Do we become gods?

yinyanwang "any fact? or just a guess?" just a guess, but i think its a pretty accurate one

MW science can do a lot. i believe it could make people live to a billion years eventually with no problem, but i dont think it could last eternity

if you replace a persons arm with a prosthetic arm, is it still the same person, what if all their limbs are replaced? what about the heart? the brain?
If we take the actions a theistic God has to perform to be recognised as God

1: Designing Life
2: Creating a universe

Then man is not too far from becoming God:

1: DNA manipulation; cloning; Artificial Intelligence;
2: Add too much exotic matter to a wormhole and it'll explode and expand at the speed of light to create a new universe.

Of course it would wipe us out, but if intelligent life arises in the new universe, they could wonder aimlessly about God(us) I wonder if this is what Nietzshe meant when he said "God is dead" ;)
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alain said:
MW science can do a lot. i believe it could make people live to a billion years eventually with no problem, but i dont think it could last eternity

if you replace a persons arm with a prosthetic arm, is it still the same person, what if all their limbs are replaced? what about the heart? the brain?
M*W: They would STILL be the same person. Hearts have been transplanted, and they're still the same person. What if stem cells were transplanted into the heart. The damaged tissue would grow into the SAME heart. If stem cells were transplanted into neuronal tissue, it would still be the SAME brain. If a whole brain is transplanted, I believe it would still be the SAME person, but I really don't know for sure. The only thing that matters is the person is alive. Whatever the person does to maintain health and vitality in life heals the whole of humanity. Stem cells are the fountain of youth. We don't need embryonic stem cells, we just need autologous bone marrow to heal the body. Now that mankind is able to use oneself to heal oneself, it sort of makes us immortal, doesn't it?
If we assume a cyclic universe exercising an infinite cycles then indeed we are cyclically immortal.Existing in every conceivable form.
Greco said:
If we assume a cyclic universe exercising an infinite cycles then indeed we are cyclically immortal.Existing in every conceivable form.
How do you relate a cyclic universe with human existtance?
"How do you relate a cyclic universe with human existtance?"

If we consider this universe as one of many universes and the cycle continues ad infinitum then we can speculate that some universes will have no life others some life. The ones that have life some will have low intelligent life and others high intelligent life. The universes that have intelligent life sometimes will have human like beings.

Now the odds of having exactly the same type of beings is maybe a billion to one but who cares? If the universe has enough oscillations then any possibility is possible.

Did you ever hear the story about an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce all of shakespeare's works infinite times? Well in a infinitely cyclic universe we will exist an infinite times.

Infinity is a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time.
No, don't be stupid. A god is someone who is worshipped. There have been many, MANY, gods through history that died... like Julius Caesar. He WAS a god because he was worshipped as one, and called one. And he died, didn't he?
No, don't be stupid. A god is someone who is worshipped. There have been many, MANY, gods through history that died... like Julius Caesar. He WAS a god because he was worshipped as one, and called one. And he died, didn't he?

Just like jesus right? he got nailed to the cross and then died. However supposedly he came back? a whole faith is relied on that. and "faith" is just relying on someone elses' assertions of the event. fact is we don't know for sure he *jesus* rose from the tomb.

I think therefore I'm god, I'm worshiped by every animal I own and feed, I give them shelter, and I provide them with a healthy diet, I love them and they love me. My dogs and my cats are cool, they even get along. **comments from an atheist girl friend of mine**
Godless said:
Just like jesus right? he got nailed to the cross and then died. However supposedly he came back? a whole faith is relied on that. and "faith" is just relying on someone elses' assertions of the event. fact is we don't know for sure he *jesus* rose from the tomb.

I think therefore I'm god, I'm worshiped by every animal I own and feed, I give them shelter, and I provide them with a healthy diet, I love them and they love me. My dogs and my cats are cool, they even get along. **comments from an atheist girl friend of mine**

Well godless, actually yeah that would mean u r a god to the animals... becuz u provide everything to them so what else are they going to think? but as for people its different... the faith does rely on jesus but he's not a "god" as such because people worshipped the Christian God because he told them to, they didn't worship Jesus as such... but you can see what I mean, cant you?
Greco said:
"How do you relate a cyclic universe with human existtance?"

If we consider this universe as one of many universes and the cycle continues ad infinitum then we can speculate that some universes will have no life others some life. The ones that have life some will have low intelligent life and others high intelligent life. The universes that have intelligent life sometimes will have human like beings.

Now the odds of having exactly the same type of beings is maybe a billion to one but who cares? If the universe has enough oscillations then any possibility is possible.

Did you ever hear the story about an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce all of shakespeare's works infinite times? Well in a infinitely cyclic universe we will exist an infinite times.

Infinity is a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time.

the universe dose not have to cycle with the same life each time.
yinyin - "how do we know?" we cant, as we havent seen anyone live to infinity, all we can use is logic or faith. Logic seems to tell me that the mind would go eventually. (i know that didnt really answer the question)

"Did you ever hear the story about an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce all of shakespeare's works infinite times? Well in a infinitely cyclic universe we will exist an infinite times"
that sholud be changed to "instantaneously reproduce shakespeares work"
PS, i think, judging by the quality of shakespere, a monkey did write it.

"the universe dose not have to cycle with the same life each time." No, but it will eventually, thats the thing, as long as its not literally impossible
In short the definition of "god" is not something that lives forever. How do you know something's going to live forever? You'd spend your whole life seeing if they died, and if they didn't you'd die first. People say that a dog cant live forever, but you wouldn't know that unless it died before you did. So in theory there could be a dog that is almighty god right now.
alain said:
"Did you ever hear the story about an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce all of shakespeare's works infinite times? Well in a infinitely cyclic universe we will exist an infinite times"
that sholud be changed to "instantaneously reproduce shakespeares work"
PS, i think, judging by the quality of shakespere, a monkey did write it.
Are you sure?