Do you carry a weapon for self-defence?


Wanderer of the Wastes
Registered Senior Member
I was just wondering if anyone here on the forums carries a weapon on their person for self defence like a gun,knife,large stick..

I myself carry a set of 2 throwing knives for self-protection..theyre the kind with no handle theyre just a peice of flat metal that has been shaped and sharpend (20dollars at a knife store) I carry them in a sheath at my belt. im pretty good with them 10ft=a 4 inch area I can hit with them...
I don't carry any weapons for protection because the Police are subsidized to uphold the peace. There should be no need for weaponry for personal protection, and if it's deemed necessary then there is definitely some political failings occuring to keep the police motivated in the right directions.

I can understand sometimes the feeling that you need to protect yourself, but from who? how many times have you actually found yourself attacked? when your attacked how many times have you drawn a weapon?

It might even pay to look at how many injuries occur because of weapons people intend to defend themselves with.
Take for instance kids shooting each other over someone bullying them just because people don't use Lockible Gun Cabinets. (Safes for guns)

How many people have died at the hands of their own weapon when it has been taken from them in a struggle and used against themselves?

weapons don't solve crimes or disagreements. If you find your neighbourhood is suffering from crime, then your neighbour committee should train and/or hire their own security guards to patrol the neighbourhood (But make sure you've sent someone to talk to your local police about this before hand)
This would allow the police to channel their resources into more worthwhile problems, and allow a community to have some friendly faces for assistance.

In the UK,you are not allowed to protect yourself,one man was just sent to prison for shooting two burglars in the legs,one died mind you from blood loss.
There was a case in the news paper some years ago,where a karate expert was attacked by 3 or 4 muggers,he told them he was a karate expert & they said yes we all say that,he had 4 witnesses that heard him tell them.
He broke some arm's & got 3 months in prison for it.
How would you feel about that??
re; weapons

I do not carry weapons but have been trained in martial art and i do no how to use them, i had a friend who used martial art to protect himself,and he got three months in prison,he only bust the guys nose and knocked two teeth out, but in britain you are not allowed to carry weapons,some people do but that is them, you can protect yourself from a knife or a stick, but no matter what kind of training you have you can not defend from a gun, the greatest weapon is the mind,and a trained mind showes in the reaction of the body.
I know it may sound stupid to you guys but if youve ever walked out your front door in like pitch-black darkness and there is a moose there... beleive me they can get pissed and crush cars and stomp you to death in like a minute. anyways no offense stryder but the cops arent always around its not like some idiot pops up with a gun or knife meaning to do you harm you cant just press a button and theyre at the scene.. I live in a good neighbor hood, but still ppl from other neighborhoods still walk through here. its not like were going to build a fence around our area to keep the baddys out and have cops patrolling the border.

I know what your saying, the reason why I put forward the idea was to try and limit the need of civillians carrying weapons , There should be no need. Afterall, all it would take is one civillian paranoid about who's following him because he's been sneakily smoking the neighbours catnip and the next thing you know he's firing shots at you because your dogs stopped at a fire hydrant.

That's why weapons aren't a good idea. I mentioned hiring your own neighbourhood security force because it's worked elsewhere and as I said it unties the police, and possibly puts witnesses on the streets.

Otherwise I can imagine a society of people hiding behind boarded windows taking pot shots at people with a rifle when they get too close to their lawn.
Acerbus ...

I have carried, off and on, at times for self-defense, for forty-six years.

Take care.
thanks chagur... stryder the civilians are allowed to carry weapons because of one: self-protection and two: if the government tries to become tyranical we can overthrow them if need be.
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
I can understand sometimes the feeling that you need to protect yourself, but from who? how many times have you actually found yourself attacked? when your attacked how many times have you drawn a weapon?


Three times I have drawn a handgun for self-defense.

Once when driving home from school I accidently cut off a couple of guys in a lowrider. They were upset and pulled up next to me and started yelling obscenities. I tried to ignore them but after a minute I looked over at them. The passenger then leaned down and grabbed a shotgun from his side and had it pointed towards the ceiling of his car. I drew my 45 caliber handgun and pointed it at his face. Needless to say, it was not what he expected. I wish I could have taken a picture of his face, his eyes got so huge I thought his head was going to explode. He turned to the driver and yelled something and the car suddenly slammed on its breaks and I continued down the road. I didn't have to worry about them anymore because the playing field had been leveled.

The other two times I have drawn a gun in self defense were both when I was working my way through school as a bouncer in a local bar. On one occassion I had someone attempt to attack myself and several other bouncers with a car jack. The gun stopped him without me even having to fire. The other occasion was when 4 gentlement who had been thrown out of the club earlier in the night decided they were going to follow me home and do me some damage. I managed to get far enough ahead of them, get out of my car with my weapon drawn and pointed at them and convince them that dying was not a really good thing to do that evening.

Thank God that in all three of these cases I only had to draw a weapon and never had to use it. But in all three of these cases, if I had not had a gun, I may have been injured or killed.
Acerbus ...

Just to set the record straight:

Self protection: Occassionally.

Line of duty: Mostly.

Fear of tyranny: Never.

As a matter of fact, I personally feel that anyone carrying for
that last purpose is a bit of a nut case and should not be
permitted to carry concealed for any reason.

Unfortunately all the emphasis is on either the improper or
illegal use of a weapon, never the deterence aspect which
you pointed out.

Take care.
Re: Acerbus ...

Originally posted by Chagur
Just to set the record straight:

Self protection: Occassionally.

Line of duty: Mostly.

Fear of tyranny: Never.

As a matter of fact, I personally feel that anyone carrying for
that last purpose is a bit of a nut case and should not be
permitted to carry concealed for any reason.

Unfortunately all the emphasis is on either the improper or
illegal use of a weapon, never the deterence aspect which
you pointed out.

Take care.


I totally agree. Anyone who believes the ownership of a weapon in the US will somehow prevent the government of the US from doing what it wants to is either seriously deluded or hopelessly naive. One need only look at cases like Waco to understand that.

The best weapon to avoid tyranny is to get out an vote for the candidate/platform you believe will change things the way you want them changed.

As to the deterence aspect, I once read an article that stated one European country, I believe it might have been Switzerland, required every male of voting age to be a member of its standing militia and that they were required to own a fully automatic weapon, in working shape, as part of the militia. It doesn't seem much of a coincidence that this country also had the lowest crime rate in the world at the time. I mean really, who is going to break into a home where you absolutely known there is at least one fully automatic weapon in working condition that may be used against you?
I find the whole idea of carrying a gun in a suburban area for self defense complete and utter bollox.
Let me explain why, lets think about WHY you would need a gun in a town or city, who are you going to shoot?
Now if for instance you carrying that gun in a hope of protecting yourself from say car jackers, when they pull up and 2 big blokes put guns to your head are you going to draw your weapon?
If you do, your probably dead.
Now lets say your carrying it for defense from muggers, the muggers will know there's a chance your armed so they will be armed as well, now when a gang of muggers with guns comes up to you are you going to draw your weapon?
If you do, your probably dead.
Right finally your carrying a gun to protect you from your own government, when a group of police come to arrest you and they all have their weapons drawn and aimed at your head are you going to draw your weapon?
If you do, your probably dead.
look... i started this thread to find out if anyone did carry a weapon and if so what type. i did not start this thread for a debate about weapons. no offense everyone.
Sorry, Acerbus ...

I realized where you were coming from from you initial post.

Unfortunately some people can't help getting on a soapbox
as soon as weapons are mentioned and regardless of the
information sought. I've had to put up with it for years.

Take care.


I carry a butterfly that I've practiced with enough that I can use either hand to open. To me , it's a very graceful weapon and it can be opened almost as fast as a switchblade (of wich I have a few). It's a habit that started in high school, where I did have to pull it a few times.


I'm not offended, I just mentioned my points because that is how I am. I try to look at things for "Discussion" and for the fact it's a "Forum" where things are discussed.

I don't want to be classed as a Soapbox speaker, I just thought I would add a few things that would make up a decent thread.
(Chagur, hope you don't feel you "have to put up with" me :D)

Well, in my opinion, hand guns are for killing other people. Assault rifles are for assaulting. Shot guns are for Bird hunting which is a American tradition those of us who are older than dirt have done since

Guns are not bad, rocks are not bad!

It the person directing its outcome that is the responsible party.

If you throw a rock to watch it skip across the water its not a bad thing, pointless, but not bad.

If you throw the rock with willful intent and hit someone in the head with it, that is much different?

The Gun would be the same!

/me gets on my soap box

You don't need guns you need therapy.

/me gets off my soap box.