Do you as an Atheist try to convert people to your way of thinking?>

Yet you decide whether or not any given "prophet" actually tells the truth. As per your dismissal of Joseph Smith. :rolleyes:

It's not like that lol

The main reason why I claim Joseph smith is a false prophet is because it was stated int he scriptures that there would be no more prophets for the last generations, Jesus spoke of one final prophet to come after him and mohammad was him.

Mohammad came witht he final book, the purest book that was protected from corruption as foretold. Jesus will return but he will not come as a prophet/teacher with a new message. He willcome and tell you all to follow mohammad's teachings of the Qur'an and be the "General" of god's army on earth.

"Many false prophets shall come and decieve many"

It's not like that lol
Is it not?

The main reason why I claim Joseph smith is a false prophet is because it was stated int he scriptures that there would be no more prophets for the last generations
And you're assuming that we're in the last generations? Whatever that means.

Jesus spoke of one final prophet to come after him
Link please.

and mohammad was him.
How do you know? Maybe he was a false prophet and Smith was the real one.

"Many false prophets shall come and decieve many"
Quite. The problem is distinguishing the one from the other accurately, isn't it?
Is it not?

And you're assuming that we're in the last generations? Whatever that means.

Link please.

How do you know? Maybe he was a false prophet and Smith was the real one.

Quite. The problem is distinguishing the one from the other accurately, isn't it?

Yes all generations after the final prophet would have to be considered the last generations as they live under the final prophets book.

If I continue to get baited intot his I will get banned so come and continue this in The Holy Quran thread.
Yes all generations after the final prophet would have to be considered the last generations as they live under the final prophets book.
Circular argument.
We know we're in the end days because we've had the final prophet, and we know he was the final prophet because we're in the end days.

If I continue to get baited intot his I will get banned so come and continue this in The Holy Quran thread.
You are not being baited and my questions are relevant to this thread.
Circular argument.
We know we're in the end days because we've had the final prophet, and we know he was the final prophet because we're in the end days.

You are not being baited and my questions are relevant to this thread.

Hmm ok then I shall answer in more detail here.

These would be the last day's considering there have been 120 thousand+ messengers in total and five "Greater prophets" Mohammad within abrahamic monotheism is the final law bringer who we are commanded to follow by God.

It isn't circular it is talking in era's, People under adams rule whichlasted over 900 years would be the "first generations" so therefore people living under mohammads (pbuh) Book would be the last generations in terms of people living under biblical laws and revelations.

Im not saying this generation is the last I do not know which exact seed is the last to be birthed before the end days. I do know that it is not upon us right now at this present time though. The River Nile needs to dry up before the final battle will take place. Also the moon will have to be broken in some way or changed.

Once the River Nile dries up then you can worry.

It isn't circular it is talking in era's
Oh them. And there's no consensus on what they mean either.

Once the River Nile dries up then you can worry.
Right, so it's all mythology.

And we're back, once more to your rejection of Smith as a prophet. Which, in effect, makes you an "atheist" from a Mormon's point of view.
So, presumably, your reply to the OP would be "yes". Yes?
I as an agnostic, is not my goal to convince others.
If I argue is because I myself am in search of truth.
But if there is an omnipresent and omnipotent God then I will make Him responsible for all evil on Earth.
Then He can send me to hell, where there will be people like me.
No that's not the real question that's not the question i was asking atall, I believe in jesus, i follow his teachings.


We're not idiots. It's obvious to us all that you're implying that Atheists have nothing to offer. You believe that you have the moral high ground because you are offering salvation.

I believe in jesus, i follow his teachings.

You believe in an "islamicized" version of Jesus. You deny that he was God and you deny that he died for the sins of the world. You can't do that and still be "right" with the God of Christianity. So from the Christian perspective you don't have the moral high ground at all. In their eyes you are leading people away from God and helping to ensure their destruction.

Are they wrong?
If yes do you think you areconverting them to a better way of "Existing"?.

Do you convert them because you are trying to help? or give them something that will make them feel better?.

Or are you "freeing" them from their slavery and offering them a better existence or frame of mind?.


Very loaded questions!

When Atheists try to convince religious people that they are wrong, their motives are the same as they would be in any other type of debate. For example, I post on here because I enjoy the discussion. It's human nature to correct what we believe to be other people's mistakes. As for talk of 'converting' the ignorant, I don't think that really applies. After all, it doesn't matter to me what you believe: I don't think I will be rewarded for shepherding your lost soul, nor do I think it is necessary to save you from an eternity of punishment. I simply think that your beliefs are unfounded and disagreement is the basis of this forum.
In outside life, I suppose that it is mostly "live and let live", but for some countries, and also for political or life ramifications, but on SciForum we figure things out, as a must, and they have been, rendering the myths of imagination impotent for claims of truth and fact, and so it shall ever be.
What's to expand? Isn't it obvious?
We have a saying here: "De een z'n dood is de ander z'n brood". Literal translation: "One person's death is another person's bread" (and it still rhymes lol well, somewhat anyway).

I think I see what you mean. In your opinion are there possible circumstances where that may not apply? For example socialism?

Also is that the same kind of harm as that of a persons beliefs and morals?
Oh them. And there's no consensus on what they mean either.

Right, so it's all mythology.

And we're back, once more to your rejection of Smith as a prophet. Which, in effect, makes you an "atheist" from a Mormon's point of view.
So, presumably, your reply to the OP would be "yes". Yes?

No not at-all, Mormons might follow a false prophet but I don't doubt their faith in the one true god.

Strange as it may sound some-times it does not take a prophet to lead somebody to God.

If it's all Mythology to you stop asking for proof, what you want some evidence of Hermes?, shall I tell you the tales of Aphrodite and how I met her on an open Giant Clam shell just off the Greek Coast?. I don't see you demanding such things of Ragnarok or of the Valkarye maidens.
Well yeah.
But the rest of us live on Earth, not Mars.
I tend to forget.. sorry :p

I think I see what you mean. In your opinion are there possible circumstances where that may not apply? For example socialism?
I don't think so. It's not like it has to be intentional. As far as I'm concerned it's just the way the world works.
Also, socialism is for humans.

Also is that the same kind of harm as that of a persons beliefs and morals?
I think it can be interpreted to include that.