Do televangelists use electric shock?

The next time you are with a person who is particularly receptive to suggestion (drunk, high or REALLY tired often works well) that they are swaying back and forth.
At first they will deny it.
Keep a stright face and be insistant.
It doesn't take much effort at all to make them start swaying.

Devout believers that are desperate enough to believe in something (especially ones wanting to be healed) are exceptionally receptive to suggestion.
that is true to some people One Raven. I find many people that are very open. Some are very closed. I find neither to be right or wrong, but just a way of life. (Working off memory) there was sick woman, who could not be healed no matter how much the doctors tried. She heard of jesus. She believed so much that if she just touched him that she would be healed. After she touched him and confessed that she did. Jesus saw why she did. He tells her by her faith she is healed.

So its good to be open at sometimes to see things from a new perspective, i encourage church. Not for traditional reasons, but to hear a preacher give a sermon. A way to practice being open to new ideas. At the same time i embrace the headstrong faith in something. Never hurts to believe with all your heart. So its kinda a balance between the two in my opinion, but that is just an opinion.
Okinrus: I reviewed the Pentecost from the book of Acts. I also consulted my father who is a preacher of a non denominational church. I find that there can be 2 interpitations. I looked for mine and I show that they record the people praised God for bringing wonders in their own native tounge. Acts 2:11.
From looking at the first part of the passage it does say that they "hear" it in their own language so that does show me that speaking a celestrial language that all understand is a possibility. Which ever it is wont matter too much but i never hear that interp. until now.

Mis-t-highs: Stating opinions would not change the course of truth. If I were to check myself out, would not be the hand of frail humanity. I trust God and his angels alone.
camphlps said:
Never hurts to believe with all your heart.

I couldn't possibly disagree more.
To believe with all your heart you have to close your mind.
There isn't much that could be more destructive.

Not to mention the obvious risk of headstrong faith hurting others...
(The Inquisition, The Crusades, St Patrick, The Mayans... the list goes on and on.)
camphlis, it's not that the disciples spoke different languages but that they spoke one "angelic" language that everyone there understood. But you are correct that the modern speaking in tongues is an emotional exuberance rather than the actual tongues.

Well I've read that "angels" was a misinterpretation by the people when it came to Zoroastrianism. Angels of God and the like sprouted from that misinterpretation in that "angel" became actual beings for it and later religions. It was said that the laws of Zoroastrianism were "angelic laws" as in "good laws", but people took it to mean that the angelic laws were taught by actual angels of God, heh. It's something like that anyways as I'm trying to remember it off-hand. So when it comes to the "angelic" language of the disciples, I doubt it's them speaking in togues, but rather just preaching and saying nothing but good things, not as if it's the language of angels.

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camphlps: Medician Woman: that is called "Slain in the Spirit". If you are "Slain in the Spirit" you will "know".
M*W: I've never heard it called that. Would you mind me asking what part of the US you live in?
camphlps: I have had 1 "Slain in the Spirit". I will give you my experience so that you may know the difference between tradition and from God.

I was laying in my bed, fully awake. It came to me very quickly. I began to go into convultions. i could not control my body. I was squirming around and could not stop. I had no power over my own body. I called for God to help. At that moment i was in another plane. There i saw God's face. I heared his voice. The third thing was myself writeing what looks to be what God is saying.
M*W: This "Slain in the Spirit" happened in your bed? It sounds to me as if you might have had an epileptic seizure, or at the very least, a terrible allergic reaction to something. It sounds as if you became comatose. Are you sure you weren't dreaming? What exactly did you write down that God said? What did God look like? Please describe in detail. This sounds like what happened to Paul of Tarsus on the Road to Damascus. How long were you on another plane? (Time lapse?).
camphlps: I find nothing "wrong" with falling down when someone prays for you. But it doesnt give your a "boost" or something. Doesnt do anything magical. Its just tradition.
M*W: We were not saying that there is something "wrong" by falling down, the discussion has been what "causes" one to fall down when being prayed for? Magical is not what we're looking for, so it seems like you are saying that it is just a "tradition" and the person being prayed over is expected to fall?
camphlps: Its a misguided teaching just like speaking in tounges. To make this short the acual meaning to speaking in tounges is to speak a language no one can understand in that if i spoke Spanish to someone who doesnt know it. The deciples started speaking in tounges so they can preach to those who speak those languages.
M*W: I'm convinced that speaking in tongues has nothing to do with the spirit or angels, but that it is a psychological manifestation -- sometimes so serious it requires psychiatric medication.
Sometimes the simplest explanations are the best.

If you watch many faith healers, they have the person to be healed stand rigidly upright very close to the healer. The healer then places his (usually his) hand on the person's chest or forehead, possibly with their other hand in the small of the person's back, and then simply gives a good hard push. The person naturally falls straight backwards. Since they know what is supposed to happen, they go with it and allow the catchers to catch them. Mostly, they are too caught up in religious ecstasy to consciously register the push, and even if they do they attribute it to the power of God coming into their body.
Well I've read that "angels" was a misinterpretation by the people when it came to Zoroastrianism.
Angels have a tradition predating Zoroastrianism. The word "angel", however, just means messenger. My use of "angelic" here is not to imply that only angels speak this language, but that the language is different from our speech.
My use of "angelic" here is not to imply that only angels speak this language, but that the language is different from our speech.

Ah okay, I thought you used "angelic" as if quoting something and then took that word to mean they were speaking in another language as opposed to the same language, just more positive messages which would seem unlike the norm.

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Medicine Woman: Yeah i wondered if it was a dream. It always is in my mind. But conviction from God seems to have me "know" that it was real.

I cant describe Gods face. Mostly cause we do not possess the language to discribe him.
camphlps: it does'nt matter, if you could or could not discribe, your gods face.
it's your delusion, unless you were in a group, and you all saw the same thing , at the same time ,and can prove that beyond, a shadow of a doubt.
otherwise it's not worth you, bring it up, as it leaves you open to ridcule, and people including me, will not take anything you say seriously.
so just leave you delusions, hulucinations, or dreams, at the door, when you come in, it's better for all. thank you