Do women feel entitled because they are female?

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You would have to see yourself as a pretty bad parent to think that a daycare would love and take care of your child better then you.

better than? How about as good as?

Just because its not what you do, doesn't mean its bad parenting if others do it differently.

have you ever swatted your kid? I think its assault and I don't do it. That doesn't mean I love my kids more than you love yours.

welcome back :mad: You haven't missed a beat
I am just stating my personal opinion on the matter. You get mad because someone doesn't agree with you, that's your problem... not mine. I am not the only one who feels this way, you mad at them too?
exceptions to what? Bad daycare or bad parents?

Bad parents are the exception to most parents. Some kids would admittedly be better off in daycare. Those kids would also be better off with new parents....
If you are financially secure and decide to have children (it's planned) What is the reasoning behind not staying home (either parent) to raise your baby, toddler?
Why dump them somewhere all day with strangers, for you to see them for a few hours a day? Why did you have them in the first place then, if you don't want to be with them?
Bad parents are the exception to most parents. Some kids would admittedly be better off in daycare. Those kids would also be better off with new parents....

and bad daycares are the exception as well. Its easier to close a bad daycare down than it is to remove a child from bad parents. I bet more children die at the hands of their parents than daycare.

Its a personal decision. If you want to work, fine. If you don't, fine. Neither option makes you a bad parent.
If it did, there are a HELL of a lot of bad fathers out there.
If you are financially secure and decide to have children (it's planned) What is the reasoning behind not staying home (either parent) to raise your baby, toddler?
Why dump them somewhere all day with strangers, for you to see them for a few hours a day? Why did you have them in the first place then, if you don't want to be with them?

I'll ask my husband. He's obviously horrible. He didn't even stay home after they were born like I did.
I would rather DIE than be one of those stay-at-home wives or girlfriends. Seriously, no hyperbole, I would. I don't ever plan on sitting at home doing the cleaning and washing up while my boyfriend/husband earns a living. I'd rather eat manure than be dependent like that. When I'm an adult I want to be exactly that, not some kind of childlike appendage who depends on a male to feed her.

Oh I could introduce you to a few girls who, while refusing to get jobs, aren't exactly 'stay-at-home'. In fact, I know the one didn't really even keep the house clean or any of the other stuff like that. It was mostly lay around the house watching the telly all day, then go out to the clubs at night. The best part was that she could go out on a fairly regular basis, but her bf/husband (later the idiot married her) was accused of cheating on her anytime he left the house to spend time with any of his friends.

Then of course she went out to the clubs with her cousin who refused to get a job as well. Though this one was even more of a winner. While her husband was in Iraq, she refused to pay any of the bills, I mean they are his bills right? Instead she just took all his money out of the bank, and blew it between her new boyfriend and going out to the clubs to screw other random guys from time to time.
Having kids is a bit of a sacrifice. Someone obviously still needs to work and bring in the money. In most cases it just happens to be the husband makes more money (not in all cases) Women have maternal instincts ( most) and can take care of babies better.

If you want to dump them with strangers and work, when you don't have to....did you have them just because you could? for your own ego? what?
Oh I could introduce you to a few girls who, while refusing to get jobs, aren't exactly 'stay-at-home'. In fact, I know the one didn't really even keep the house clean or any of the other stuff like that. It was mostly lay around the house watching the telly all day, then go out to the clubs at night. The best part was that she could go out on a fairly regular basis, but her bf/husband (later the idiot married her) was accused of cheating on her anytime he left the house to spend time with any of his friends.

Then of course she went out to the clubs with her cousin who refused to get a job as well. Though this one was even more of a winner. While her husband was in Iraq, she refused to pay any of the bills, I mean they are his bills right? Instead she just took all his money out of the bank, and blew it between her new boyfriend and going out to the clubs to screw other random guys from time to time.

Holy Crap! Is her name Melissa? I think you know my ex sister-in-law. :eek:
and the key word in your whole post was 'idiot'
well of course it does, lol :rolleyes:
Do you men judge other men like some women obviously judge other mothers?
Do you think a guy is a bad dad if he goes to work?

I think the women need to stay home with the kids and the men should work..
Or the other way around of course..
and Enmos, that's an opinion I can understand. :)
Telling women they are bad parents if they don't is not. Its judgemental.
There is nothing wrong with a woman staying home taking care of the kids after they are born. If more women or (men) stayed home with their kids instead of dumping them off in a daycare center as soon at their maternity stay was over, I doubt there would be so many BRATS running around. I am not one for deciding to have a bunch of babies them dumping them off for someone else to raise for the majority of the day. I am for mothers staying home with the little ones until they are off to school ( if that is possible)
It's a fulltime job taking care of little ones and keeping the house in order. I don't think they are DEPENDING on the MALE to feed them. I think it is a decision that a couple makes that is best for their family.

There are a few problems with your post.

First of all, you are assuming that the reason they are staying home is on the basis of having very young children in the house, and not on the basis of 'oh but I have a vagina'. The latter has actually been the main theme of the thread.

Next, you are assuming that even if children are present, then a parent should quit their job entirely. It is entirely possible to have a work schedule which keeps a parent either in the house all the time, or the majority of the time, even if this requires one parent switching over to a part time job.

Finally, you are assuming that the only alternative to a parent quitting their job entirely for years at a time is a large daycare center. I'd want my kids to spend a couple hours outside of the house a day, which isn't the same as spending all day every day out of the house. I'd hopefully I'd have a neighbor or relative that lived close by, and was either retired or worked at home. This way the children could have more influences on them than simply limiting them to just me and the wife.
:D Yeah, I know how you mean, when I was 12 I had a friend who said she wanted to marry a rock star. I could never understand that, how could anyone just want to be someone's girlfriend or someone's wife and not have a job of their own?

I've always wanted to teach, and because I believed the propaganda when I was younger, I always stated that it was one of my objectives to marry a rich woman of some sort. Now that I'm older, and realize that the teachers in my area do make quite a bit of money, this concept seems silly to me.
I don't know if it the case with this person, but I think a lot of men - on this issue - and people in general - resent when society changes and they can't act the abusive way people used to get to.

When they whine, they tend not to show weakness, but simply anger. This keeps them from noticing that they are
1) whining
2) acting just like all the people they once told how to live their lives and to stop blaming their problems on society.

Ah poor baby is scared of the concept of equality.
I think it's dumb to take kids if you are too busy to raise them yourself though..

I'm not too busy. :confused: I just choose to have a job. I choose to be around adults part of my day. I choose NOT to be a stay at home mom, just like my husband chooses NOT to be a stay at home dad.
Oh I could introduce you to a few girls who, while refusing to get jobs, aren't exactly 'stay-at-home'. In fact, I know the one didn't really even keep the house clean or any of the other stuff like that. It was mostly lay around the house watching the telly all day, then go out to the clubs at night. The best part was that she could go out on a fairly regular basis, but her bf/husband (later the idiot married her) was accused of cheating on her anytime he left the house to spend time with any of his friends.

Then of course she went out to the clubs with her cousin who refused to get a job as well. Though this one was even more of a winner. While her husband was in Iraq, she refused to pay any of the bills, I mean they are his bills right? Instead she just took all his money out of the bank, and blew it between her new boyfriend and going out to the clubs to screw other random guys from time to time.

I hate women who are like that. I fucking hate them. No dignity whatsoever and they give the rest of us a bad name.
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