Do you "believe" in aliens?

This discussion seems to have wandered around an awful lot and missed the most important contribution from "Joyce" who believes she has had real experiences / contact with Aliens.

Joyce - maybe you have maybe you have'nt Im in no position to say other than to say I believe what you say happened actually happened. You may have interpreted it rightly or wrongly, but your interpretations of the events are obviously disturbing you, have you considered getting help. Could there be other explanations for what you have seen.

There was aways more witnesses than just me.
Or I wouldn't tell the story. Twice on my own I seen things, but I don't say anything because, there was no other witness. So I stick to the events when there were other witnesses.

When I had missing time,I didn't say I was abducted by aliens. I have no clue what happened, therefore I can't assume what might of happened. I will not go under hypnosis and if I can not remember on my own, I will never know what happened to me. It was more than twice I had missing time, but those 2 times I talked about really stick with me.
So I'm , confused and angry with myself, because I try to remember and I can't.

One evening when my husband was on night shift, I went to bed around midnight, I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned. Around 1 am I went to the bathroom I was wide awake. When I went back to bed, I went to turn off the lamp. I remember becoming really tired and collapsing on the bed. About 4 hours later my husband came home and ask me why I slept with the light on. I remember telling him, I'm sure I turned it off. These experiences happened to me 6 and 7 years ago and I don't think they're happening anymore.

I have a nice life, I work, I have 2 children and a husband. And I enjoy golfing in the summer and my son's hockey in the winter.

Hi again - I'm glad to here that you are happy with your life and you are no longer having the experiences you described.

Have you tried talking about your experiences with your doctor (I assume you've spoken to your partner and other members of the family), he may be able to help you. Dont be afraid of hypnosis it could be very useful to you.

Alternatively I see on one of the other topics under this forum some communications from an "R Blake", perhaps contacting him through that forum may be helpful.

I'm no expert as I've previously said I'm just concerned that you have a deep seated anxiety about your experiences and I know without proper help that thse type of things have a way of coming back to haunt you.

For myself I believe that there are aliens and that they have visited earth, I also believe that they are :-
a) not necessarily more intelligent than us just more advanced.
b) here (or were here) to help us, not as invaders.
c) stranger than we can imagine.
d) nothing to do with "god" or "religion".

Hi again - I'm glad to here that you are happy with your life and you are no longer having the experiences you described.

Have you tried talking about your experiences with your doctor (I assume you've spoken to your partner and other members of the family), he may be able to help you. Dont be afraid of hypnosis it could be very useful to you.

Alternatively I see on one of the other topics under this forum some communications from an "R Blake", perhaps contacting him through that forum may be helpful.

I'm no expert as I've previously said I'm just concerned that you have a deep seated anxiety about your experiences and I know without proper help that thse type of things have a way of coming back to haunt you.

For myself I believe that there are aliens and that they have visited earth, I also believe that they are :-
a) not necessarily more intelligent than us just more advanced.
b) here (or were here) to help us, not as invaders.
c) stranger than we can imagine.
d) nothing to do with "god" or "religion".

Yes whatever the answer may be. I myself am not confused about this. There
is enough data on disc shaped craft and strange beings to warrant scientific study. The problem is man thinks he knows everything always has and probably always will. Many things thought to be impossible are reality today. Who knows if these beings are extraterrestrial or not but if we do not investigate we will never find out. Calling people crazy
is not going to get us any closer.


You do not need to tell me that the paranormal is just a hobby for you I already knew that. Have you thought of taking up arts and crafts instead of harassing those who want to tell their stories of encounters with the unknown? You will never find the answer to anything if your not willing to look.



Harassing? Such scathing words! ;)


Good point.


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."

In regards to your earlier post about implants please read my posts in
NO SUCH THING AS.... I think you will find it interesting.