Do You Believe There is Intelligent Life Beyond Earth?

heh i dont even want to get started on MARs~!

sometimes i think theres other lifeforms here within our own solar system.
some moons, such as phobos and europa show signs of water, or ice- and also show some signs of being able to harbor life, or was once able to at least... or maybe even will harbor life in the future..
but it seems probable that we are the advancing life form in this solar system. and it seems probable that there can be many other lifeforms in other planets across the cosmos, some more advanced than us and some less - its almost like common sense.
i agree, but also people say we wont ever make contact, and it may take a million years before we do make contact but you cant say we wont ever make contact, just because it wont happen in our lifetimes.
i think we are getting closer to it.
the thing that boils me is the fact that if infact the governments didnt try to hide or cover up UFO crashes and the recovery of ET vehicles, or any knowledge they have on Extra Terrestial/Space/Aliens etc... we could ALL be using the advanced technology, scientists everywhere could be formulating new plans for better spaceships and engineers could be utilizing the energy effecient devices for everyday uses, such as powering homes and businesses, cars, and much more...
we could be making our way into space, if they would stop hiding all the goodies.

and for you skeptics who are going to say its nonsense (about UFOs and recoveries etc.) i will gladly state that scientist Tesla discovered this ZPE energy device theory before roswell and before any of this UFO/Alien 'rubbish' even started. But for some reason his documents and plans and diagrams with schematics have been classified and cannot be viewed. howcome? i know why but i dont want to toss too many conspiracy theories in one post or itll make it seem even less believable... :(
i will gladly state that scientist Tesla discovered this ZPE energy device theory before roswell and before any of this UFO/Alien 'rubbish' even started. But for some reason his documents and plans and diagrams with schematics have been classified and cannot be viewed.

Do you have any evidence of that at all?
Do You Believe There is Intelligent Life Beyond Earth?

YES. But they may be too far out to communicate. I think, intelligent life has a set span of years after which either ice age cometh or other natural/lifeform created events reduces them to ground zero. Even if they or we maintain our society for 10,000 or 100,000 years, we may not be able to develop technology that can propel us at 10 times the speed of light (relatively speaking) to search for other compadres.

There is another issue. If we take our own civilization, when you think we are ready to travel through the galaxy in say 10,000 years, we may not be in present human form. So, we should be looking for a similar form and not look for humans at the other end.

Does anyone think, we can sustain our society for the next 10,000 years. Can someone figure out what would be the population size on the planet?

Bottom Line: there are definitely intelligent life out there. But connecting them within our life time is highly improbable. The probability improves as time goes by say another 100 years, we may find another race of creatures but then 5000 years pass and no one else.
If we assume the "Earth is flat" light speed barrier is unpassable, it does not necessarily implicate that alien life cannot reach us. If they are within our vicinity, out to 100 light years, they could reach us quite easily with a multi-generation ship.
Everyone is still thinking of OUR limitations, as humans we havnt the technology to go out and find other cultures at the moment as we cant break the speed of light(at least thats the main thing holding us back) we are still forgetting that another culture may have developed something that can go faster than light, first contact may not happen on their planet, it may happen on ours, we need not develope technology for that, it can already happen any day now.
Kmguru, perhaps you are right, they have nothing better, wrt you, to do. Most of our species stimulate their minds with activity, self-gratification or entertainment, because we are of primitive and ignorant mentality, and could care less for the mysteries of the universe, or the purpose of existence. Heck, we just have to say "I am the centre of the universe" and it's all over and it's leaves all the time in life to graze the fields of this world like sheep.

They(aliens), however, may stimulate their minds, by researching and exploring and trying to unravel the secrets of the universe and their existence :)

Assume for a moment that on earth, there are plants who are highly evolved and intelligent. But plants do not physically move. So are stuck in one place. If I would have been an intelligent plant, I would develop sometype of manipulation of energy to understand the world around me. Having done so, I could understand the existence of humans and animals on the planets. But I could be too alien in the communication technology to directly talk to the humans.

Same could apply to other lifeforms elsewhere including living planets....
That is the classic Yogi approach. Understand the universe from the mind. It's a bit like religion really; there are many paths that lead to God. One path, is sit at home and meditate :D, the other path is to go out there. Perhaps this alien race has chosen the other path :D Another alien race may have chosen another path...
Hey! what can I say...have been teaching yoga/meditation and creativity for over 30 years....:D