Do theists have a God complex?

Do you wish other people shared your beliefs?

  • Yes. I demand that all people believe in my God!

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No. I want everybody to believe the exact opposite to me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I like people who think the way I do (duh!)

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No, I like conflict and difference of opinion to rule my life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (post an inane comment in this inane thread)

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Oh really? Well then maybe you should have thought about that when you allow morons like Michael to blabber their mouths off and get away with it. Not to mention other morons who call blessed Prophets "retards"? What a fucking joke!

Blessed prophets huh? Right here on SciForums you say? Who?
When you go screw yourself first?
Looky here, Biz:

You're a fucking retard James! How can theists have a complex about God?:shrug: The mind of an atheist... never surprises me... but it sure does amuse me! lol!

Are you saying that theists cannot be affected by Narcissistic personality disorder? lol :rolleyes:

Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness. It is also colloquially referred to as "the God complex."

You are contradicting yourself. Please explain.
Of course the circumstances are not the same. But, are you really suggesting that there is a full tolerance to 'other people's beliefs' in the West? Be it Europe or America. You just have a very powerful state and some other refined means of making it your way. Why does it always have to be the most extreme example? Can you imagine a person chosing openly be a muslim in middle America? Do you really claim, she/he wouldn't face any difficulties?

Where is this idea of all women in fatal danger in the Middle East' coming from ?
Your point of view is directly based on a stupid idea that %100 of those women are very unhappy to live in that way. I have a surprise for you, nope they are mostly content with it. And more, they believe it should be that way. So it's their culture, where is your tolerance to accept it that way.
And one thing, Iran is NOT Afganistan or Irak, American people. What are they teaching or telling you about this country.

I've already had all these discussions. :rolleyes:
Yes... rigggghhhhht here. How now brown cow? I even reported it, but do you think anyone did anything aqbout it? Fuck no! So fuck you all if it's fair game?
I see. I guess you have to know gustav.
Respond to the other post please?
I see. I guess you have to know gustav.
Respond to the other post please?
Its locked! And since you were so adamant to protect SciForum's credibility, so as to insinuate people are somehow "respectfull" in this fucked-up forum, what do you think the moderators did? NOTHING! So that's why I'm attacking all you simple minded, hypocritical atheistic fucks like you, by using the same language!
Its locked! And since you were so adamant to protect SciForum's credibility, so as to insinuate people are somehow "respectfull" in this fucked-up forum, what do you think the moderators did? NOTHING! So that's why I'm attacking all you simple minded, hypocritical atheistic fucks like you!

POST 22! Scroll up.. answer it! :facepalm:

Oh, so you just don't understand the OP then. Trolling?
Enjoy your time off, by the way.

And just to be clear, I asked you "Are you saying that theists cannot be affected by NPD?". And your answer was "No". Now you are saying "Yes" to that.
Contradict yourself much? :rolleyes:
It's stupid. You guys think that a "God complex" is attributed to theists alone? Please! Get a clue of the link I provided and try to read it will ya? How can a theist have a "complex" against God? Tell me?

It's the other way around buddy. It's the atheist that has the complex, the egotism and no respect for others, as I have proven. I am merely reacting to that.

So... will you guys do something about Gustav? Or will you all be egotistical hypocrites and elitists (aka "Narcissists"), as usual?
It's stupid. You guys think that a "God complex" is attributed to theists alone? Please! Get a clue of the link I provided and try to read it will ya? How can a theist have a "complex" against God? Tell me?

It's the other way around buddy. It's the atheist that has the complex, the egotism and no respect for others, as I have proven. I am merely reacting to that.

So... will you guys do something about Gustav? Or will you all be egotistical hypocrites and elitists, as usual?

Where did I say that only theists can have a God complex?
You are the one asserting that only one group can be affected by it, namely atheists. That makes you the attacker.
And even worse, you have no clue what a God complex is.
No, it seems, it is you that doesn't understand what a "narcissist" is.

So... for the 4th time... what will the mods do about a Gustav's provocative statement? Which btw, goes against almost all of your so-called "rules".
Where did I say that only theists can have a God complex?
You are the one asserting that only one group can be affected by it, namely atheists. That makes you the attacker.
And even worse, you have no clue what a God complex is.
See... this is how obsurd and twisted you people are.

You first asked if theists have a "narcissistic behaviour" aka God Complex, implying as if it is only the theist that can show this trait.

I answered NO... because anyone that believes in God cannot have a complex against Him, since this would contradict the very essence of his belief in God, thereby making him either agnostic or atheistically minded now.

So, once again, my answer is no. Don't try to twist things around like you all try to do. This puppy knows how to play!

Again... for the 5th time (and I won't stop till you answer it)... what will you guys do about Gustav's provocative statement?
See... this is how obsurd and twisted you people are.

You first asked if theists have a "narcissistic behaviour" aka God Complex, implying as if it is only the theist that can show this trait.

I answered NO... because anyone that believes in God cannot have a complex against Him, since this would contradict the very essence of his belief in God, thereby making him either agnostic or atheistically minded now.

So, once again, my answer is no. Don't try to twist things around like you all try to do. This puppy knows how to play!

Again... for the 5th time (and I won't stop till you answer it)... what will you guys do about Gustav's provocative statement?

Jesus, you are fucked up. I urge you to read that post again, I did not suggest that only theists have god complexes. Rather, I challenged your assertion that only atheists have it.
Learn to read before you address me again.
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Jesus, you are fucked up. I urge you to read that post again, I did not suggest that only theists have god complexed. Rather, I challenged your assertion that only atheists have it.
Learn to read before you address me again.
hmmm.... let me see now.

Here is what our un-original resident fool of a mod asked:

...It would seem that most ardent and "militant" theists have a God complex and want control over what other people should believe.

Is this present in all theists to some extent? Do all theists wish people believed like them?...
Now here he has not mentioned the word "narcissism" whatsoever! He actually asked if theists had "this" (God complex). I answered by saying he was a retard, since it's a retarded question to begin with.

Like I said... theist's cannot have a "complex" against God, as this would infer that the "believing" theist has a 'problem' with God, which is rediculuous! If a theist does have a problem/complex against God, the that theist will then shift his mindset (and therefore his/her beliefs) against God, thereby making his belief more inclined to be agnostic or atheistic.

Then you stepped in with two feet firmly in the fire and asked:
Are you saying that theists cannot be affected by Narcissistic personality disorder? lol :rolleyes:
To which I answered "NO", because of the reasons above, but this doesn't mean that a theist is prone to narcissism as such, rather, you have somehow thought that a "God complex" equates to "narcissism", which it doesn't. This term is referred mainly for the atheistic narcissist, not the theistic narcissist.

Got it?
Like I said... theist's cannot have a "complex" against God, as this would infer that the "believing" theist has a 'problem' with God, which is rediculuous! If a theist does have a problem/complex against God, the that theist will then shift his mindset (and therefore his/her beliefs) against God, thereby making his belief more inclined to be agnostic or atheistic.
Which has got nothing to do with the God complex. Read up on it.

Then you stepped in with two feet firmly in the fire and asked:

To which I answered "NO", because of the reasons above,
Wrong reasons, now try to grasp the concept 'God complex'.

but this doesn't mean that a theist is prone to narcissism as such,
No one said that it does.

rather, you have somehow thought that a "God complex" equates to "narcissism", which it doesn't.
No, 'God complex' refers to Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). That is a fact, and one that you are denying.

This term is referred mainly for the atheistic narcissist, not the theistic narcissist.
LOL And why is that? Please, make your case.

Got it?
You are starting to sound narcissistic..

Will you shut up about gustav and take it up with any of the mods :bugeye: