Do you feel you are 'controlled' by laws?


Registered Senior Member
We have a law that you must have a fence around you rpool in order to protect infants drownings. We have a law that you must wear your seatbelt. Now these are all in the best interst of the citizen. But, when does it become the governments respobsilbilty to control our private lives? I am not saying they arnt a good thing, i am looking at the principle. Keeping in mind, our government relies a lot on the revenue of fines to continue the government....
Lets face it. There must be laws to protect the stupid from killing others or themselves otherwise a lot of people are gonna die.
Joeman ...

So ... What's your point? Government is responsible for keeping me
alive regardless of my stupidity?

Take care ;)
Of course not, that would be just stupid.

Governments have the right to create laws for two reasons:

1) Promote the public good.

These sorts of laws are laws against murder, thievery, and so on. This is also probably the reason why they made the fencing law, so that wandering children don't drown in pools. The US has school zone speed limits so that people don't hit children with cars if they dart out into the street. I don't have a problem with most of the laws created in this category.

2) Regulate and promote trade

These are taxes and tariffs, anti-trust laws and whatnot, laws which generally don't affect most people.

Governments don't have the right to keep people from taking risky behavior.
I don't htink laws like that are there to protect an idiot from dieing, they're there to protect an idiot from being responsible for an innocent persons death.
Originally posted by Riomacleod
Of course not, that would be just stupid.

Governments have the right to create laws for two reasons:

1) Promote the public good.

These sorts of laws are laws against murder, thievery, and so on. This is also probably the reason why they made the fencing law, so that wandering children don't drown in pools. The US has school zone speed limits so that people don't hit children with cars if they dart out into the street. I don't have a problem with most of the laws created in this category.

2) Regulate and promote trade

These are taxes and tariffs, anti-trust laws and whatnot, laws which generally don't affect most people.

Protecting Who's public exactley?

Governments don't have the right to keep people from taking risky behavior.
Most laws are basically decency laws...
Murder, theivery, etc,. Things that are just plain wrong.
Other laws such as common sense laws...
seatbelt & helmet laws...
are there to keep idiots from killing themselves & others.
Imagine, if all the idiots died, Who would vote for Bush?

As far as the fence law is concerned. It is a law that allows parents to ease the burden of having to raise their own kids.:bugeye:
I mean why should Mom & Dad have to spend all their time watching the children they chose to have. Isn't that the government's job?
I quess the people that know the laws are the best ones to manipulate them.... (lawyers, judges)

Did anyone tee the move 'Tornado"?
Yes, I do feel controlled. This society we have today is based on slavery and created needs, that only money can satisfy. We must destroy it.
"This society we have today is based on slavery and created needs, that only money can satisfy"

Did you think this through or just jump on the bandwagon when the idea was presented to you?

Humans are animals. It is in our nature to provide the most as possible. There is a basic instinct in us to try and gain the most that we can.

Personally, I don't have any problem with that. If someone wants to make a billion dollars and not donate a penny to charity, that's their choice. I am not about to force my ethics on another human being. To me, that is slavery.
I'm not forcing anything upon anyone either, unless you think freedom of speach is abusive.
I did not jump on any bandwagon either, those kind of vehicles do not pass by here anymore, do you see them frequently? :D
We are more than animals, and it is the fear of realizing that , because it leads to having to take responsibility of ones actions, that is the root of this selfish society. Greed and the unwillingness to take responsibility for your own life leads us right into the trap of slavery designed by those who wish to keep the power, and very succesful they are.

"We are more than animals"

How so? If you're going to give me some mumbo jumbo pseudoscience rant about a 'soul' or something please just say 'Tyler, this debate is going to go nowhere because I'm basing my side on an unsubstantiated faith no different from Christianity or Satanism'.

"Greed and the unwillingness to take responsibility for your own life leads us right into the trap of slavery"

I still want to know how I'm a slave. Yes, many humans are greedy. Do you wish to eliminate the right to be greedy? I don't. Just like I wouldn't want to eliminate the right to be selfish.

Unwillingness to take responsibility for my own life? Do explain.

"designed by those who wish to keep the power, and very succesful they are"

Yup, very successful. Are you suggesting we should eliminate their right to be successful?
Yes, we do have a maybe we would better continue this dicussion when you have discovered that for yourself, because there is no way I make you realize it, you must do it yourself. And if you don't want to, then that's your choice, you go on and be happy in your greedy and selfish existance.
I'm not happy with that however, so I will not be subordinate to rules that are not made up for the greater good of all, but for very few.

Alright, good enough. Thus continues my belief that there is no logical reason to deny the right to greed.

You can continue believing in a soul. I will continue with trying to prove things before I believe them.
Do you believe in cause and effect then? I believe you do, so what is the is the cause and effect of greed, for example?
Cause = human nature and instincts. It was highly beneficial to our species (like almost any) to have the individuals (largely the men in the beginning) seek to gain the most possible as in the early days of the species hunting and such were done for survival. If humans didn't have an instinct to seek out goods (food, shelter...) we would have died off pretty early. If society continues as it is and humans are around long enough to significantly evolve perhaps we will loose this eventually.

Effect = Some very rich people and some very poor people. Everyone seems to say it's so wrong to have homeless people. I don't think this way. I know for a fact that the local bum near my school spends a good amount of the money given to him on booze. I also know that one of the guys I work with lived on teh streets for 2 years. Now he has a job, owns a small appartment. I have respect for him. He worked hard and overcame difficulties in his path to reach a perfectly honourable and respectable way of life.