Do televangelists use electric shock?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've been thinking about the televangelists who touch people and make them fall down. Up to now, I always thought that they were just enactments. Now, I'm wondering if these evangelists are using some form of electric shock. The use of electricity in medicine is an old cure-all. Could they be doing this with an exposed wire taped to their hand but grounded so they won't feel anything? Just a thought. Any comments?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been thinking about the televangelists who touch people and make them fall down. Up to now, I always thought that they were just enactments. Now, I'm wondering if these evangelists are using some form of electric shock. The use of electricity in medicine is an old cure-all. Could they be doing this with an exposed wire taped to their hand but grounded so they won't feel anything? Just a thought. Any comments?

Perhaps. I've never heard of any cases of this actually happening, but it seems that the case is (usually) just the power of suggestion.

M*W, will you respond to your other threads please? Particularly the one about God as electricity?
TheERK: M*W, will you respond to your other threads please? Particularly the one about God as electricity?
M*W: I thought I had responded.
James Randi did a thorough study of faith healers back in the 1980s. A stage magician is the perfect person to debunk bunkmongers, because they all use stage magic tricks. He busted Peter Popoff, one of the worst of the lot. (His "hearing aid" was a radio receiver and his wife was backstage reading the information cards that the most faithful members of the audience had helpfully provided.) Unfortunately lunacy seeks its own level and he's been back on the air and busted several times since then.

One of the keys to pulling off a gig of faith healing, clairvoyancy, water dowsing, medium channeling, etc., is to have a huge staff on site: many more people than the ones who are obviously working the venue. They inflitate the audience in the parking lot, ticket line, restrooms, etc., and pick the ones with the proper attributes. The attributes are no surprise, what is a surprise is that they're so damn common. Suggestible, respect for authority, desperately wanting to believe, conditions that are largely psychological and not somatic.

Now, remembering that the healer is a professional, that little tap on the forehead is much stronger than it looks. The people who are chosen to be ushered to the stage are the ones that don't fight it and go down like spaghetti due to the helpful force of gravity.

The practitioners of the other paranormal arts also know the tricks. They're all either former stage magicians or people who have picked up the training, or smart people who figured the tricks out for themselves.

But to the extent that many conditions are psychosomatic or purely psychological problems, many of these folks actually try to help. After all, they get paid either way and a satisfied customer will send in ten of their friends. It's the old witch doctor routine. Put on a show and make the patient think he's going to be cured, all the while doing a "cold reading," asking a lot of questions, and just plain listening. Send them home with a placebo, a post-hypnotic suggestion, or just some good amateur psychotherapy, and the chances are good that the patient really will improve.

A friend of mine, before we met, was in a death spiral of drinking and missing work. Out of desperation he walked into an astrologer's storefront even though he's as skeptical as any of us. The lady never even pulled out her charts. She just asked questions, gave him some questions to take home that he could answer for himself with a little work, listened a lot, and talked some straight talk about being an adult and taking responsibility. He actually walked out of the place on the road to recovery. He never for a second thought that it had anything to do with astrology, and the lady never said it did.
I don't know about electric shock, but I do recall that one evangelist was ordered by a jury to pay something like $600,000 after he "healed" a woman and his catchers did not catch her: having been healed of headaches or some such, she fell and broke her hip and back.

Then again, there's awlays Bob Tilton: "Put your hand on mine on your television screen and pray with me ...."

To this day, the phrases, "Stomach demons, I have dominion over you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!" or , "Liver demons, come out!" still crack me up.
tiassa said:
I don't know about electric shock, but I do recall that one evangelist was ordered by a jury to pay something like $600,000 after he "healed" a woman and his catchers did not catch her: having been healed of headaches or some such, she fell and broke her hip and back.

Then again, there's awlays Bob Tilton: "Put your hand on mine on your television screen and pray with me ...."

To this day, the phrases, "Stomach demons, I have dominion over you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!" or , "Liver demons, come out!" still crack me up.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been thinking about the televangelists who touch people and make them fall down. Up to now, I always thought that they were just enactments. Now, I'm wondering if these evangelists are using some form of electric shock. The use of electricity in medicine is an old cure-all. Could they be doing this with an exposed wire taped to their hand but grounded so they won't feel anything? Just a thought. Any comments?
I don't think it's electricity as a charge strong enough to make someone keel over backwards would also be strong enough to make their hair stand on end.

Some in my family once dragged me to an evangelist meeting in the hope that it would inspire me to find God again. How that backfired.

Anywho, I noticed that they crammed so many people in that hall and got them extremelly excited with all these biblical stories. The hall was packed and as the first hour passed by, I noticed the heat in the room rising to the point where I was sweating while just sitting down and watching. By the time it got to the point of people queing up at the front to have their illnesses or problems blasted out of their bodies 'with the power of God... hallelujah' (sarcasm), it was extremelly hot. The stage was crammed with people working for the ministry and the band was playing these religious songs very loudly. They were making the people jump up and down and dance to the power of the lord (insert sarcasm here). By this point the back of my head felt as though it was on fire and I was sitting by myself in the 4th row (everyone else was standing in line). So trying to figure out where the heat came from, I turned around and looked behind me and low and behold I saw all the heating vents levelled at just a certain height on the back wall so that the heat was literally blasted to the people at the front, and there were all these little ribbons tied to it and they were flying horizontally.

I got up, made my way through the falling bodies to the back, stood on a chair and put my hand up to the vent, and the air coming from it was burning hot. They turn the heat up and with all the excitement and the amount of people, I'm guessing some just passed out from the heat. Unfortunately, I was spotted by one of the people working for the ministry as I was on the chair with my hand in front of the vent. I was then dragged down and asked to leave. I asked why the heat was up so high and they wouldn't answer. I was then ushered to the door by two very large men and thrown out.

My family who'd dragged me there were mortified with embarrassment. Was a productive evening all round. :D They never asked me to 'find God' again in case next time it meant jail time and I found a trick of the false evangelist trade.

Ah life is good. ;)
M*W: I've watched Rod Parsley and Jimmy Swaggert yell and cry, but it wasn't tears -- it was sweat! Rod Parsley uses hypnotic repetitive chords on the piano. That, combined with the heat, and the believers sweating their asses off moving their sweaty bodies with the chants of the 'choir', it's almost like voodoo! Now, mind you, I only watched them for entertainment purposes! Jimmy can 'cry' on demand and Rod sweats profusely. Now I know why!

And why the big blonde wig and all the make-up and gold painted furniture on that televangelist's show (Jim and Janet) -- I don't remember what it's called. She reads letters and cryies and asks for mercy donations for all those hungry kids they sponsor -- yeah, right! They travel making videotapes of hungry kids, but I bet those kids get not one cent of all those donations! So much for Chri$tianity.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been thinking about the televangelists who touch people and make them fall down. Up to now, I always thought that they were just enactments. Now, I'm wondering if these evangelists are using some form of electric shock. The use of electricity in medicine is an old cure-all. Could they be doing this with an exposed wire taped to their hand but grounded so they won't feel anything? Just a thought. Any comments?
from atheism/religion/hypnosis,music

...Many faith-healing practitioners of hypnosis induce trance-like receptiveness in their prey by physically stunning them. They "lay on hands." Starting with their hands on the crown of the victim's head, they utter their hypnotic suggestions (i.e. "prayers") while gradually moving their hands down the side of the person's head. Finally, when their hands are on the person's neck and ears, they will suddenly put pressure on the nerve-rich cavity behind the ear and on the carotid sinus farther down the neck. This stuns and disorients the victim, and he or she becomes very imprintable. The verbal suggestions of the healer become implanted within as little as two or three seconds.

Of course, this does not always work. If the person being "healed" has a weak cardiovascular system, or if the "healer" presses on the carotid sinus too long, cardiac arrest may result and god cheats the evangelist out of the poor bloke's money. At least one notorious faith healer of our day has given up the practice because of this embarrassing and expensive side-effect. The reader must realize, this method of inducing hypnosis is extremely dangerous, and no competent practitioner will employ it. Only religionists still flirt with it.
fahrenheit 451 said:
so theErk you think it's Hypnosis.
clever buggers these televangelists.

No, not necessarily hypnosis. Although hynosis uses suggestion, suggestion doesn't always mean hypnosis. I think people 'fall' because they know that they're supposed to. It's part performance by the subject, and part placebo.
Hmm, true. What I find particularly amusing is when you see the individual who's at the front of the pack being prayed on, looking behind them to make sure that someone is there to catch them.

They are expected to fall down, and this combined with the throng of people chanting, swaying, the loud music blaring, the constant movement of the throng, the suggestiveness of the whole affair and the fact that they turn up the heat... well... all I can say is tiiiiimmmmbbbeerrrrr...

The power of suggestion goes a long way in explaining why these people fall. I think Erk hit the nail right on the head. These people expect to fall down and when the peon at the front with the microphone keeps ranting about 'being struck down with the almighty powerrrrr of God' (again sarcasm inserted here), these poor people have nowhere to go but to the floor. The mere suggestion and expectation of the whole process goes a long way.

are you yourself a victim of Electro Convulsive Therapy, because like frankenstein
you wont die, and you keep reviving inane threads

maybe they should increase your wattage during your therapy, say 5000 kw and at last you might light up this forum with you wit, because at the moment its more like dimwit
vincent28uk said:

are you yourself a victim of Electro Convulsive Therapy, because like frankenstein
you wont die, and you keep reviving inane threads

maybe they should increase your wattage during your therapy, say 5000 kw and at last you might light up this forum with you wit, because at the moment its more like dimwit

Attention: this is how to get people to like you. Take note.
I wouldn't doubt them using electricity. Remember the Baghdad battery? There's been theories about primitive batteries such as those being used by holy men to create "heavenly auras" to altars, statues, and other shrines, which would also provide shock to a person touching it thinking it was from God. I don't remember the exact details, but it's something like that.

- N
Medician Woman: that is called "Slain in the Spirit". Though i dont believe in it the same way they do, but it is truth. I believe that making it a tradition as they do is not gaining anything. Doesnt help, or make it more powerfull. If you are "Slain in the Spirit" you will "know".

I have had 1 "Slain in the Spirit". I will give you my experience so that you may know the difference between tradition and from God.

I was laying in my bed, fully awake. It came to me very quickly. I began to go into convultions. i could not control my body. I was squirming around and could not stop. I had no power over my own body. I called for God to help. At that moment i was in another plane. There i saw God's face. I heared his voice. The third thing was myself writeing what looks to be what God is saying.

I find nothing "wrong" with falling down when someone prays for you. But it doesnt give your a "boost" or something. Doesnt do anything magical. Its just tradition.

Its a misguided teaching just like speaking in tounges. To make this short the acual meaning to speaking in tounges is to speak a language no one can understand in that if i spoke Spanish to someone who doesnt know it. The deciples started speaking in tounges so they can preach to those who speak those languages.
camphlps said:
I have had 1 "Slain in the Spirit". I will give you my experience so that you may know the difference between tradition and from God.

I was laying in my bed, fully awake. It came to me very quickly. I began to go into convultions. i could not control my body. I was squirming around and could not stop. I had no power over my own body. I called for God to help. At that moment i was in another plane. There i saw God's face. I heared his voice. The third thing was myself writeing what looks to be what God is saying.
Sounds more like you were having a fit. You should get that checked out.

I find nothing "wrong" with falling down when someone prays for you. But it doesnt give your a "boost" or something. Doesnt do anything magical. Its just tradition.
Ah, that's the thing. It's just tradition to fall down. I'd be willing to guess that many of the people who keel over are doing so because it is expected and not doing so would make the peon with the microphone look like a tool.

Neildo said:
There's been theories about primitive batteries such as those being used by holy men to create "heavenly auras" to altars, statues, and other shrines, which would also provide shock to a person touching it thinking it was from God. I don't remember the exact details, but it's something like that.
As perverse as it sounds, if they did use some form of batteries or electricity, wouldn't be hilarious if something shorted out or the wires became crossed and they ended up shocking themselves... hehehe... Ah it'd be worth going to church just to see it. :D .. Ah anywho, that's off topic.. sorry..
Bells if you have truely known what i have seen and heard there is no place in you for anything else. I generally avoid braging about my connection with God, but i did it for her sake to know the difference from tradition.
camphip: bells is right you should go and get yourself checked, this is the second time you've mentioned strange happenings, to yourself.
Archaeologists have found what they believe to be ancient batteries in Babylonia.

camphlis, it's not that the disciples spoke different languages but that they spoke one "angelic" language that everyone there understood. But you are correct that the modern speaking in tongues is an emotional exuberance rather than the actual tongues.