Do you believe in karma?

I just think it's is an unnecessary concept. I think it only serves as an entertaining diversion of thought.
karma is a balance of life, it is required in all biological systems, just as spiritual. It is common knowledge that evil destroys and good creates. One who does evil, ultimately in the end will destroy a part of a world and the trail will lead to that person. One who creates good, creates and sustains the world, the trail of such actions lead back to this person.
Yes, but it's nothing supernatural. If you spend your lifetime helping others and cultivating altruistic behavior, in your immediate surroundings you will see more altruism.
Yes, but it's nothing supernatural. If you spend your lifetime helping others and cultivating altruistic behavior, in your immediate surroundings you will see more altruism.

It's not supernatural as long as you don't believe in karma with reincarnation which many Hindus do.
I have a question on this...just want your opinions.

How do u process ppl who continuously hurt others with no remorse...who continuously land on their feet? I don't wish ill will on such ppl, but I find it hard to process. I have a good friend who tells me...the fact that they continue to hurt others (lie, cheat, etc) sort of shows that they live in misery for if they were content, they wouldn't behave like that.

I guess. Sometimes I feel sorry for ppl who go through life like this but then I think about all the ppl they have hurt and it upsets me.

When u see the injustices of the world, how do you personally process this? :(
Thats because its not karma, but its all about energy. We are all born with a certain amount of energy, what we do with it is upto us.

The ptb believe in balancing there good deads with there bad. You never see them fighting no wars do you?
Is the the English translation of Karma-, simply "life
and then Dharma- perhaps ones family and occupational stasis'
First of all, the world and this life is a test of ourselves. It is not about justice, it is about our power of will and the inner beauty or inner dissolution within us. Those people who have easy lives with nothing happening, they learn nothing of this world. The people who went through a lot and cannot cope with the stress and do not trust in others, they carry on the hate within them and are unable to escape a circle of hurting themselves and others. If you ask how to process such people? It is up to you...would you devote your time and energy to change their lives and make them feel how beautiful this life is or do you just discuss their evil nature and do nothing meanwhile about it?

I have a question on this...just want your opinions.

How do u process ppl who continuously hurt others with no remorse...who continuously land on their feet? I don't wish ill will on such ppl, but I find it hard to process. I have a good friend who tells me...the fact that they continue to hurt others (lie, cheat, etc) sort of shows that they live in misery for if they were content, they wouldn't behave like that.

I guess. Sometimes I feel sorry for ppl who go through life like this but then I think about all the ppl they have hurt and it upsets me.

When u see the injustices of the world, how do you personally process this? :(
Thats because its not karma, but its all about energy. We are all born with a certain amount of energy, what we do with it is upto us.

The ptb believe in balancing there good deads with there bad. You never see them fighting no wars do you?

I am quite surprised of how many people in these forums believe in supernatural ****. I thought there would be some science in here.
What do you mean born with "amount of energy"? The flow of the blood in your veins is itself kinetic energy. Anything that is in movement has energy. So what do you mean? Some abstract energy bubble like a soul?

wegs said:
How do u process ppl who continuously hurt others with no remorse...who continuously land on their feet? I don't wish ill will on such ppl, but I find it hard to process. I have a good friend who tells me...the fact that they continue to hurt others (lie, cheat, etc) sort of shows that they live in misery for if they were content, they wouldn't behave like that.

I guess. Sometimes I feel sorry for ppl who go through life like this but then I think about all the ppl they have hurt and it upsets me.
It's not so sure they live in misery. That's just a thing someone says to himself to feel better. Some people simply have no remorse(psycho criminals) because they don't feel guilt for what they do.

There are always random victims in life. Recently I read about baby seals being raped to death by otters. So the only thing you can do is to use stereotypes and keep distant from these humans/animals/situations that seem unfair. It's a basic instinct we have that we often try to bypass with our brain.

wegs said:
When u see the injustices of the world, how do you personally process this?
Just accept it. If there is something I can do to help and I see it is worth doing, then I just do it.
I do, and its ostensibly a part of my religion.
Thing of it is, a lot of Westerners get the idea of karma completely wrong. It's not a magical "things happen to you in proportion to your deeds' morality" thing. It's a descriptor of the sum total of cause and effect relationships between individuals, actions, and their environment.
I have a similar feeling about, it's nothing supernatural. Everything you do in your life and how you do it radiates through it. If your a thief, that mindset that you have it'll likely stay with you until you learn from it. You might never get caught but the mindset associated with being a thief will only lead to some other evil. At least that's what I hoping because some ahole stole my IPOD recently.:mad:
Entertaining the word Karma was cute for me for a while. Then I came across a book celebrating the word Gestalt, a book on Gestalt therapy... I decided that Gestalt was more supportive than the struggle of good and so called bad.. Now something good :)