Do dogs go to heaven?

Well, dogs need to stay outside of heaven.. along with the sexually immoral, liars and those that practice magic.

I can understand those that practice magic, (Paul Daniels annoys me to no end), but why dogs? My boy has never done anything to anyone - aside from some annoying barking occasionally.

What I don't get is why lions are allowed into heaven to chill out with lambs and goats but my dog that has a considerably better attitude than most lions has to dwell outside with the seriously evil people like fortune tellers.

Rev 22:15 'Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.'
mosT animaLs are aLreaDY in Heaven, on earTH.

because they don't think bad thoughts that separate them from god/nature.

What I don't get is why lions are allowed into heaven to chill out with lambs and goats but my dog that has a considerably better attitude than most lions has to dwell outside with the seriously evil people like fortune tellers.

ask m*w. it's because lions and lambs are part of the zodiac. dogs are only part of the chinese zodiac.
ask m*w. it's because lions and lambs are part of the zodiac. dogs are only part of the chinese zodiac.

Who would have thought the gods would discriminate in such fashion? Oh wait, don't answer that.
An opinion unfounded in fact. Think about how much cleaner your scrotum would be if you could clean it with your tongue on a daily basis!
An opinion unfounded in fact. Think about how much cleaner your scrotum would be if you could clean it with your tongue on a daily basis!

Look dude, I didn't make the rules, I don't even enforce them.

All I know is that God made everything, and in part of making everything, He made some things unclean that He wants nothing to do with. Unclean, Tamei in Hebrew, means ritually impure, unholy, or profane, more than it means an actual dirtiness. It is a term that refers to the order of things. God is a lawful God, and in His presence, things must be of the proper order.

Though it strikes one as funny; if God likes order, why did he create disordered creatures?
The scottie in the neighbor's back yard is going somewhere, in about another week of this barking, and if it's heaven I'm going somewhere else.
The term unclean refers to their being unfit for human consumption.

It has nothing to do with them being good or evil.

If traditions have been created by men to infer that an unclean animal is some who evil of defective then it is the doctrine that is unclean and defective.

When the bible says that dogs are unclean that tells me simply that they are not to be eaten.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I have a cat and cats are unclean. But i love my little tubby bubby girl Oprah she gets pats and cuddles all the time. :)
That is definiatelly not correct. No room for pitbulls and other barking, bitting dogs...

That's why hell was invented. For BAD doggies...

I'm going to assume that you are joking, because if you aren't, don't get me started on you.

What part of 'There is no such thing as a bad dog, only a BAD OWNER' don't you understand?
The term unclean refers to their being unfit for human consumption.

It has nothing to do with them being good or evil.

If traditions have been created by men to infer that an unclean animal is some who evil of defective then it is the doctrine that is unclean and defective.

When the bible says that dogs are unclean that tells me simply that they are not to be eaten.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I have a cat and cats are unclean. But i love my little tubby bubby girl Oprah she gets pats and cuddles all the time. :)

c'mon surely Oprah is going to heaven? LMAO