Do religious folk (christians) have a sense of humour?

you listed no facts of any relevance

Cannot read very well can you? I posted the fact that I*am* one of those AND that I know several others just like me. If all that isn't revelant then nothing else is - certainly not your rather silly idea that I proved *completely* wrong.

So suck it up, big guy, you missed the mark.
Cannot read very well can you? I posted the fact that I*am* one of those AND that I know several others just like me. If all that isn't revelant then nothing else is - certainly not your rather silly idea that I proved *completely* wrong.

So suck it up, big guy, you missed the mark.

complete drivel
complete drivel

Nope, not one drop. You asked the question and I provided the answer that shot your idea full of holes - you just aren't honest enough to admit you were wrong.

Take a deep breath, drop this silly idea, and move along to something else.
I believe Pastafarians have a good sense of humor.

Here is a Pastafarian prayer:
Our Pasta, who "Arghh" in the colander, Swallowed be thy sauce. Thy serving come, Thy strands be wrung, On forks as they are on spoons. Give us this day our garlic bread, And forgive us our starchiness, As we swashbuckle, splice the main-brace and cuss, And lead us not into Kraft parmessan, But deliver us from Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, For thine are Meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever. R'Amen.
Richard Dawkins and the Pope are debating, it becomes heated and the pope says "you are like a man locked in a dark room searching for a black cat that isn't there".
And Richard Dawkins replies "I think you too are like a man locked in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. The difference is you've found it".
Richard Dawkins and the Pope are debating, it becomes heated and the pope says "you are like a man locked in a dark room searching for a black cat that isn't there".
And Richard Dawkins replies "I think you too are like a man locked in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. The difference is you've found it".

It is untrue to say the cat isn't there. It may be there or it may not be: in fact it is a superposition of states, and the only way to find out is to... oh, wait, I'm in the wrong thread!
Ive come to realise that almost every stand up comedian that i've heard of, or who have made an impression, are all atheists. it seems like anyone who is funny on TV is an atheist. and lets be fair, religion is the butt of many comedians' jokes nowadays. Can you religious folk watch a comedian that bashes religion and see the funny side to it?

There's humor and there's humor.

One kind of humor kind of revolves around people's sense of incongruity. It's a dry absurdist kind of humor that I like a lot.

But there's also another kind of humor that's all too prevalent that I strongly dislike. (Though I've been known to participate in it, something I'm not especially proud of.) That's when a group of people kind of band together in a feeling of solidarity by pointing out and ridiculing a designated victim. Then they all group together and bark like dogs, 'ha ha ha!'

That's more than a little sadistic.

And like their fundamentalist cousins everywhere else, the more radical and militant sort of atheists can sometimes have a weakness for sadism in the name of solidarity.

ps. obviously the Islamic religion is exempt from this conversation as they have no sense of humour whatsoever.

How do you know that they don't laugh uproariously at idiot atheist kaffirs like you?

That's the thing. Whether or not this kind of stuff seems funny to somebody depends on which side of the laughter they are are most sympathetic with.

If people laugh at a black person with big lips eating a watermelon, the laughers would almost certainly be called "racist". Presumably racism isn't funny, even if it provides occasions for laughter.

But laughing at religious believers' deepest and most beloved beliefs? Laughing at what they find most beautiful in their lives?

Ha ha ha, fuck you.

Why would you?

Then let's do away with institutionalised organisations and get straight to the subject matter of belief in God. :)

Okay, let's get to it. Why is ''belief in a supernatural being'' an ''outragous claim, and why is it laughable that a person who believes as you say, think these clowns may not be informed about reality?


The nice thing about irrational beliefs such as God creating the Universe is that the irrational beliefs can be ignored in Christianity and simply believe in what Christ said. As a Christian, I literally do not believe in any non scientific claims that are in the Bible. In my mind the book was written for a specific audience that "needed" what was written. I do not believe that God created the universe, that Jesus arose from the dead or walked on water or that Moses parted the waters. People can claim that I am therefore not a Christian, but I don't care, I am not going to believe in fantasy simply to satisfy someone else's definition on what I need to do to be what they define as Christian. I am Christian because Jesus made counter-intuitive suggestions about the relationship of humans to each other. Included in that list is the requirement that we love one another as we would love ourselves. He did not limit that to a man/woman relationship or a woman/woman relationship. It was not limited.

Every Christian sect has its own beliefs that separate it from other sects. So my beliefs are no worse than one sect's beliefs compared to another's.

With regard to cosmology, we will one day discover the structure of dark matter and with that discovery will be the answer of how the universe created itself. Supernatural creation is not required and therefore not likely to be true.

The nice thing about irrational beliefs such as God creating the Universe is that the irrational beliefs can be ignored in Christianity and simply believe in what Christ said. As a Christian, I literally do not believe in any non scientific claims that are in the Bible. In my mind the book was written for a specific audience that "needed" what was written. I do not believe that God created the universe, that Jesus arose from the dead or walked on water or that Moses parted the waters. People can claim that I am therefore not a Christian, but I don't care, I am not going to believe in fantasy simply to satisfy someone else's definition on what I need to do to be what they define as Christian. I am Christian because Jesus made counter-intuitive suggestions about the relationship of humans to each other. Included in that list is the requirement that we love one another as we would love ourselves. He did not limit that to a man/woman relationship or a woman/woman relationship. It was not limited.

Every Christian sect has its own beliefs that separate it from other sects. So my beliefs are no worse than one sect's beliefs compared to another's.

With regard to cosmology, we will one day discover the structure of dark matter and with that discovery will be the answer of how the universe created itself. Supernatural creation is not required and therefore not likely to be true.

Why is it irrational to believe in God?
Let's get right down to it. :)

What do you mean by ''verifiable property''?


You tell me, you claim knowledge of the existence God. This is a fair question and there must be something significant which has convinced you of the existence of a sentient and motivated Supreme Being. You must admit that is a rather ambitious claim.

Suppose I make a claim about this God.
Xenu (zee-no),[1][2][3] also spelled Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who 75 million years ago brought billions[4][5] of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.[1][6]
Would your response be that you could believe in Xenu or would you be somewhat skeptical and ask for some compelling reason why such a God should exist and why He would do the things described in the quote .

You tell me, you claim knowledge of the existence God.

I asked the question: Why is it irrational to believe in God? Which was a response to a claim that it is irrational to believe in God. You responded with a question ''Give me one verifiable property of God that I CAN believe in?''. Can you see how that is not an answer to the question? I ask you ''what is a verifiable property'' and you answer with this.

If you believe that belief in God is irrational, then simply state why you believe so, otherwise wait for Russell Crawford to respond, then ask something that is relevant to the discussion.

This is a fair question and there must be something significant which has convinced you of the existence of a sentient and motivated Supreme Being. You must admit that is a rather ambitious claim.

The claim is that it is irrational to believe in God, so let's take it one step at a time and if it transpires that I am convinced of the existence of a sentient and motivate Supreme Being, then then your question will be relevant. But let's deal with the claim and resist jumping the gun. Okay. Good.

Suppose I make a claim about this God.

Would your response be that you could believe in Xenu or would you be somewhat skeptical and ask for some compelling reason why such a God should exist and why He would do the things described in the quote .

It's non of my business what you believe, and wouldn't get involved in such a discussion unless you started making claims that I was irrational for my belief, which is where we're at now.

So the question is: Why is it irrational to believe in God? It should be a simple question to answer if you think this is true. Shouldn't it? ;)

I may be wrong but I think Larry the cable guy is a christian family man. And what about Bill Engval or Jeff foxworthy? My christian pastor friend has some humor.