Do you believe in revenge?


Registered Member
Considering that one of the main religions teach forgiveness, is this what people want?

Is this notion attractive?

Imagine, in a supposed next life, that you can get even with all people who have done harm to you, known and unknown. Would it be fun?

Is this notion attractive?

Do you believe in revenge or do you believe in the teachings of the "son of God"?

Do you rather believe in the son then fun?
There is no justice but what we make. Either we let people get away with things like those NAZI death-camps, or we kick their arses. I say kick arse.

It solves nothing, and exists only to perpetuate itself. Revenge accomplishes nothing, save perhaps making us feel good at the expense of someone else's pain... and what does that say about us?

:m: Peace.
Revenge = justice.

If someone hits you, hit them harder. If someone breaks your arm, break their arm worse. If someone pulls a weapon on you, put them in hospital.

Why? If someone hits you, you have no way of knowing if they will do it again. They may keep hitting you until you're dead. Accepting that death is fine IF the lives of others do not depend on you, and IF you don't particularly wish to remain alive. However, if you wish to live, or if you wish to maintain the safety of others, you must prevent that death. Now, returning equal force does not secure the preferred result. Only superior force does that. A threat must be neutralised as soon as possible, as completely as possible. Anything less is inviting another attack, which may be fatal. So hit harder, hurt them worse. Make an example of them, so others will know better than to hit you. Sooner or later, the person you hit, or others, will get the message that hitting you is a bad idea.

As a means of punishment for wrongs? Rape victims and the families of murder victims should have the option of performing serious harm on the culprit. And it should be publicised. Some people have no self-control. Maybe fear will keep them in line. The state should only ever have the power to imprison; but the victims of permanently damaging crimes should have the option of causing harm.
Revenge is not justice. I know that I have an instinct to exact revenge, but I also have a mind that acknowledges that a desire for revenge may well blind me to a myriad of factors. I like to think I can refrain from inflicting midievil and irreparable punishment, because that would put would put me on the same level as the perpetrator of such a crime - my motive would be revenge, not justice and future prevention.

If we don't separate revenge from justice then we have no rational or safe system for anyone.

:m: Peace.
I dont personally believe that revenge is something that anyone should do, it usually results in more revenge continuing the cycle.
<img src=""/img>
as to the caption down the bottom, i would say its mildly humourous opposed to "very funny". :D lol.
Consider it like a flow-chart or a finite state machine:

  • The first possibility:
    Possibility 1:
    1) Person A hits B
    2) Repeat step 1 until B is dead.

    In this case the initiator of violence can do whatever the hell he wants. In this situation, Hitler would rule the world.
  • Or you can have:

    Possibility 2:
    1) Person A hits B.
    2) B hits A.
    3) A hits B.
    4) ...

    In this scenario, equal force on equal force, conflict simply continues ad infinitum. The only thing that ends it is wear and tear, eventual degradation of one or both sides. Long-term destruction, bad for everyone and everything.
  • Then maybe you can have:

    Possibility 3:
    1) Person A hits B.
    2) B beats the hell out of A, until A can't hit B any more.

    The conflict ends. Hitler doesn't rule the world. And the example is set that those who initiate violence will pay the price.

Now, until you have some way to make sure A never hits B, never initiates violence, you will be left with these options.

Which do you prefer?
adam aka rambo

If someone hits you, hit them harder. If someone breaks your arm, break their arm worse. If someone pulls a weapon on you, put them in hospital.

and if it is a 5', 100 pound girl?
evaluate situations on a case by case basis! civilian life aint no battlefield'
Originally posted by spookz

and if it is a 5', 100 pound girl?
evaluate situations on a case by case basis! civilian life aint no battlefield'

Rules regarding violence:
1) I win.
2) No women, no children. ;)
revenge is a..........

sounds nice but it is nuts to maintain grudges for that long.
if i dont fuck em up at that moment, i never will.
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Originally posted by Adam
Rules regarding violence:
1) I win.
2) No women, no children. ;)

these rules you have are why i think you have no idea what you are talking about. what about 13 year old gangbanging girls?? carrying knives? guns?
I agree with Adam. There's no justice in this world and there's no other world. If it pleases you to take revenge, do so, for the person who harmed you has forfitted their expectation for me to treat them well.

If your instincts tell you to go for revenge, do so, because the person who has harmed you has no more "right" to safety, since they took that away from you.

If someone takes away my freedom for their pleasure, why shouldn't I do this to them, ten times worse?

No reason. The Jews had it right before the Nazarene:

"Exodus 21:23:
And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."

Considering that one of the main religions teach forgiveness, is this what people want?

Christianity is a religion for slaves. I am not a slave.

Imagine, in a supposed next life, that you can get even with all people who have done harm to you, known and unknown. Would it be fun?

Dunno. I have problems with the systematic infliction of pain. I don't think I could, but I've never been placed in a situation where I would take revenge on a person who has wronged me.

and if it is a 5', 100 pound girl?
evaluate situations on a case by case basis! civilian life aint no battlefield'

Being female does not make me less than human, and I don't think it does any other woman.


As a means of punishment for wrongs? Rape victims and the families of murder victims should have the option of performing serious harm on the culprit. And it should be publicised. Some people have no self- control. Maybe fear will keep them in line. The state should only ever have the power to imprison; but the victims of permanently damaging crimes should have the option of causing harm.

This is very true. Morality is a fiction. If a rapist has decided to exert power this way, why should his victim not take that control back through torturing him? He certainly has no right to play innocent victim.
Originally posted by spookz
these rules you have are why i think you have no idea what you are talking about. what about 13 year old gangbanging girls?? carrying knives? guns?

I really can't see myself having any problems with a thirteen year old girl playing gangsters. Perhaps we simply live in different societies. 1) That doesn't happen here, or at least I have never seen anything like it. 2) It would be an incredibly lucky and skilled thirteen year old who could do anything bad to me while I'm awake, whether she's armed or not.

"morality is a fiction"

i'm curious
does that mean you have none?

Being female does not make me less than human, and I don't think it does any other woman.

what did i say to prompt that? it seemed to me that i was investing more humanity on the 5' girl solely on her feminity
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
as to the caption down the bottom, i would say
its mildly humourous opposed to "very funny".
I disagree on it being a caption. It's there so that people know where the picture
came from. In this case You know, like the pictures you posted
in the Favorite Brand Of Cigarettes thread. :D
Revenge is good..and bad. but good. but bad. ARGH!!!


or forgiveness?

Some days, I feel the need for vengeance. Other days, I live and let live.

I agree with Adam, but then the problem would just compound itself. And we cannot all be pacifists, we need to beat someone's face in when words cannot express our rage.

But we can't all turn into violence-thirsty monsters! We still need peace.

Meh, don't ask me. I am on the fence on this issue. :) :m: