Do theists believe in dinosaurs?


Registered Senior Member
According to you, the humans were created at the beginning; there wasn't anything before. The dinosaurs were around millions of years before modern humans were; we can prove it. So then, do theists just believe that God planted those skeletons there for, well, no apparent reason? If so, then why aren't people raising huge beefs about archeology?
No this is wrong....according to Genesis God created everything (plants, animals, beasts, etc..) first then humans at the very end.....there is also no mention of any 6,000 year period in Genesis...
Alright, sorry for my misunderstanding. Are you suggesting that God waited a few hundred million years to create humans?

Also, I don't know what you're talking about with the 6,000 year thing, I don't know where I said anything about 6,000 years.
No this is wrong....according to Genesis God created everything (plants, animals, beasts, etc..) first then humans at the very end.....there is also no mention of any 6,000 year period in Genesis...
Where did the 6,000 year idea come from anyway?
Could it be because civilization and written history itself is about that old?
Well we either take the 6 day creation period literally or figuratively. If it only took 6 days then it means that humans were around when dinosaurs were. If the 6 days refers to 6 stages of time, it means that as we are now in the 7th stage, God is resting.

Conclusion, God cannot be omniscient and omnipotent as he, is enjoying his day (7th stage) off, he is out of the country, gone fishing.
Since when was a day not a day? I swear... the people who made up the Bible made it intentionally vague so that they could never be wrong if they got people to think about it so abstractly, as above.
I believe it is stupid to read that kind of things literally. I mean, really, in what mind?
Those are all metaphors that were written by wise men, enlightened men. Each time I read Genesis I find something new.
The Gnostic interpretation of Genesis is very interesting, and it connects many dots between Genesis, and the Oriental concept of Kundalini energy:


We have sexual energy, that is the same life energy concentrated in our lower sphere, which is the sexual. Like Einstein said, matter is energy in movement. The sexual is the lower sphere, because when a man reaches a level of awareness, the sex becomes secondary, the energy starts manifesting in the form of consciousness. That is why sex is the common dot ammong religions, Buddhism call it a "Wise sexual conduct" precept, Christianity and Catholics call it "Fornication". All religions have inadequacies in this subject. All because when the sexual energy is transformed into consciousness, the bramacharya is a posibility. Not before that.

The transformation is from the sexual sphere, our genitals, into a higher sphere, consciousness, which is born in our brains. The energy flows in a serpentine form anciently symbolized as a snake from the genitals to the brain. So Kundalini energy is often represented in the form of a snake.



I have researched this much, in all religions we can find statements that can be explained with this context.
So yes, I believe in dinosaurs, but they have NOTHING to do with Genesis or religion. This is a lame attempt to discredit the Bible.
I just wanna make sure I'm clear on what your saying here:
1. There were dinosaurs 300million years ago and no humans.
2. In order, to believe that and the bible, you have to read it abstractly.

Aw crap...I forget the rest of what I was gonna say, anyway just answer those two things I guess for now.
Interesting post. I always wondered if there was a connection between the serpent in Genesis and kundalini. You got any good links that go into this more?
Also, is that image rosicrucian?
According to you, the humans were created at the beginning; there wasn't anything before. The dinosaurs were around millions of years before modern humans were; we can prove it. So then, do theists just believe that God planted those skeletons there for, well, no apparent reason? If so, then why aren't people raising huge beefs about archeology?

there is the view that the universe is cyclic - meaning that there is a set course of secondary creation and partial devastation within the ultimate cycle of creation and destruction of the material universe.
Thus what we see in the way of ancient history is an indication of what we can anticipate in the future
According to you, the humans were created at the beginning; there wasn't anything before. The dinosaurs were around millions of years before modern humans were; we can prove it. So then, do theists just believe that God planted those skeletons there for, well, no apparent reason? If so, then why aren't people raising huge beefs about archeology?

many theists believe in evolution.
Alright, sorry for my misunderstanding. Are you suggesting that God waited a few hundred million years to create humans?

More like billions, but it doesn't really matter since there were probably lot's of other things going on in the rest of the universe to keep God busy.:)
god put the dinosaur bones in the earth so that humans would have things to find and speculate about.
Yes theists believe in dinosaurs and evolution. Theists also believe in gay rights and sex before marriage.