Do you believe in karma?

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Lot's of non-hindus claim to. Why do you, or don't you, believe it? That good things come back to you and bad things come back to you.
I wish I could say no, given my atheism, but I can't shake the feeling that when I do something bad, I'm going to pay for it in the end.

Of course, intellectually I know there's no such thing. This is purely a gut feeling.
And here I thought I was the only one. I too have this sort of instinctive expectation of good luck from doing good for others and bad luck from doing bad. Could be some primitive form of magical thinking we inherited from our ancestors. Or a confirmation bias that only remembers the expected correlations and never notices the unexpected ones.
The way I've looked at karma is that it has given a faith aspect to the basic monkey see, monkey do effect in society.

I can relate to what Balerion said. A lot of it stems from my so much wanting something more to existence than just what appears. I was raised in a religious household, which is a big reason why I want it so much.

There is an energy, that nature exists on that most humans have no knowledge of.

I do not believe in karma, and i think the ptb just made it up to keep you off track.

There is no karma, but there is an energy, people call it orgone, and other names. This is the most important energy in your life, but most of you do not feel it.

Nature exists on this, and empathy(something most humans do not know), is something nature and all of nature exists on.

I do not do anything bad, but that has nout to do with karma that does not exist. Its becuase when you goto the light you know, and when you goto the dark you know. I choose the light.
No. My experience and observations are that the good suffer most while the wicked prosper most often. Also, I was nurtured in the Christian faith and find it more honorable and fulfilling than either buddhism or shintoism or confucianism.
I wish I could say no, given my atheism, but I can't shake the feeling that when I do something bad, I'm going to pay for it in the end.

Of course, intellectually I know there's no such thing. This is purely a gut feeling.

And of course its there! As a social species, we would be fucked if we didnt think that evil is always punished and we should not harm each other.
Sometimes what we do wrong to others doesn't affect us directly but sometimes hits us in those who we love, like our family. While I do not believe in Karma because I've seen to many wrong doers get away with murder and never get caught so to say and they have a "don't care" attitude about who they hurt because they believe they won't get caught.
You can transfer emotions from one person to another. Its pretty easy. We all match the energy level of those around us or the person in control. Basically the person with the most extreme set of emotional boundaries is always the target of anyone else's objectivity.

So to combat murders you use happy confusion "questions which hide your true intent", objective compassion "feeling sorry for what experience made them murders", and motherly/fatherly anger disguised as compassion "the fear which resides in any person". And you create the right balance of emotions in a sequence even a psychopath can't ignore. Fear is only an extreme form of compassion. All other emotions rest between these two and have their own extremes. But for compassion to be disguised as anger, a personal similar experience close to the one the murderer underwent has to be revealed. And the outcome of that experience has to be "true joy". An envy to all...
You can transfer emotions from one person to another. Its pretty easy. We all match the energy level of those around us or the person in control. Basically the person with the most extreme set of emotional boundaries is always the target of anyone else's objectivity.

So to combat murders you use happy confusion "questions which hide your true intent", objective compassion "feeling sorry for what experience made them murders", and motherly/fatherly anger disguised as compassion "the fear which resides in any person". And you create the right balance of emotions in a sequence even a psychopath can't ignore. Fear is only an extreme form of compassion. All other emotions rest between these two and have their own extremes. But for compassion to be disguised as anger, a personal similar experience close to the one the murderer underwent has to be revealed. And the outcome of that experience has to be "true joy". An envy to all...

Do you have bodies in your basement?
I'm not exactly sure, because if there really have karma ... then I think the world does not need a law to maintain peace
yes i do because it is just the matter of time that a person observes the certain things and if those things are named karma then i believe in it..
there is no such thing obviously, when the world so everything is ruled by evil life

who got it all, the most vicious criminals in powers

who are suffering, the most right individuals

the idea of karma is only a wrong generalisation of positive truth sense

so how existence is true means that all keep evolving so who enjoy playing the idea of betterment or positive incomes would b inn existence success and who means negative ends would see itself kicked out of positive life

this is completely a lie, speculations about absolute superiority for inferior wills n means to control others through

Not a fan of wikipedia, but think in a nutshell, it gives a good overall definition.

If we talk about karma in terms of 'cause and effect...' (we reap what we sow) then yes, I believe in it. I believe somewhere along the way, humankind has stretched this to mean something that sort of randomly a punishment for misdeeds. 'Don't talk bad about so and so, because bad karma will come on you.' No, if you keep talking bad about so and will NATURALLY reap what you've sown. People will not trust you, if they perceive you as a gossip, for example...over time.

That's more how I view the concept of karma.
Karma is a cool concept and just because I don't believe in it any more than I believe in luck, doesn't mean I won't work it for bad people. If I can make them worry about it even just a little bit, then I'm happy and feel good for awhile. :D
And here I thought I was the only one. I too have this sort of instinctive expectation of good luck from doing good for others and bad luck from doing bad. Could be some primitive form of magical thinking we inherited from our ancestors. Or a confirmation bias that only remembers the expected correlations and never notices the unexpected ones.

I think that can be explained scientifically. Not a long time ago I read in a biological psychology book that if a person does a favour to someone else, an other person will do the same to another person. This is similar to the movie Pay It Forward which is based on the same principle.

What is good luck? Getting what you want without an effort? If that is the case, then doing favours to others will increase the probability that you get favours back.

As about bad luck, that is merely the absence of getting any favours back. If you are an egoistic person not caring about others, you will probably get the same response back.

All of this of course takes humans' relations into account. If you are left a castaway on an isolated island then you are doomed unlucky.
@Magical Realist

Your thread reminded me of a book I read 25-30 years ago. I think you would enjoy it:

The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield

A couple of quotes from the book:

“...the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe--as though our expectation itself causes our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.”
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy​

“When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone, the natural tendency is to focus on something we dislike about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately, when we do this--instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the person and giving them energy--we take energy away and actually do them harm. All they know is that they suddenly feel less beautiful and less confident, and it is because we sapped their energy.”
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy​

Source for quotes
Lot's of non-hindus claim to. Why do you, or don't you, believe it? That good things come back to you and bad things come back to you.
I do, and its ostensibly a part of my religion.
Thing of it is, a lot of Westerners get the idea of karma completely wrong. It's not a magical "things happen to you in proportion to your deeds' morality" thing. It's a descriptor of the sum total of cause and effect relationships between individuals, actions, and their environment.