where your called to payer and so on, you can be punished, espcially women

- Yeah I want to piss in their eye, but it doesn’t say anywhere in the quran that you deserve punishment in life for missing rituals, cause you will be bbq’ed in the after life for that.

Homosexuality is strictly forbidden and homosexuals can be severely persecuted and even executed

- Yeah alahu akbar and may god bless ‘I hate homos’

children are enforced to recite Koran from very early age

- Its not completely useless, but I disagree with forcing children to recite for example I know about 50 paged of it by heart I used to remember much more but time and weed affect you

And don’t worry im more than happy to answer any more questions, im not saying I know everything, but I can do my best to explain few things from their point of view.


Welcome in the real world.
Two questions, only for the case you are living in a strong majority Muslim country (you shouldn’t name it).
First, is the Muslim religion compulsory to study at all level schools, and second, could you make public your atheist belief without any prejudice ?

- I used to live in a Muslim country, and yes you have to study Islam unless you’re a non-Muslim.

- I live in the UK now, but I’ve seen the light from before. I was brave to admit it to anyone who would ask me, and it’s the same thing as here really if a person is educated they will respect my beliefs if not then they will disagree calling me a devil worshiper or whatever saying I should die, some are kind who will ask god to forgive me like my auntie shes been praying that god save’s me for about 6 years now bless her.