Do theists believe in dinosaurs?

Interesting post. I always wondered if there was a connection between the serpent in Genesis and kundalini. You got any good links that go into this more?
Also, is that image rosicrucian?

Sure man, glad to help:

Chapter "Symbol of the divine healing" in the following online book (page 127):

The Mayan vision serpent symbolizes the passage of ancestral spirits and the gods of Xibalba (the Mayan underworld) into our world dating from 755 AC:

Depiction of the Sumerian serpent god Ningizzida dating from before 2000 BCE:

Greek Statue of Asclepius (God of medicine and Healing Statue) 400 BCE:

Mesopotamian seal 2200 BCE:

Bonus links:

About the Rosicrucian thing, I don´t know man, they probably use it too, but that one is from Gnostic literature. Gnosis = Sophia
It's your assertion, you back it up with facts, you prove it.

All scientific knowledge and plain logic, reduces your assertion to delusional fantasy.

how does scientific knowledge reduce my assertion in the slightest?
god can do anything.he's fucking magic.
how does scientific knowledge reduce my assertion in the slightest?
god can do anything.he's fucking magic.

Yeah, I agree, God can do anything he desires, he is the Lord of all that is, all that was, all that will be, but there's no such thing as magic...magic only exists because of ignorance...all these things like a soul, God, etc...only appear magical because of ignorance, a lack of knowledge, just like how a TV or lightning can appear magical...
Yeah, I agree, God can do anything he desires, he is the Lord of all that is, all that was, all that will be, but there's no such thing as magic...magic only exists because of ignorance...all these things like a soul, God, etc...only appear magical because of ignorance, a lack of knowledge, just like how a TV or lightning can appear magical...

Well said, nothing is supernatural if its manifested in nature. That makes it natural.
god put the dinosaur bones in the earth so that humans would have things to find and speculate about.

prove me wrong

The dinosaurs lived millions of year before humans and became instinct due to a large meteorite impact.

Prove me wrong.

Well you can't, and neither can I. I just wanted to know what you guys believed, not get into a 'prove-me-wrong' fight...