Do you feel safe in your country?

How safe do you feel?

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Registered Senior Member
I am just curious as to how people feel about the places and areas they live in.

State where you are from and tell us how safe you feel about the area you live in.

Me: Southern California, I feel relatively safe because I know which areas are okay and which are not. Crime rate is considered relatively high in the USA but I don't see much of it myself.

It seems to me like its very concentrated in certain areas, and relatively safe in others.

Doesn't mean I don't lock my door though.
Pretty safe here in the US. Like you, I don't live in a super low-crime area, but I'm not a wuss. I don't live in a major metropolitan area where I worry about anyone giving a damn to poison the water supply or something.
If you mean "my country" as in my country of residence, the USA, I feel safe but I still take precautions.

Back in Syria it was so safe you could just leave your door open and the neighbors all knew each other, and the crime rate is very low.
I don't feel safe at all. The government has convinced me that the beardy turban men are coming to get us.
Back in Syria it was so safe you could just leave your door open and the neighbors all knew each other, and the crime rate is very low.
There are still small towns like that here in the US. Did you live in a small town in Syria? Or are you saying it was safe enough to just leave your doors open even in big cities in Syria?
In Los Angeles, California I actually felt pretty safe up until I got shot. I still haven't gotten over that one, obviously not safe. But I live in the ghetto near some projects so safety is not really to be expected. Fortunately for me, I'll be moving to a smaller city just out side the heart of Los Angeles and I feel very safe in that neighborhood. However here at my parents' house. How safe I feel can not even be described in words. It's a large city and you should lock your door no matter what, but I don't fret if I can't remember if it has been locked or not. My parents can leave their cars open with the keys in the ignition all night and no one touches it. They even leave them running sometimes. I'd feel safe sleeping in the front yard scantily clad in this neighborhood. So it's much safer than LA, California.
The first 11 votes indicate that posters to this forum live in the better/safer neighborhoods.
In Los Angeles, California I actually felt pretty safe up until I got shot. I still haven't gotten over that one, obviously not safe. But I live in the ghetto near some projects so safety is not really to be expected. Fortunately for me, I'll be moving to a smaller city just out side the heart of Los Angeles and I feel very safe in that neighborhood. However here at my parents' house. How safe I feel can not even be described in words. It's a large city and you should lock your door no matter what, but I don't fret if I can't remember if it has been locked or not. My parents can leave their cars open with the keys in the ignition all night and no one touches it. They even leave them running sometimes. I'd feel safe sleeping in the front yard scantily clad in this neighborhood. So it's much safer than LA, California.

im like 30 minutes from LA, Simi Valley to be exact, and its pretty safe over here.

The first 11 votes indicate that posters to this forum live in the better/safer neighborhoods.

Indeed, I was expecting that.
I feel safe wherever I go for I don't bother others and can handle myself very well. I avoid areas known for crime. I do not go into bars that only sell liqueur for they always have problems. I live in Key West , Florida, USA:)
I don't lock my house or my car. And I walk around my yard in my jammies at 2 am. My daughter sleeps in a tent in the yard in the summer, as do a lot of kids here. My kids ride their bike's all over town til dark
There are still small towns like that here in the US. Did you live in a small town in Syria? Or are you saying it was safe enough to just leave your doors open even in big cities in Syria?

I lived in the capital and in another large city, Latakia, on the mediterranean.

Safe as could be.
Safe except for the "respectable" folks

I voted for two options because I could. Yes, I lock my door, but I also recall Steven Brust who noted, among his fantasy world of criminals, that locks don't do anything to stop someone determined to get by them, but they are a basic, effective way of saying, "Keep Out".

I generally feel very safe. The biggest threat to me is municipal government. Thankfully, Seattle's incompetent police chief has been elevated to Drug Czar, and he managed to get one right in saying he wants to call off the "Drug War". Aside from that, the state of Washington is my biggest immediate headache in a family matter, but as I have the law on my side, it's a matter of whether I can muster enough funds to actually make the point.

After that, it's a certain range of mundane people who are the next-largest threat. These are the people walking around, packing heat, and looking for things to be afraid of; I have a neighbor, for instance, who's generally a nice guy, except he'll reach for his gun at any imagined provocation—I'm sorry, but, "He's a Mexican, and I'm filing a noise complaint against him," isn't a reason to strap on. Hell, a Seattle punk and I managed to avoid trading blows at a concert last weekend because, in the end, neither of us saw the point so we decided to get the fuck along. There was no point in fighting each other because of some stupid, drunk frat boy whose girlfriend had wisely hauled him out of the conflict zone.
Glad you're playing nice, Tiassa. ;)

I do NOT miss the Seattle punks. I do miss the trolley and looking at them and complaining though.
I can't walk anywhere without chavs harassing me.

Today I had a gang of them yell 'Let's cross the road and go after her!'

What the little shit thought he was gonna do when he crossed the street, I'm not sure. He's smaller than me, and still soft bodied looking. I guess he felt cocky because he was with a group.
This and that

TalkAndJive said:

I do NOT miss the Seattle punks. I do miss the trolley and looking at them and complaining though.

Well, by the time they hit their forties, they mellow out some. That was the funny thing, a frat boy giving a punk shit for being too old to be at a show by a band that played before the frat boy was born.

It's funny, though. This guy worried about me, and my thought was that as much as I hated the idea, if shit went down, I really didn't want to mix up with this one. Not quite a brick hithouse, but close enough. I sure as hell wasn't taking him down.

As to the trolley ... well, hey, we have the Slut now, so ....

Yeah, I know. It's not the same thing. I'm told it's called "progress". And who else but Paul Allen is going to mark progress with a completely useless trolley line?

• • •​

Visceral Instinct said:

What the little shit thought he was gonna do when he crossed the street, I'm not sure. He's smaller than me, and still soft bodied looking. I guess he felt cocky because he was with a group.

Obviously, I don't know if it had anything to do with it, but there is this strange habit among some sectors of the male population that encourages friends to hit on women in a manner that we could, if we chose, view as exploitative of the injustice in a non-traditional regard. That is, you encourage your friends to go forth and crash and burn. For some reason, it is a source of hilarity among many to watch one of their friends get chewed out by some hot chick, so they encourage crude approaches and train-wreck flirtation.

Only took me once, when I was about fourteen, to learn the lesson the hard way.
Well, by the time they hit their forties, they mellow out some. That was the funny thing, a frat boy giving a punk shit for being too old to be at a show by a band that played before the frat boy was born.

And you're under 30, aren't you? Christ. I had high schoolers say I was too old to get something the other day, and I've only been drinking a few years.

As to the trolley ... well, hey, we have the Slut now, so ....

Yeah, I know. It's not the same thing. I'm told it's called "progress". And who else but Paul Allen is going to mark progress with a completely useless trolley line?

LMAO! Oh, God. I wish I'd known you so I could bitch to you in person about this, but YES! THIS! No one touches it, but it's PROGRESS! Oh. Yes.
Spritzers, anyone?

TalkAndJive said:

And you're under 30, aren't you? Christ.

Not quite. 36. The punk was 44, the frat boy maybe 22. The Melvins have been playing twenty-six years, and Green River has been back playing occasional shows over the last year (Sub Pop's 20th, The Melvins' "25th", &c.) while Mudhoney and Pearl Jam are ... um ... doing whatever it is they're doing. The band is 25 this year, as well.

Fun, fun. Everything about that show was older than the frat boy.

I had high schoolers say I was too old to get something the other day, and I've only been drinking a few years.

Well, if it was Mike's Hard, or some other "fruit" flavored malt liquor, I would concur. Those things are for underage drinkers.

LMAO! Oh, God. I wish I'd known you so I could bitch to you in person about this, but YES! THIS! No one touches it, but it's PROGRESS! Oh. Yes.

I'm really not all that interesting. Unless you're stoned. Then I'm charming and funny as hell.

Like the bit about the Slut. It's not just any slut, it's a top-of-the-line Czech Slut, as far as I can tell.

And it stops at traffic lights, for heaven's sake.
Not quite. 36. The punk was 44, the frat boy maybe 22. The Melvins have been playing twenty-six years, and Green River has been back playing occasional shows over the last year (Sub Pop's 20th, The Melvins' "25th", &c.) while Mudhoney and Pearl Jam are ... um ... doing whatever it is they're doing. The band is 25 this year, as well.

Rock on. I love the Melvins. I also had no clue you were 36. You look young and you just seem so damn hopeful.

Fun, fun. Everything about that show was older than the frat boy.

That is delightful. I love asshole kids.
Well, if it was Mike's Hard, or some other "fruit" flavored malt liquor, I would concur. Those things are for underage drinkers.

In college, I think I was 17 and was drinking Zima Orange. Know what? I can't look at a Zima Orange now, which is fortunate, because they're so out of style.

I'm really not all that interesting. Unless you're stoned. Then I'm charming and funny as hell.

Guilty as charged! You ARE more delightful. That's okay. Me too.

Like the bit about the Slut. It's not just any slut, it's a top-of-the-line Czech Slut, as far as I can tell.

I've always sworn by Czech sluts. They know how to obey traffic laws.

And it stops at traffic lights, for heaven's sake.

See above.