Do We Really Need God?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
According to the doomsayers, we're cooked. So what do we need God for? Maybe we don't need Him for anything but I think He needs us.
I already got most of em. I have three allahs, 7 yawehs, 4 crishnas, 12 shivas, 2 bhuddas (they dont really count).

I'll trade with ya if you want?
Yes. My life isn't such crap that I need to believe in an afterlife. But if my Mom had died when I was a child I would have needed to know she was in heaven waiting for me. Just because I don't need it doesn't mean other people don't.
i think we're all part of god, so in that respect, yeah, we do need him to exist.
What kind of question is this? It all centers on whether or not there IS a God

If there is, we do
If not, no
Yes. My life isn't such crap that I need to believe in an afterlife. But if my Mom had died when I was a child I would have needed to know she was in heaven waiting for me. Just because I don't need it doesn't mean other people don't.

If there is an afterlife it could be the natural order of things so,,,no god need apply. Personally I don't like to think this life is just practice.
It would be impossible to decide if we need a God if we do not know, firstly, whether or not there is a God.

As I've stated, nobody here should be saying yes or no, because nobody here knows if there is a God!

Logically, if there is a God, then we need Him; if not, then we do not.
According to the doomsayers, we're cooked.
I guess the next q is whether such "doomsayers" are the reliable authorities for discerning one's spiritual situation and also whether one holds as an absolute value that one is faultless (ie "anyone who says I have a fault is obviously at fault")

So what do we need God for? Maybe we don't need Him for anything but I think He needs us.
one could ask who is the "we" you are referring to.

If you are a theist, the answer is yes
If you are an atheist, the answer is also yes (what can an atheist say to establish their position unless they call upon god, albeit god's apparent non-existence?)

PsychoticEpisode said:
So what do we need God for? Maybe we don't need Him for anything but I think He needs us.
Why assume there's a need?
Or that God is male? Or a person?

Maybe 'need' doesn't come into it. Maybe God is a personality of some kind, but not male, or female, or even like a person...?
Why assume there's a need?
Or that God is male? Or a person?

Maybe 'need' doesn't come into it. Maybe God is a personality of some kind, but not male, or female, or even like a person...?

or alternatively maybe there is no question of need in a person who is completely independent and self sufficient even though there is an obvious question of need amongst those persons who are not.
Hawking was asking this question recently on a program I saw in the UK. Although, I think the reason he was saying it was to ask "do we really need a god to explain the universe anymore", that's how I interpreted it anyway.

Also, with future developments, such as the ability to create universes, create life, etc, we could have the same abilities as those we would define a god as having. That depends on your definition of a god though.