Do we become gods?

Originally posted by yinyinwang
If we find a way to live eternally?
M*W: As I see it yinyin, that's the divine plan, and the human race is on its way to becoming immortal. Technically, we're still in the "last day of creation," so we're not finished, yet! As medical science moves forward to the future, we will be seeing life rejuvenating and extending beyond the imaginable. A lot of research has been done and is still ongoing on anti-aging. It's truly possible. The right diet, exercise, and a stress-free lifestyle is essential. Fine-tuning one's human imbalances with the appropriate vitamins, minerals and medications, helps to bring us to a wholesome existence. With the promise of stem cell therapies to rebuild damaged heart, liver, pancreas, brain, etc., we are on our way to total rejuvenation and life-extension. There will come a time in the very near future where invasive surgical procedures will be a thing of the past. Stem cells can be transplanted by microinvasive procedures. Right now scientists in the USA are working on autologous bone marrow transplantations into infarcted hearts and have been very successful with the results. Immortality is just a matter of time as far as our physical body is concerned. Our spirit OTOH has always been and will always be eternal.

Some of the doubters will say, "but this isn't God's work, it's man's." They are wrong. God gave us a brain and the ability to use our mind and intelligence for the greater good. As we evolve toward the "demortalization" of our human body, we are evolving toward a better understanding or "revelation" of the Oneness of our eternal Spirit which IS God. I don't know if this will take place in our present human lifetime or if it will occur thousands of years from now, which I doubt. It could be hundreds of years, but I'm even more positive that the convergence of our physical-mental-emotional-intellectual-spiritual convergence will evolve sooner than that. The human race is well on its way toward becoming Homo spiritus.

So when you hear Christians comment that we are living in the "last days," they are right. We are in the last days of creation. The total convergence of our body, mind and spirit, will ensure the "salvation" of the human race. Isn't this what they long for? Could the convergence of the human body, mind and spirit be what the Trinity is all about? Perhaps Jesus was a living example of this total convergence with God. I don't believe the understanding can be learned by their religion. The knowing or "gnosis" of this body-mind-spirit convergence is being revealed in the mind and heart of the human community as we evolve toward becoming the One Body, One Spirit of God.
Eternal life does not guarantee intelligence or ability beyond what is required to survive... a sufficiently invulnerable being could be quite stupid and incapable, and still live interminably.
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Eternal life does not guarantee intelligence or ability beyond what is required to survive... a sufficiently invulnerable being could be quite stupid and incapable, and still live interminably.

It's eternal life, man!
Don't worry!
You have a lot of time to create for yourself super-brain.
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Eternal life does not guarantee intelligence or ability beyond what is required to survive... a sufficiently invulnerable being could be quite stupid and incapable, and still live interminably.
M*W: I agree. Our bioevolution would be based upon our survival needs, but then again, our spiritual needs for survival will need to be adjusted, too. When the convergence of the body-mind-spirit occurs, it will be through bioevolution and will not happen instantly like the rumors of the "rapture," but my question is this: Will the human race be adequately evolved in spirit so as not to have a need for anymoe man-made religions?
Do we evolve spiritually? I thought it was more about discovery/invention, and only passed down by social interaction and communication... but that's me, I don't know what other people think.
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Do we evolve spiritually? I thought it was more about discovery/invention, and only passed down by social interaction and communication... but that's me, I don't know what other people think.
M*W: We are already as spiritually evolved as we need to be. Our spirit has been the same for all eternity. Some may call this spirit "God." I do. So our spirit doesn't need to actually "evolve." What will occur is the human race will receive the revelation (knowing-"Gnosis") that we are truly One with God in Spirit and Flesh. We now use anywhere from 4-10% of our brain. This revelation will come to us in our understanding when our cumulative human brain evolves to an increased percentage of our brain power. I don't know at what point that will be--15% or 100%. I'd be interested to hear what our scientists on board say about this. As always, some people will evolve faster than others. Therefore, these people will receive the "knowing" before those who are less evolved. (I don't want to call names, but you know who you are). If those who are trapped in one of those mind-bending religions, I would venture to say that, even if "Gnosis" slapped them in the face, they wouldn't recognize it, so they may be left behind in the conquest to see--and to be--God.
Let's bring a little perspective to the discussion.

Eternity is not just a long time, eternity is not just a very very long time. Eternity is forever.

Immortality is not just for a thousand years, Immortality is not a million years, Immortality is not even a zillion years. Immortality is for ever.

To be able to live forever is ony a potential. For even if you live for a million years you still can not know that you are immortal.

Because the day after your millionth birthady you might get run over by an anti gravity truck (chuckles)

The greatest problem with immortality is not the ability to exist but to do so with out boredom driving you insane and therefore to death.

Boredom of life after "a thousand years" is the main obstacle to achieving immortality that can only be reckoned by hindsight.

The biggest part of the question of aging is that as we grow old we mature, our outlook on life changes and becomes less enthuisiastic. If we take a thousand years perpective, how do we maintain a youthfull outlook on a life so well lived. This is the biggest problem of eternal life I feel.

The otheraspect worth considering is that life/death cycles may be a universal neccesity. In that the universe is rejuvenated and in a state of constant regeneration because of life/death cycles.

To achieve the potential of immortality may very well end up causing the destruction of the universe. In that in part , it is our quest for immortality that actually keeps the universe eternal in the first place.

reminds me of a poem I wrote some time ago


A song that will never be sung,
so melodic so beautiful the heart does sigh
A poem that will never be posed,
so rhythmic so profound
A word that will never be spoken
so full of meaning that it makes you cry
An answer so wanted
but never be found

A feeling that will never be felt
so strong so intense
A love that will never come to you
so sweet so full
A future that is always there
an adventure so immense
A curiosity that is never quenched
A heat that never will cool

There is no better way
as none have shown
How to keep our noses to the wind
and our eyes beyond
There is always something
that can never be done
A game that can only be played
and never lost or won
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
Let's bring a little perspective to the discussion.

Eternity is not just a long time, eternity is not just a very very long time. Eternity is forever.

Immortality is not just for a thousand years, Immortality is not a million years, Immortality is not even a zillion years. Immortality is for ever.

To be able to live forever is ony a potential. For even if you live for a million years you still can not know that you are immortal.

Because the day after your millionth birthady you might get run over by an anti gravity truck (chuckles)

The greatest problem with immortality is not the ability to exist but to do so with out boredom driving you insane and therefore to death.

Boredom of life after "a thousand years" is the main obstacle to achieving immortality that can only be reckoned by hindsight.

The biggest part of the question of aging is that as we grow old we mature, our outlook on life changes and becomes less enthuisiastic. If we take a thousand years perpective, how do we maintain a youthfull outlook on a life so well lived. This is the biggest problem of eternal life I feel.

The otheraspect worth considering is that life/death cycles may be a universal neccesity. In that the universe is rejuvenated and in a state of constant regeneration because of life/death cycles.

To achieve the potential of immortality may very well end up causing the destruction of the universe. In that in part , it is our quest for immortality that actually keeps the universe eternal in the first place.

reminds me of a poem I wrote some time ago


A song that will never be sung,
so melodic so beautiful the heart does sigh
A poem that will never be posed,
so rhythmic so profound
A word that will never be spoken
so full of meaning that it makes you cry
An answer so wanted
but never be found

A feeling that will never be felt
so strong so intense
A love that will never come to you
so sweet so full
A future that is always there
an adventure so immense
A curiosity that is never quenched
A heat that never will cool

There is no better way
as none have shown
How to keep our noses to the wind
and our eyes beyond
There is always something
that can never be done
A game that can only be played
and never lost or won
M*W: What a beautiful poem! I think that when we achieve immortality of the body, mind and spirit, no further evolution will be needed, but who's to say evolution will stop. I don't know, but I believe we won't be bored with ourselves or each other. We will have a different "mission" than we do now. I imagine it to be a single mission for the One Body-Mind-Spirit of God that we will become. The are other worlds to conquer, but I feel when we reach immortality of mind, body and spirit, our mission will be something we like to do with our new "status" as Homo spiritus. This may sound a little like sci-fi now, but it won't be then! It will be reality.

Do we become gods?
If we find a way to live eternally?
I guess this depends on what is meant by the term ‘god’.

But I believe I can make a reasoned argument that shows that yes it is inevitable that you will become at least a part of God the creator of the universe. One might immediately state that the universe already exists so how can you become something that started everything, but then we must consider time itself as being something that can be created; actually I believe that is impossible but I won’t let that ruin this story.

I will assume you are relatively stupid just like everyone else, apart from me perhaps (please note the temporary suspension of my famous and usual humility). But we were even more stupid before we evolved, and at the outset of life we were entirely dumb single cell slimes. The trend is that we grow smarter as we evolve. But if we accept my assertion that intelligence is just an emergent property of neural patterns and that soon we should be able to transfer these patterns to other more resilient media other than biological, then we can see the beginning of an inevitable evolutionary path towards larger and larger neural networks in other more exotic substrates.

At some point we will realize that to grow further we will need to more closely cooperate with each other and that of course will lead to mergers of neural patterns and of course eventually to a single huge intelligence. Beyond that we will be able to solve all problems and understand everything and even how to start and stop time and how to create the universe. Of course when we have consumed everything and we are all that is left then there will be nothing to do other than to start again with maybe exploding ourselves in a big bang and ……..

Praise be to us, God, me, uh whatever….
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Ya... if you're smart enough...

Funny...but, for the sake of topic, lets assume man has achieved immortality. Now in eternal life wouldn't there be a point where even an average human can achieve amazing feats of scientific, athletic, or creative kind? I mean eventually living so long provides unlimited practice time and since humans are such novelty seeking creatures they would eventually get bored and pick up something and become exceedingly good at it, better than anyone has ever done it before. Could be a few 100 or thousand years.
Let us imagine that god has decided only those who have spiritually and intellegently upgraded himself to a certain level will be able to understand the way to eternity, like the different between diamonds and carbons.
Some one may have intelligence but uses it to commits crimes or focus on making money, etc.
Some one may never hurt an ant but not interlligent enough to master the complexity.
So by rationality we mean the levels of intelligence and spirit are high and form a mutual benifitial pair of yin yang.
Biological immortality is a possibility

I don't have much time left, so I'll shoot the bull, for a second.

Biological immortality, may exist in our future however there will still exist death, accidents, non-curable desease, suicides, etc..

In order to achieve biological immortality though the first thing we need to eradicate from earth is myticism, god concepts, astrology, numerology, and every other variant of mysticism. Oh!! and of course we need to battle with the acceptable ethics of our time.


P.S. will state more latters..
Originally posted by yinyinwang
Let us imagine that god has decided only those who have spiritually and intellegently upgraded himself to a certain level will be able to understand the way to eternity, like the different between diamonds and carbons.
M*W: Yinyin, you're amazing! That is the plan!
Re: Biological immortality is a possibility

Originally posted by Godless
I don't have much time left, so I'll shoot the bull, for a second.

Biological immortality, may exist in our future however there will still exist death, accidents, non-curable desease, suicides, etc..

In order to achieve biological immortality though the first thing we need to eradicate from earth is myticism, god concepts, astrology, numerology, and every other variant of mysticism. Oh!! and of course we need to battle with the acceptable ethics of our time.


P.S. will state more latters..
M*W: Biological immortality converging with the eternal spirit would do away with death (i.e. biologic immortality), accidents (of which there are none, non-curable diseases (which will be eradicated), and suicide will be impossible. Immortality means just that "without death." Biological immortality has absolutely NOTHING to do with mysticism, god concepts, astrology, numerology, etc.! These things are intellectually driven. With biological immortality, these concepts would have long been forgotten. They only apply to mortals who use them to understand their own mortality.
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Ya... if you're smart enough...
It's eternity.
Any tiny amount of smartness to start with will be enough for creating super-intelligence and super-brains.
How much smarter is a ten year-old dog than a five year-old dog?

I don't think that immortality implies that you will get steadily smarter without any effort.