Do theists have a God complex?

Do you wish other people shared your beliefs?

  • Yes. I demand that all people believe in my God!

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No. I want everybody to believe the exact opposite to me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I like people who think the way I do (duh!)

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No, I like conflict and difference of opinion to rule my life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (post an inane comment in this inane thread)

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
Following on from SAM's enlightening thread [thread=96774]here[/thread] ...

Borrowing SAM's immortal words:

Not the usual theist bashing thread. But I am curious. It would seem that most ardent and "militant" theists have a God complex and want control over what other people should believe.

Is this present in all theists to some extent? Do all theists wish people believed like them?

You know, I think the title of this thread has a certain nice double meaning that is lacking in SAM's miraculous thread.
Although the thread is obviously satirical, I'll respond. In my experience in Asia and the Middle East [both obviously religious societies], there is a a tolerant attitude towards what one would term "other people's beliefs". Whether they agree or disagree with them, they recognise a right of people to have beliefs and personal systems of law and arbitration that are community defined and a greater tolerance of diverse systems of thought. I also found a similar tolerance in people in the mid west towards such "foreign beliefs" ie even if they disagreed with them and wished to convert them, the attitude was more of saving and bringing them into the fold rather than spitting on them.

With the atheists I have seen, not just here or on Dawkins forums, buit also in varied atheism based online resources the attitude is more of one which automatically labels any nonatheist as a person who is either a liar or insane or has an "agenda". What is the reason for this?
Just like I said in the thread of SAM's, it is in my best interest that people have beliefs of their own whatever they deem true but that we all live in peace and harmony amongst each other, no matter the religion and belief or lack thereof.
Following on from SAM's enlightening thread [thread=96774]here[/thread] ...

Borrowing SAM's immortal words:

Not the usual theist bashing thread. But I am curious. It would seem that most ardent and "militant" theists have a God complex and want control over what other people should believe.

Is this present in all theists to some extent? Do all theists wish people believed like them?

You know, I think the title of this thread has a certain nice double meaning that is lacking in SAM's miraculous thread.
You're a fucking retard James! How can theists have a complex about God?:shrug: The mind of an atheist... never surprises me... but it sure does amuse me! lol!
Ah yes, those tolerant religious middle-eastern countries/ Do tell us more, SAM.

As a woman in Iran, for example, how far would tolerance extend to your going out with your head uncovered and in the absence of a male escort?
Just like I said in the thread of SAM's, it is in my best interest that people have beliefs of their own whatever they deem true but that we all live in peace and harmony amongst each other, no matter the religion and belief or lack thereof.
Unfortunately Dragon, these dimwitts don't believe in respect (even though I asked for this and for idiot moderators to actually "moderate" such behaviours). They don't understand "peace" and "harmony". Just ask Michael and his jesters?
You're a fucking retard James! How can theists have a complex about God?:shrug: The mind of an atheist... never surprises me... but it sure does amuse me! lol!

Now, toddle over to SAM's thread on atheists and post the equivalent comment. There's a good boy.
Ah yes, those tolerant religious middle-eastern countries/ Do tell us more, SAM.

As a woman in Iran, for example, how far would tolerance extend to your going out with your head uncovered and in the absence of a male escort?

Pretty far, before western intervention.
You're a fucking retard James! How can theists have a complex about God?:shrug: The mind of an atheist... never surprises me... but it sure does amuse me! lol!

Are you saying that theists cannot be affected by Narcissistic personality disorder? lol :rolleyes:
Unfortunately Dragon, these dimwitts don't believe in respect...

You'd just might be more persuasive if you didn't start by calling atheists "dimwitts" [sic] and "fucking retard"s.

That doesn't demonstrate your belief in respect very well.

Just a hint...
You'd just might be more persuasive if you didn't start by calling atheists "dimwitts" [sic] and "fucking retard"s.

That doesn't demonstrate your belief in respect very well.

Just a hint...

James, you aren't just going to take this. Right?
I'm so glad I posted this thread. It's a laugh a minute.

Do tell me SAM, how the West controls the Islamic government of Iran.

Its a reaction to the 25 years of the Shah autocracy. Iran has been a nation for 5000 years and Islamic for 1400. When did they adopt this format of government? Meanwhile, Iranians are still more likely to respect the right of Australians to have their own beliefs, even when they are against theirs, while as you have proved, you are incapable of respecting theirs.

Feel free to tell us what you think of aboriginal beliefs as well.
You'd just might be more persuasive if you didn't start by calling atheists "dimwitts" [sic] and "fucking retard"s.

That doesn't demonstrate your belief in respect very well.

Just a hint...
Oh really? Well then maybe you should have thought about that when you allow morons like Michael to blabber their mouths off and get away with it. Not to mention other morons who call blessed Prophets "retards"? What a fucking joke!
Ah yes, those tolerant religious middle-eastern countries/ Do tell us more, SAM.

As a woman in Iran, for example, how far would tolerance extend to your going out with your head uncovered and in the absence of a male escort?

Of course the circumstances are not the same. But, are you really suggesting that there is a full tolerance to 'other people's beliefs' in the West? Be it Europe or America. You just have a very powerful state and some other refined means of making it your way. Why does it always have to be the most extreme example? Can you imagine a person chosing openly be a muslim in middle America? Do you really claim, she/he wouldn't face any difficulties?

Where is this idea of all women in fatal danger in the Middle East' coming from ?
Your point of view is directly based on a stupid idea that %100 of those women are very unhappy to live in that way. I have a surprise for you, nope they are mostly content with it. And more, they believe it should be that way. So it's their culture, where is your tolerance to accept it that way.
And one thing, Iran is NOT Afganistan or Irak, American people. What are they teaching or telling you about this country.