Do you believe in equality?

Are people equal?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Do you believe that all people are equal?

If yes, why?

If no, why?
You can define what you consider equality to be, as string has, you can also define what you consider equality not to be.
You can define what you consider equality to be, as string has, you can also define what you consider equality not to be.
I agree, which is why your OP question really can't be answered in the form that it's in. And if I was still forced to answer it, I'd have to say no. All people aren't created equal. Most people were created equivalently*, but not equal.

*in the sense that they have two arms, two legs, a body, a head, ability to reproduce, mobility, intelligence and ability to survive.
I'm asking what you believe in. What notion of universal equality of humans do you espouse. I want to leave it open ended to void bias
I'm asking what you believe in. What notion of universal equality of humans do you espouse. I want to leave it open ended to void bias

You can't leave it open ended, it's way too general.
And can you elaborate on how 'asking what we believe in' correlates to equality of humans? I'm not quite following.
Its very simple. If you hear the statement, people are equal, under what circumstances do you agree and disagree.

For example, if I am asked, I think all people are equal as human beings, because all people belong to the same species. So like string, I believe in equality of opportunity, justice as well as social reform to reduce the gap between those whose opportunities are restricted by social circumstances.

However, I do not believe that all people are the same and I see no reason why they should be.
Its very simple. If you hear the statement, people are equal, under what circumstances do you agree and disagree.

For example, if I am asked, I think all people are equal as human beings, because all people belong to the same species. So like string, I believe in equality of opportunity, justice as well as social reform to reduce the gap between those whose opportunities are restricted by social circumstances.
Ok. That's a bit clearer. You're thinking more along the lines of human rights/socio-economic terms. I was thinking more in the physical/biological terms.
While I agree with you, I don't see that happening anytime soon. There is too much greed, gluttony, arrogance and selfishness out there for that to happen anytime in the near future.
I think it starts with religion; in the sense that ALL religions will have to become tolerant, accepting and understanding of all other religions, or lack thereof, before equality of justice and social reform take place.
We cannot have one religion trying to bully and condescend other religions (and athiests) simultaneously existing with equality. If everyone can't tolerate one another w/o trying to eradicate the other simply because of their beliefs/skin color, etc., then it will never get better.
What do you think about that?

However, I do not believe that all people are the same and I see no reason why they should be.
I think we're on the same page now.l
I think religion adds to diversity and is the basis of the notion of social justice in all societies, which we have been building on, so I disagree with you.e.g.

"And mankind is naught but a single nation." Holy Quran 2:213

is an idea that was revolutionary in its time.
I think religion adds to diversity and is the basis of the notion of social justice in all societies, which we have been building on, so I disagree with you.e.g.
Well since I was saying that religions MUST be tolerant of one another, and NOT saying that religion needs to be eliminated altogether, I'd say we're saying the same thing. think that all the current bickering, fighting and warring amonst religions will fit well with your idea of equality. It won't.
You cannot have the equality you speak of while Christians, Jews and Muslims are trying to kill one another. It's only when all three* become 100% tolerant of one another, that equality can exist like it should.
*This goes for all beliefs, not just those three, who I was using as an example.
t's only when all three* become 100% tolerant of one another, that equality can exist like it should.

I doubt it. It won't stop people competing for resources or land, for one thing. And all "secular" societies have a social class or invade the less privileged or defenceless for their resources.
Depends upon what type of equality your talking about. Could you be more specific, thanks. Equality as far as every nation having everything equal wouldn't be possible if that is what you are referring to.
I doubt it. It won't stop people competing for resources or land, for one thing. And all "secular" societies have a social class or invade the less privileged or defenceless for their resources.
Then as long as what you've stated above keeps happening, your idea of equality (which is a good one otherwise, btw.) cannot exist.
How can anyone have social, judicial equality when people are fighting over basic needs such as water, land shelter, etc.? When and only when you solve the 'root of the problem', then you can address issues like equality.
Yeah I know its an ideal, but thats no reason not to believe in it or work toward it. Is there?
All humans are equal. Elitism is the view that humans are not equal. Whatever the reason may be, elitism is a plague, and equality is life.
Yeah I know its an ideal, but thats no reason not to believe in it or work toward it. Is there?

An ideal is usually called an "ideal" because it's usually viewed as completely unworkable in the realities of the world.

Work toward it? How? If it's so unworkable, what can one do to "work toward it"?

Believe in that ideal? Sure, why not. I believe in the ideal that all women of the world should by between 16 and 19, slim, trim, sexy, cute, willing and able! No fat, ugly women. No overly smart women. So, yeah, go ahead a believe in your ideals ....they can be fun. :D

Baron Max
All humans are equal. Elitism is the view that humans are not equal. Whatever the reason may be, elitism is a plague, and equality is life.

Interesting view, Luke. And if you really believe that, then why do you have so many disagreements with others on this site? And worse, why are continually telling those others that they're ignorant or stupid, while holding yourself out to be soooooo much smarter?

Baron Max
An ideal is usually called an "ideal" because it's usually viewed as completely unworkable in the realities of the world.

Work toward it? How? If it's so unworkable, what can one do to "work toward it"?

Believe in that ideal? Sure, why not. I believe in the ideal that all women of the world should by between 16 and 19, slim, trim, sexy, cute, willing and able! No fat, ugly women. No overly smart women. So, yeah, go ahead a believe in your ideals ....they can be fun. :D

Baron Max

There you go Baron, conflating equality with sameness. Just because I consider myself your equal I don't expect you to develop gynecomastia. :D