Do wild African Dogs (Hyenas) Have A God?

Hapsburg said:
But....animals DO have free will. Ever read "Gorillas In The Mist"?
Read it, and you will learn that other animals (whether they be insect, hyena, gorilla, or dog) have free will, emotions, and they make mistakes all the time.

Animals have emotions but they don't think consciously. Just because something is written in a book doesn't mean its true. Of course, from your perspective, they make mistakes. But not from their own perspective.
Yes they do.
Do you have a pet cat?
If you do, watch it do stuff for a half hour and you will know what I'm talking about.
I really like cats. I know what you mean but... I mean mistakes which they feel guilty about... for doing something stupid... they can't feel guilty.
Yorda said:
I really like cats. I know what you mean but... I mean mistakes which they feel guilty about... for doing something stupid... they can't feel guilty.
Oh, yes they do. When they puke on the carpet, they usually try to do it in the corner, where it won't be seen, because they know someone will be pissed. When ya do find the puke, and yell at them, they know, you can see in thier eyes, that they did something wrong.
Why wouldn't other mammals be similar.
Hapsburg said:
Oh, yes they do. When they puke on the carpet, they usually try to do it in the corner, where it won't be seen, because they know someone will be pissed. When ya do find the puke, and yell at them, they know, you can see in thier eyes, that they did something wrong.
Why wouldn't other mammals be similar.

Maybe you're "right". But I don't think they are as intelligent as humans, so they don't have many complex emotional personal problems and so on. They don't think about why the universe exists. They don't read books. Etc etc etc
No, they don't, because they're content with being themselves, and knowing who they are, and living. They aren't as evolved as humans, but they still have intelligence, sentience. They don't care about why the universe exists, most likely.
Except for the Dolphins and the Mice.

Yes. You just need look at them. Then you'll see that they're not conscious of themselves.

Yorda, you seem woefully uneducated about that which you so ineloquently speak and try to argue.

Several animals other than humans, demonstrate "self awareness" on various tests. Google it.

And this is your basis for proof? "I just know" or "I saw it" or "Just look at them and you'll see"?

So, which mask do you have on now? Ignorance, stupidity, or self delusion?
superluminal said:
So, which mask do you have on now? Ignorance, stupidity, or self delusion?

The Mask of Truth.

Read the Ezekiel 1st chapter in the Bible. It says that God has 4 faces: lion, ox (taurus), man (aquarius), eagle.

In terms of discussion... they can be separated into 4 faces, like light can be separated to 4 different colors also, if we wish. But of course, in reality, God has infinite faces. Like light.

u know the zodiak.
i got u now ;)

u probably smoke 2 much :m: if u think ezekiel smoked when seeing the vision.
Yorda said:
The Mask of Truth.

Read the Ezekiel 1st chapter in the Bible. It says that God has 4 faces: lion, ox (taurus), man (aquarius), eagle.
If you see a creature with a lion's face, an ox's face, a human's face, and an eagle's face, and also see that creature radiating in four different colors, you have got to have been smoking something maaajorly potent. :m: :eek: :p
Let's have it then. Put up or shut up. How do you know that your statement is true:

The problem is putting an emphasis on the word GOD itself. The earth itself does everything below for it's inhabitants. It, in itself would be god like.
With the help of the universe it nutures us, feeds us, baths us, helps us breathe, keeps us warm and cool, cares for our young and ourselves, heals us, loves us (and hates us). Protects us (and destroys), inhabits us, teaches us. We would be at a loss without her (never born). We were created by something or someone....Putting a name on it lowers it's worth. Every creature born on this planet eminates it's abilities. That's what nature is. No matter what you think or read. Something put us here. Something created Earth and the Universe. Only nothing comes from nothing.

Hyenas live in communal groups called "clans" and are a matriarchal society.
They have the following basic moral attributes:
- They do not kill their own kind
- They care for their young. Pups (after a certain point) are raised in a communal den where mothers all share rearing dutys and intercede in disputes
- They care for older and injured members of their clan
- They never kill more than they can eat.
- They share food and rarely fight over a kill as each individual knows and respects its place in the hierarchy.
- They show great affection for members of the clan (playing, caretaking, nuzzling, cuddling)
- They do not interbreed
- They protect and defend their territory as a group
- They are at a loss without the company of their fellow Hyenas.
- Males will forego a "fair" share of food to give extra to his pregnant mate

It's hard to argue with the bulk of your post. However you are sort of anthropomorphizing the universe ("...With the help of the universe it nutures us, feeds us..."). The universe is indifferent to us.

Something put us here. Something created Earth and the Universe. Only nothing comes from nothing.

I disagree. It is my firm belief that the universe is "uncreated"(?). A cyclic, infinite existence. Creation, beginnings and endings are an artifact of our limited experience.
The universe does nurture us because without it we would not have the planet or sun etc..etc..etc...
quote by superluminal
I disagree. It is my firm belief that the universe is "uncreated"(?). A cyclic, infinite existence. Creation, beginnings and endings are an artifact of our limited experience.
You can't believe ,in fact, that the universe is uncreated. It would have had to be created in order to be uncreated.

The world and all things in it is one meaning for creation but the reality is that we don't know what it is that we see in the sky and stars...they're not even stars...we don't really know...we only know that we exist within the chaos of this place we call home.