Do religious folk (christians) have a sense of humour?


Registered Member
Ive come to realise that almost every stand up comedian that i've heard of, or who have made an impression, are all atheists. it seems like anyone who is funny on TV is an atheist. and lets be fair, religion is the butt of many comedians' jokes nowadays. Can you religious folk watch a comedian that bashes religion and see the funny side to it?

ps. obviously the Islamic religion is exempt from this conversation as they have no sense of humour whatsoever.
You mean anyone on tv that is funny is anti christian.

Alot of the people you think are funny are other denominations, and they hate christian beliefs. Christianity is the only religion you can be anti, and get away with it on tv or in society. Why because christians should not care either way.

Most people are on the darkside, even most whom goto church.

Al gore and richard dawkins are twits. If you want to be conned thats your bag. Evolution in terms of humans will one day be seen as rubbish as al gores rubbish about man made this and that.

Humans are basically twits whom know nout. Imagine how many books are out there and virtually none of them say anything of real value, as the author did not really know there subject.

I am me because i am me, not because i was born into a family whom had a certain religion which they did not really practise. Most people in religions are not religious, they belong to a group because they are born into it. This does not mean that 1 billion christians are carbon copies of each other, most of those people are not religious at all. Most are secularised, like most jews are secularised.

So i would not label people being religious as being dull. People are dull or have no sense of humor as they are that way.
You mean anyone on tv that is funny is anti christian.

Alot of the people you think are funny are other denominations, and they hate christian beliefs. Christianity is the only religion you can be anti, and get away with it on tv or in society. Why because christians should not care either way.

Most people are on the darkside, even most whom goto church.

Al gore and richard dawkins are twits. If you want to be conned thats your bag. Evolution in terms of humans will one day be seen as rubbish as al gores rubbish about man made this and that.

Humans are basically twits whom know nout. Imagine how many books are out there and virtually none of them say anything of real value, as the author did not really know there subject.

I am me because i am me, not because i was born into a family whom had a certain religion which they did not really practise. Most people in religions are not religious, they belong to a group because they are born into it. This does not mean that 1 billion christians are carbon copies of each other, most of those people are not religious at all. Most are secularised, like most jews are secularised.

So i would not label people being religious as being dull. People are dull or have no sense of humor as they are that way.

well you're a miserable sod aren't ya!

mankind has gathered a vast amount of knowledge, where have u been hiding? have you read all these shitty books or something?

i was directing the question at the people who actually are religious, and do let religion take over their lives, ya know....proper christians, who get offended, i dont know why you're calling al gore and richard dawkins twits, i don't even know why you picked those two people lol. and i have no idea what your evolution comment meant. Most people, in the western world dont dedicate their lives to religion, but will still claim to be a catholic or protestant.

creationists most definitely are carbon copies of each other :-D
I know a little amusing story told by a liberal christian.

Jesus and Moses playing golf. They come to a large water hazard and Jesus takes out a 9 iron. Moses (a better golfer) warns Jesus that he should not use the 9 iron as only an Arnold Palmer could make such a shot. Jesus ignores the advise and hits the ball which promptly dunks into the water.
Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball and Moses parts the water and retrieves the ball for Jesus, but is displeased.

Again Jesus takes the 9 iron and tees up. Moses knowing Jesus' golf skills warns him again that he cannot make that shot as only an Arnold Palmer could pull off such a feat. Jesus again ignores the advise and drops the ball in the middle of the water hazard.
And again Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball again and muttering to himself Moses parts the water to retrieve the ball for Jesus.

For a third time Jesus tees up and wants to use the 9 iron. In exasperation Moses tells Jesus firmly that he just cannot make that shot as only an Arnold Palmer could do that, but stubbornly Jesus hits the ball with the 9 iron and yet again it drops in the water.
Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball once again but this time, at his wits end, Moses tells Jesus to get the ball himself, whereupon Jesus begins walking over the water towards the spot where the ball disappeared.

At this point another threesome approaches the water hazard and seeing this man walking on the water, one golfer exclaims, "you see that guy, who does he think he is, Jesus Christ??

Moses turns to the man and responds, "Yes actually that is Jesus, he just thinks he is Arnold Palmer!"
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I know a little amusing story told by a christian.

Jesus and Moses playing golf. They come to a large water hazard and Jesus takes out a 9 iron. Moses (a better golfer) warns Jesus that he should not use the 9 iron as only an Arnold Palmer could make such a shot. Jesus ignores the advise and hits the bal which promptly dunks into the water.
Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball and Moses parts the water and retrieves the ball for Jesus, but is displeased.

Again Jesus takes the 9 iron and tees up. Moses knowing Jesus' golf skills warns him again that he cannot make that shot as only an Arnold Palmer could pull off such a feat. Jesus again ignores the advise and drops the ball in the middle of the water hazard.
And Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball again and muttering to himself Moses parts the water to retrieve the ball for Jesus.

For a third time Jesus tees up and wants to use the 9 iron. In exasperation Moses tells Jesus firmly that he just cannot make that shot as only an Arnold Palmer could do that, but stubbornly Jesus hits the ball with the 9 iron and yet again it drops in the water.
Jesus asks Moses to retrieve the ball once again but this time, at his wits end, Moses tells Jesus to get the ball himself, whereupon Jesus begins walking over the water towards the spot where the ball disappeared.

At this point another threesome approaches the water hazard and seeing this man walking on the water, one golfer exclaims, "you see that guy, who does he think he is, Jesus??

Moses turns to the man and responds, "Yes actually that is Jesus, he just thinks he is Arnold Palmer!"

Hahaha thats a good'n.
well you're a miserable sod aren't ya!

mankind has gathered a vast amount of knowledge, where have u been hiding? have you read all these shitty books or something?

i was directing the question at the people who actually are religious, and do let religion take over their lives, ya know....proper christians, who get offended, i dont know why you're calling al gore and richard dawkins twits, i don't even know why you picked those two people lol. and i have no idea what your evolution comment meant. Most people, in the western world dont dedicate their lives to religion, but will still claim to be a catholic or protestant.

creationists most definitely are carbon copies of each other :-D

Real christians could mean anything, there is 1 billion on earth and all types of people. That is people with all sorts of personality types. Same with atheists, they have all sorts of personality types.

Your making a massive generalisation, and alot of the people whom are in media talking down christianty are not atheists they are other religions whom love there darkside religion and love to put down the light.

Many devout christians do not give toss about atheists, or some other religious zealots hatred of there group, and many of them have a good sense of humour. Your just making a massive generalisation. Christianty is the only group that people can upset or rubbish in media.

Its the same as racism only applies to white people, when blacks and asians are far more racist. Same thing. Only white countries had diversity.
i didnt make any generalisation. i directed a question, mostly aimed toward the christian populous. The title may have been misleading but my first post explained clearly what i meant. i wanted to know if devout religious people would take offence if they heard a comedian make fun of their religion.

The generalisation i am making now is that there are very few christians that make it in the comedy business, why? because they think being offended gives them some sort of right. i am glad that christianity can get mocked on television, for one it shows christianity is fading out, it doesn't have the power it once had. but also it shows a fair amount of decency and morality amongst people of the christian faith as i don't see them out burning down embassies over a cartoon.
Ive come to realise that almost every stand up comedian that i've heard of, or who have made an impression, are all atheists. it seems like anyone who is funny on TV is an atheist. and lets be fair, religion is the butt of many comedians' jokes nowadays. Can you religious folk watch a comedian that bashes religion and see the funny side to it?

ps. obviously the Islamic religion is exempt from this conversation as they have no sense of humour whatsoever.

People who really believe in God, who understand that all living beings including themselves, are a part and parcel of God, who realise that this temporary life is best used to serve God rather than nothing, have no intention of wasting their precious time in the pointless pursuit of ridiculing another person or lifeform (if they can help it), They view such people as childish and grossly uninformed about reality, despite their (in some cases, brilliant) talents. They pity such people, because they see them as lost souls who always lose out in the end.

People who really believe in God, who understand that all living beings including themselves, are a part and parcel of God, who realise that this temporary life is best used to serve God rather than nothing, have no intention of wasting their precious time in the pointless pursuit of ridiculing another person or lifeform (if they can help it), They view such people as childish and grossly uninformed about reality, despite their (in some cases, brilliant) talents. They pity such people, because they see them as lost souls who always lose out in the end.

"people who really believe in god" - now there's a number i'd love to know. i half expect most people don't truthfully believe, well most christians dont. they may look at someone criticising their religion as childish, and they'd be right most of the time, but outrageous claims deserve ridicule at times, but the fact that someone who believes in a supernatural being can say that person is grossly informed about reality is laughable.

"people who really believe in god" - now there's a number i'd love to know.

Why would you?

i half expect most people don't truthfully believe, well most christians dont. they may look at someone criticising their religion as childish, and they'd be right most of the time,

Then let's do away with institutionalised organisations and get straight to the subject matter of belief in God. :)

...but outrageous claims deserve ridicule at times, but the fact that someone who believes in a supernatural being can say that person is grossly informed about reality is laughable.

Okay, let's get to it. Why is ''belief in a supernatural being'' an ''outragous claim, and why is it laughable that a person who believes as you say, think these clowns may not be informed about reality?


Okay, let's get to it. Why is ''belief in a supernatural being'' an ''outragous claim, and why is it laughable that a person who believes as you say, think these clowns may not be informed about reality?jan.

Jan, by definition the term "supernatural" excludes "natural" reality (as we observe it). Therefore invoking the term "supernatural" cannot be considered in scientific terms and is a purely subjective experience.
It's outrageous to say you think a supernatural being created the universe. do you think that because scientists dont know how the big bang started that you are on equal footing in terms of being right? It's laughable that any person could think they would gain a better understanding of the universe by reading an old book than to actually do some research before claiming you know everything
It's outrageous to say you think a supernatural being created the universe. do you think that because scientists dont know how the big bang started that you are on equal footing in terms of being right? It's laughable that any person could think they would gain a better understanding of the universe by reading an old book than to actually do some research before claiming you know everything
If you're saying that the further science moves into the subject of cosmogyny, the less authoritative it is, you have no grounds for suggesting its outrageous to suggest a "supernatural" being created the universe

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I'm a Christian (neither Catholic nor protestant) and have a HUGE sense of humor. ;) And in fact, I know a large number of us do. Yes, I also believe that God created the Universe and by a very simple (for Him) method. He just applied a tremendous amount of energy to the 'nothingness' which split it into matter and antimatter - there's nothing surprising there.

I also enjoy poking fun at my religion - and everyone else's. And I never take life too seriously because no one is getting out of it alive. ;)
"people who really believe in god" - now there's a number i'd love to know. i half expect most people don't truthfully believe, well most christians dont.

71% of people in the US "believe in God - absolutely certain" and 78% are Christian. -

Sorry to dash your uninformed expectations.

It's outrageous to say you think a supernatural being created the universe. do you think that because scientists dont know how the big bang started that you are on equal footing in terms of being right? It's laughable that any person could think they would gain a better understanding of the universe by reading an old book than to actually do some research before claiming you know everything

Incredulity is no argument. But what do these posts have to do with humor?
71% of people in the US "believe in God - absolutely certain" and 78% are Christian. -

i mean actually really do believe in god, of course all the yanks are gonna tick the yes box. but deep down theres very few thinking human beings who really believe this sort of tripe.

Incredulity is no argument. But what do these posts have to do with humor?

didn't you see? it veered away from humour just around the middle
i mean actually really do believe in god, of course all the yanks are gonna tick the yes box. but deep down theres very few thinking human beings who really believe this sort of tripe.

All evidence to the contrary.