Do believers think that atheists/agnostics are "bad"?

Paula said:
Laser Eyes

Glad to meet another former atheist/ current believer on this forum. I, too, feel as though I can see things from more than one perspective now but I must admit I'm tougher on the atheists (working on that), probably because I've been there before.

I have also been on both sides of the fence (3 sides? :p), but I'm atheist now.
Do you think that atheists/agnostics are doing something wrong?
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Do you think they oppose you?
Do you think they want to harm you?
Do you think they should be punished for their disbelief?

Yes, I believe they are not seeong the truth
I think that they are people, with the ability to choose. currently they are serving the wrong master though.
They oppose us in the sense that they disagree and we debate alot, but that's good because we both learn alot.
I don't think they want to harm me, they're just people, not some alien life form.
Should we persecute them? No. One day if they do not repent, God will discipline them.
RosaMagika said:
Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
Yes, Some attempt to convert at every moment they can. Some have given up, and others just don't care.

RosaMagika said:
Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?
According to their religion, no. According to me, yes, for the reason that constantly trying to convert someone is against religious freedom. It is ok to have discussions though.

RosaMagika said:
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
I would say they are 'good' according to their religion. To me, I'm atheist so the word 'evil' is subjective.

RosaMagika said:
Do you think they oppose you?
Yes and No. Obviously Atheists are the "enemy" as is everyone else not of their faith. If you don't believe in Jesus as the son of God, then you aren't Christian, and therefore you aren't going to Heaven, thus making you the enemy.

RosaMagika said:
Do you think they want to harm you?
Not anymore, I hope. If I were living in the Old Testament time period, I would say Yes. Although there are several extremists today that might think it is necessarily to wipe out everyone if they are not of their belief system.
Paula said:
Laser Eyes

Glad to meet another former atheist/ current believer on this forum. I, too, feel as though I can see things from more than one perspective now but I must admit I'm tougher on the atheists (working on that), probably because I've been there before.

paula and laser eyes: you both, have never been true atheist, as you would never become a believer.
it just is'nt possible, it's as impossible as their being a god.

rosa said:
If you are an atheist/agnostic:
Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
some try, but basicaly No, although they say some humourous things. just take a look at enigma07 post, just above this one( now she is amusing)
rosa said:
Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?
No each to their own, but I do pity them.
rosa said:
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
most are just funny, but theirs is the chosen few, who are well over the top, Ie david koresh, the reverand jimmy jones, leo volont.
rosa said:
Do you think they oppose you?
but of course, but they are amusing.
rosa said:
Do you think they want to harm you?
No, but I might be deluding you never know, you could get killed by the muslims, so cant really say.
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**RM (If you are an atheist/agnostic: )

I'm an athiest, agnosticism is a coward who does not take a position. Threre can't be a middle of the fence. Either you believe or you don't.

**Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?

That's their job, to gather a flog, of believers so they can worship this entity which they can't identify.

**Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?

Their intent is geneously to do good, they believer they are, but when ever they force their opinoions on others, that's when it's out of hand. Some in history have forced their belifs. Who's to say it won't happen again?

**Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?

I'll let history speak for itself. Crusades, Inquisitions, Witch burnings. However individualy without such superstitions zeal controlling them they are commonly good.

**Do you think they oppose you?

Yes, they believe I'm misquided, lost, ignorant, they are the special ones knowitall about salvation after death. They think I'm going to hell, blablabla....

**Do you think they want to harm you?

Aren't we glad we live in a society, that's free from religious rule? Or otherwise YES they would seek to jail, burn me, or kill me for my disbelief. It's been done in the past. It can happen again.

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1) I am a unitarian. I am confused why people who are agnostic cause they don't care one way or the other or look into it enough to make a defintive assertation but I figure its not my place to make it a priority to them. But Michael Shermer, who is agnostic is one of my fav philsophers ( he said he did and couldn't make a call.

2) I live in a very diverse city and have met quite a few athiests and I can't say any of them are evil but its curious that here in this city most are self-centered in my personal observation. They seem to live in their own worlds and are not community oriented. As far as good evil other I would say neutral. They, for the most part, keep to themselves.

3) no opposition from athiests or agnostics cause i am not out to convert them and my beliefs are much more liberal than other gnostics. Most down here are not interested in debating religion at all. Its just a non-priority for them.

4) harm me no, help me no....most are reclusive and introspective and don't interact with the community much. I would say after innventoring all the open athiests that I know that more than 80 % are hermits and keep to themselves.

5) if someone were to say yes i would love to hear the justification for it......kinda A Hitler like mentality.
Laser and Paula what did you convert to and why?

Alpha --and you why did you convert and from what to athiesm?
robtex said:
I am confused why people who are agnostic cause they don't care one way or the other or look into it enough to make a defintive assertation but I figure its not my place to make it a priority to them.

Why do you assume agnostics "don't care one way or another"?

I am an agnostic and I care deeply. I simply consider the question of God unknowable. Suppose I asked you a question that you couldn't possibly know, like, say, "When will the world end?" Would the fact that you couldn't tell me for sure mean you don't care?
Alpha said:
Being atheist doesn't necessitate the belief that morals are relative and/or subjective.
Yeah, that's why I said 'To me' ;) But I should have left out the Atheist part I guess.
JustARide said:
Why do you assume agnostics "don't care one way or another"?

I am an agnostic and I care deeply. I simply consider the question of God unknowable. Suppose I asked you a question that you couldn't possibly know, like, say, "When will the world end?" Would the fact that you couldn't tell me for sure mean you don't care?

Sorry poor word choice. Should have said cannot or will not commit one way or the other. But since you brought it up, why is it you care deeply --ie have an emotional vested interest in the answer, but are not swayed (or inclinded) one way or the other? When you say "know" how much certainty is neccessary and how does it weigh against your reality of maybe never knowing?