Do you carry a weapon for self-defence?

It's a habit that started in high school, where I did have to pull it a few times.

Goes to show what kind of society you have when you have to take a weapon to -school- for protection.

Sorry i forgot my soap box :)
I don't carry a gun, though I have known those who do. I have a gun, 12 guage, that I keep at home. Never fired it other than at target practice. Don't plan too, but you never know. If some idiot thinks he can break in and steal what may be there. then he is indeed in for a shock. As far as I am concerned when he "broke in" he demonstrated the capability for violence. I am not out looking for that, or asking for that. Should it come I will protect myself, no maybe's, no if's. Any honest person can knock and they will be met but someone who breaks and enters does not have any sympathy coming to them. Not from me. I do not look to see what I can steal from my neighbor nor do I expect it from them. But I am not a drug habit users meal ticket either. (Or whatever their problems might be) Theivery gets my dander up and that's the way the story is...
Originally posted by Benji

Goes to show what kind of society you have when you have to take a weapon to -school- for protection.

Sorry i forgot my soap box :)

But is yours any better when someone who is soley defending themselves against violence is actually put in jail for doing so?

Now where did that box go...
Self defense

I usually carry a high-yield thermo-nuclear bomb in an inconspicous leather briefcase. But if I am in a good neighborhood, I will usually just strap a Claymore mine to my chest attached to a dead-man trigger which I keep in my hand. It really is hell getting by those metal detectors though.
RE:weapons at school

We had a lot of good looking girls at my school and there was only one weapon i carried to school/LOL.:eek:

We had a lot of good looking girls at my school and there was only one weapon i carried to school/LOL.

I know what you mean. But take my advice, be careful. Once you hit 30 they start calling the cops.