do we need so many people ?


Registered Member
When one considers that every problem the human race faces (eg pollution, depletion of resources, famine, disease, social unrest, political turmoil, economic collapse etc etc etc) grows in exact proportion to the population, why are we so keen on making babies ? - it is obvious we need some but *this many* ? As a parent, I can't think of anything more selfish than to bring a child into the world just because one feels like one wants to.
We have been given an extra-ordinary gift - the Earth - and if we treated her right, then we'd make some REAL progress - until then, we are no better than viruses who destroy their own host just so that they can have a family....
I agree...

but are you going to be the one that says I am not going to have kids for the planet when everybody else is having kids.
If you are so strong an environmentalist as to want not to have children for the sake of the environment, then your genetic disposition towards environmentalism is likely so strong that the good your descendants would do for the environment would probably be greater than the harm they would do. (Or at least they would do less harm than the people descended from other parents who would somewhat replace the descendants that you would have had.) In other words, if you refuse to mate for environmental reasons, then your reasons are incorrect, and so you are doing something for the wrong reasons.
I was not suggesting that we all just stop and make the race extinct ! I just don't see the sense in the government paying out huge amounts in unmarried mothers benefits just so that they can supplement their pokie money from the support that the kids are supposed to get.... these kids simply end up with a totally warped view of life and rarely become contributing citizens. Where I live, the fleecing of benefits has become an industry and children are only looked at as an income supplement - what sort of mother would do this kind of thing ? - a poor one (sic). Like, what are we really achieving with this ? - as if we haven't got enough problems to deal with already! Can anyone really give a valid reason WHY we need more people ? - just exactly what task is going to be made so much easier by this approach ? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I thought our greatest challenge was to learn to love each other..... we don't seem to be able to educate the children we have NOW let alone equip them to know how to help the ones that come after.....

Your politics are as confused as your English.

Simply put:

Don't like children? Take a Desert Eagle to a schoolyard full of 'em.
Strange, I don't recall saying I don't like children.... far from it!
Can you honestly tell me that it is good to see them running around with hardly anything to wear, fed Macdonalds most nights per week, told to shutup every time they cry whilst Dad is passed out on the lounge with a needle hanging out of his arm and Mum is busy working out what family belongings are going to be pawned off this week to get more grog ? Am I supposed to applaud or just 'turn the blind eye' or just simply not give a damn ? These are usually not the actions of a responsible parent.

Then again, maybe I'm just not moving with the times... true, the economy will get a boost from the added kiddie-porn trade and yes, we could probably see an increase future sales of syringes, laptops, mobile phones and xxx-rated DVD's, not to mention car alarms, video players.....gee - I think I'm starting to see now! - I guess if were to put our minds to it, we might even be able to harvest them for organs or something.........of course!

My apologies - what WAS I thinking ?
We need immediate development of an aerosol pandemic virus that will render a large percentage humanity sterile. After reducing our population, there would be billions of happy, healthy, wealthy people living on a thriving Earth.

excellent! glad you came around. see, that wasnt too painful was it? hang out here for while so we can beat any semblance of thought outta ya
The question of too many people in the world has come into serious scrutiny by some environmental biologist lately. They call it the "Carrying Capacity of the Earth." While I dont know that much on the workings and details of the theory, it basically says that the health and wellbeing of all humans is directly related to the number of humans. Too many humans destroy the environment and deplete food resources in the world.

This has interested me a lot, and I tend to agree that regulation of our species is needed. How could we do this? Well, im glad you asked. Now as insensitive as this sounds, i think we should just dropped a whole bunch of neutron bombs on the entire continent of Africa. So that way, all the people are vaporized and the forests are left standing. We can leave the hut-living dudes there. They're pretty cool.

Anyway, so then we just let the forests overgrow the contient and that can be the oxygen supply for the entire world.

Why Africa? Why the fuck not?! It sucks! 1 out of 4 fuckers in south Africa (?) are HIV positive. It's a shithole. Everyone is starving. Even the flies are getting screwed. You always see them all over those starving kids eyes trying to drown themselves. If you listen really closely, you can hear them buzz, "ahhh! this place smells like shit!! Let me die!"

So anyway... im gonna look for some fishsticks.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
Originally posted by socialistprophet
The question of too many people in the world has come into serious scrutiny by some environmental biologist lately. They call it the "Carrying Capacity of the Earth." While I dont know that much on the workings and details of the theory, it basically says that the health and wellbeing of all humans is directly related to the number of humans. Too many humans destroy the environment and deplete food resources in the world.

This has interested me a lot, and I tend to agree that regulation of our species is needed. How could we do this? Well, im glad you asked. Now as insensitive as this sounds, i think we should just dropped a whole bunch of neutron bombs on the entire continent of Africa. So that way, all the people are vaporized and the forests are left standing. We can leave the hut-living dudes there. They're pretty cool.

Anyway, so then we just let the forests overgrow the contient and that can be the oxygen supply for the entire world.

Why Africa? Why the fuck not?! It sucks! 1 out of 4 fuckers in south Africa (?) are HIV positive. It's a shithole. Everyone is starving. Even the flies are getting screwed. You always see them all over those starving kids eyes trying to drown themselves. If you listen really closely, you can hear them buzz, "ahhh! this place smells like shit!! Let me die!"

So anyway... im gonna look for some fishsticks.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:

since the US is the biggest consumer in the world and hence depletes the natural resources the most, it would be more logical to drop neutron bombs there. And they are also not very funny, with some exceptions. Another good reason.
Over population is a very real problem and its only being noticed now because it will soon be hurting human beings, its been hurting other animals dramatically for a hundred years.

Have you noticed the people that want to have children and have lots of them are always the people that shouldn't have been allowed to have any in the first place? Stopping these people from having children would be great but how could you do it?
It would be great if a laser beam was invented that could render people infertile without them noticing, they would just assume their attempts at pregnancy didn't work and they would eventually die and their gene line would be finished. That would be excellent, then you would need to decide who gets zapped, realistically I would have to say poor people, they breed like rabbits and their offspring breed at younger ages and so more population comes from the poor than any other class of citizen. Politically incorrect yeah but long term benefits for the planet definately. Which is more important?

What are neutron bombs? I'm assuming they would kill animals so dropping them on africa would be terrible, to lose the plethera of species in africa would be a catastrophic disaster to anyone with their head on straight, and besides, whats so bad about HIV? It only kills human beings, thats bad? Sorry, what are we talking about again?
Seriously, let that shit spread before man defies nature again by discovering yet another cure.

Notice how most countries are civilised and populated by people over most of their space and then little pockets are reserved for nature? If you ask me, in a perfect world, it would be the other way around. Humans should take up as little space as possible because we are new to this planet and all this space we take up was actually the homes for many different creatures for millions of years before we got here.
Hopefully in the future there will be small human reserves and the rest of each country will be given back to nature. To do this population numbers need to be decreased dramatically.

After reducing our population, there would be billions of happy, healthy, wealthy people living on a thriving earth.
Billions? That's just setting us up for the very same problem in the near future, I'd say hundreds of thousands is more reasonable in order for the earh to thrive, maybe a couple of million at most.
Such compassion, mercy and downright simple caring almost brings a tear to my eye. I feel at home here....

Bomb Africa ?..........bomb AMERICA ?!?! - I'm absolutely appalled that this hasn't already been done a long time ago... heads are going to roll for this one!...

What really worries me is how, on Judgement Day, I'm supposed to explain all this.... I can almost hear it now...

G. So, how are all my animals doing ?
H. Well, you know.....
G. You *know* how angry I would be if any one of them ever got hurt... I hope you've been looking after them
H. Err yehhh.... they've been taken care of alright....
G. Excellent. Yes. They were here first, you know -
H. Oh NO! - is *that* the time ? (looks at watch) - I really must be going now..... I'm just so late.....
G. Off you go then.... I'm going to visit all my animals now - it will be so nice to see them *did* make sure that no more humans were created, didn't you ? -

Hilarion ?
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i think we should just dropped a whole bunch of neutron bombs on the entire continent of Africa.

its fantastic that this board cannot tolerate posters dissing each other but find it acceptable for them to advocate racial hatred and genocide. perhaps
abstractions are a bit harder to comprehend for some. hmm. it could also mean that allowing posts like this to remain indicate tacit approval for these kind of views.
Dear Pissed off People,

hmmm... spell it with me now: J-O-K-E. I thought you wouldve gotten it when i ended it about looking for fishsticks.

And racial hatred? Did you know European people, hispanic people, and others live in Africa? They really do! it's crazy!

thanks! =)
its fantastic that this board cannot tolerate posters dissing each other but find it acceptable for them to advocate racial hatred and genocide. perhaps
abstractions are a bit harder to comprehend for some. hmm. it could also mean that allowing posts like this to remain indicate tacit approval for these kind of views.

Ideally, there would be lots of forums on internet about morality, each with a very active moderator who freely trashes all those posts he dislikes or finds uninteresting. A forum with no active moderator is in a way like graffiti on a bathroom stall. But there are so few forums similar to this, I am not sure that I want to encourage more active post killing, lest my posts get killed.

As for whether it is a good thing to resist blantantly racist or immoral diatribes like those in this thread of socialistprophet and hypewaders, many would probably say no inasmuch as they are too silly to be bothered with, and they have a way of appearing to say shocking things just as a way of looking for attention. I think Spookz is right to put these people in their place, though. I'm sure many educated well-off people thought Hitler was just a joke who couldn't really have any appeal to people at large, yet it turned out he was no joke at all. It's easy for those who are distant from the lowest element of society to not appreciate the appeal of violence and destruction to the more confused and unfortunate of the powerless, who everyday are subject to abuse from evil in its most vulgar aspect.
chill prophet
i saw your post as an opportunity.

ok so something got lost in the translation. happens to all of us at one time or another. we now move on.
Originally posted by step314

As for whether it is a good thing to resist blantantly racist or immoral diatribes like those in this thread of socialistprophet and hypewaders,

as far as hype is concerned, introduce the concepts of irony/sarcasm when interpreting his posts. a better understanding of his thought processes would ensue as a result. i have yet to encounter a more conscientious individual on this board

ps: hype, dont let me down dog!

Can you honestly tell me that it is good to see them running around with hardly anything to wear, fed Macdonalds most nights per week, told to shutup every time they cry whilst Dad is passed out on the lounge with a needle hanging out of his arm and Mum is busy working out what family belongings are going to be pawned off this week to get more grog ?

It is horrible to feed your children McDonalds most nights of the week, a much better choice is Burger King. And being told to shut up is not as efficient as slapping them, actions speak louder than words. Dad should not have a needle hanging out of his arm, he should try to have it hanging out of his foot for a change, it would be less visible this way, duhhh. The mom should not pawn the family possession to get grog, whatever that is. Instead grog should be made cheaper so that she can simply buy it by selling her body to the night.

See problems solved!!!! Now i need to get some GROGGGGGGG grogy grog grog.