Do You Believe There is Intelligent Life Beyond Earth?

Isaac Newton

Registered Senior Member
Drake's Equation is used to show that chances are that intelligent life evolved in other parts of the universe.

Then I consider the possibility of Superstring Theory: alternative universes/dimensions where we would be completely oblivious to any intelligent life there.

And consider our limited intelligence: we may not have the cognitive abilities to see what is really out there, similar to how lower animals cannot know what humans know.

Reputable news sources, such as the History Channel, document many UFOs which to date have not been identified.

Stories about actual contact with ETs.

Paranormality/UFO/ET sources:


In answer to the title question, I say yes. There is no possible way in which there is not intelligent life beyond Earth. consider the concept of infinity. Infinity, is, well, goes on forever, therefore, everything must exist somehwere because in infinty everything and everything is there. a little confusing, but QED (quod erat demonstrandum).
I think there is a high probability that there is other intelligent life out there.

I think the probability that an extraterrestrial has visited Earth during humans time on the planet is vanishingly small.
But daydream believer...
First, you would have to accept that space is infinite.
Second, "no possible way"? Simply because space is (if it is) infinite? How do you come to that conclusion?
I think I've made myself very clear on this question.

But I'll add; I think you have to be extremely arrogant, ignorant, and frankly just plain stupid to think that planet Earth is the only rock with intelligent life.
i don't think its fair to say that aliens haven't visited earth on the basis that the universe is too large for them to have happend by earth in our relatively short existence here. Consider this, if aliens had the technology to travel across huge distances of space, i don't think it would be hard for them to figure out what places are most likely to have intelligent life. Furthermore, i believe it is perfectly reasonable for them to simply observe with no intention or desire to interfer with us other than as a physical specimen. This would mean that a ufo sightings and abductions is very possible despite the fact that many ufo's are hoaxs or explainable.
there is defenitely intelligent life beyond earth.
and while some dont like to believe it, I believe intelligent life has visited us in the far past, near past, and the present. *note i said intelligent life, which doesnt limit it to 'aliens'* MrHero has a good point. there are signs everywhere that point to it. but anyways...

on the parrallel universe and superstring note- that is another world, but it is still our own. meaning it is the same universe only different choices were made, causing different paths to be taken, and so on~ where is this place though? is it another galaxy or a completely other universe, or is it embedded within OUR universe, only hidden within the dimensions we cant see? (time etc)

to add my own spice, i believe that its part of the holographic theory - this can help us understand parrallel universes better. or maybe take a look at some fractals if you dont want to cram your head with scientific mumbojumbo on the hologram theory- you can see that theres worlds within worlds within worlds, they are all connected.

theres intelligent life in the VOIDs of space too, i bet this is where the creators of the galaxies roam.
you have to consider them as intelligent life also.
heck i would consider our stars and planets in all galaxies INTELLIGENT also.
they form perfect balances and alignments with each other (almost perfect) and create the oppourtinity for life. they are life-givers. and only life can give life.

kind of went off into my mind... but yea- definetely other intelligent life out there. some of them are trying to help us too but we dont listen.
There's over one billion trillion quadrillion stars out there and some of them have planets in a solar system like ours circling them. I'd say the chances are rather good that intelligent life is somewhere out there. The only problem is where. It could be billions of light years from here or right around the galaxy in our own back yard. Seeing as how it takes a great deal of time to get about the universe and it's difficult to know where life exists I'd think it would be very hard to find intelligent life forms. I mean looking and listening to all that's out there is difficult for anyone to do.
I am inclined to the possibility of there being immense intelligent and simple life in this vast and infinite universe. I am also inclined to the possibility of ETI having the ability for interstellar travel. On the pretexts, that this universe is vast, the probability of life is less than the sum of the probabilities for life, and life does not need fixed conditions, and the strange nature of the universe.

However, I am making no claims, as some of the detractors of ETI here are. That is; they don't exist; or its highly unlikely for them to exist; they cannot reach us. These are blank bullets.
cosmictraveler said:
Seeing as how it takes a great deal of time to get about the Universe.


It takes US a great deal of time to visit other galaxies. You cannot make that assumption on another race that may be 100,000 years more advanced than us.
im not one for quoting movies but if we are the only intelligent life in the universe, its an awful waste of space. The problem is that most people dont want anything else to be out there, incase it wants to kill us, which is fair enough, though its incredably niave to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe. Also people use our technology and science as a guide to what aliens can/cant achieve ie breaking lightspeed, which we say isnt possable because we havnt found out otherwise yet(may i remind people about the world being flat and the solar system revolving round the earth about 400 years ago???) Also how do you know all lifeforms that exist must be carbon based? and live on a planet like ours? just some things to think bout there :)
There must be other life It just depends if we will ever make contact. Another question can the univers really end i mean is there a wall but then on the other side can it really go on forever?
Do You Believe There is Intelligent Life Beyond Earth?
VRob said:
You cannot make that assumption on another race that may be 100,000 years more advanced than us.
Then why can you make the assumption that there is another race, or that there is another race that may be 100,000 years ahead of us?

:m: Peace.
I did not make any assumptions here Goofyfish. I was mearly using 100,000 years as an example.

I'm done discussing things with you. Either you are just looking to pick a fight, or you are incredibly stupid. I haven't yet figure out which it is. But, you are no longer worth my time or effort. Everything I post you either misinterpret its meaning, or you attempt to take even the most obvious generalizations, as if I'm leaping to conclusions. I then spend the next dozen posts dumbing down my comments in an attempt to educate you on my meaning. It kind of reminds me of how I had to talk to my EX.
Instead of feeling as if you have to "dumb down" your statements, your efforts would be better spent in trying to convey your meaning more precisely the first time. That way, the rest of us would not be forced to try and interpret your meaning. And if this conversation is typical of what your Ex had to endure, they certainly had the patience of an oyster. Or perhaps we understand why the relationship came to an end.

:m: Peace.
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spidergoat said:
I'm extremely doubtful that there is intelligent life on earth.

Speak for yourself for I know many animals that are very intelligent for they have been on Earth for millions of years. The alligator, cockroaches and termites are but a few of those species.