You know what this you say above is? It is mundane reasoning applied to divine matters.
Which has got to be patently wrong, if there is to be any significant difference between the material and the spiritual.
that happens to be paraphrased scripture, and what the entire bible is about.
you have a million excuses don't you? and if i can see right through them then i think it's safe to say god can too.
we as humans have spirits and bodies.
you don't have enough faith in god to believe that if he exists, he would be capable of showing you that and communicating with you. so you're looking for a human instead. FAIL.
you don't have enough faith in yourself to live your life without some other human telling you what to do and what to think. FAIL.
and i promise you, when it's all said and done, you will still have no one to blame but yourself.