Do believers think that atheists/agnostics are "bad"?


the sea
Registered Senior Member
If you are a religious believer:
Do you think that atheists/agnostics are doing something wrong?
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Do you think they oppose you?
Do you think they want to harm you?
Do you think they should be punished for their disbelief?


If you are an atheist/agnostic:
Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Do you think they oppose you?
Do you think they want to harm you?


If you think asking such questions is wrong or biased: Why do you think so?

Please discuss.
agnostics are heretics. They say there is no God.

Either there is a God, or there isn't. Don't be silly and try to tell yourself you aren't choosing sides.

They will be punished for their "belief", which is actually stubborness so I don't think it's a "belief". It may be on earth and/or after life on earth.

Of course they want to harm me. Anyone who is not for God, is against God. That automatically makes them enemies.

They oppose me because I am: Defender of the Faith :p


I think it boils down to my first statement, which says that there is no in between, either you are for or against God.

All hail dualism!
I have a box. It has something inside... it's either good or bad.

Either it is good, or it is bad. Don't be silly and try to tell yourself you aren't choosing sides.

My point is that agnostics have the most supportable position in any of this. They say either "I don't know" or "I don't care" what is inside the box.
I think it boils down to my first statement, which says that there is no in between, either you are for or against God.
Damn, you and Bush. Did I miss the 'for us or against us' part in the Bible?
Persol said:
I have a box. It has something inside... it's either good or bad.

Either it is good, or it is bad. Don't be silly and try to tell yourself you aren't choosing sides.

How is that related to whether there is a God or not? I don't see how the analogy of good and bad can be related to existence and non-existence :confused:

[/quote]My point is that agnostics have the most supportable position in any of this. They say either "I don't know" or "I don't care" what is inside the box.Damn, you and Bush. Did I miss the 'for us or against us' part in the Bible?[/QUOTE]

Romans 8

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[10] who[11] have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?

Na na! :p

I maintain: There is NO middle ground.
RosaMagika said:
If you are an atheist/agnostic:
Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
The nice ones are. The selfish ones don't bother.

Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?

Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Too stupid to be evil. But the force they are mindless slaves to is definately evil. Maybe the only thing in the known universe that is truely evil.

Do you think they oppose you?
They oppose the planet earth and yes, me by extension.

Do you think they want to harm you?
I don't think they want to, but they are. More importantly they are eating the planet, converting something beautiful into a pile of shit. I find that unforgivable.
If you are an atheist/agnostic:
Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
Most of them, after all the unbelievers need 'saving' dont they?
Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?
If life as a believer suits them then not at all, we all need something and they need god.
Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Religion has no bearing on good or evil, though the ones that believe without question are certainly naive.
Do you think they oppose you?
As was said earlier he who is not with them is against them, though not all of them believe this.
Do you think they want to harm you?
The ones that believe i am against them if im not with them are definately hostile, its the kind of statement used before a fight to choose sides.
Do you think that atheists/agnostics are doing something wrong?

Well if the absence of doing something right is wrong then yes i do think they are doing something wrong.

Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?

Well i don't think any human being is good so that cuts that option out for me. I think they are doing something bad to themselves by not doing what is good for themselves.

Do you think they oppose you?

Well some think they are opposing me but they are actually opposing God. Others just don't care about the issue of God.

Do you think they want to harm you?

Some think they can stop the message getting out by killing the messenger.
Some are just content to ridicule and belittle the messenger to try and make the message seem foolish and again some just don't care.

Do you think they should be punished for their disbelief?

I don't think they should be punished by believers in this life. But if God so chooses to punish them in this life then so be it. Basically its not my call :) That’s one of the good things about being a follower of the Messiah all those decisions are taken out of my hands. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If you are a religious believer:
Do you think that atheists/agnostics are doing something wrong?

What do you mean by "doing something wrong?"

Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?

Anybody, believer or unbeliever, can be bad.

Do you think they oppose you?

With regards religious or spiritual beliefs? Yes.

Do you think they want to harm you?

Some may want to and some may not.

Do you think they should be punished for their disbelief?

This question is absurd, but in answer to it. No.

If you think asking such questions is wrong or biased: Why do you think so?

If your enquiries are genuine then they are neither, IMHO. ;)

Jan Ardena.
If you are an atheist/agnostic

Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?
Yes. My family is religous and they are very uncomfortable that I am agnostic and bordering on atheism. So they keep trying to convince me that I need God in my life to be whole. When those conversations arise, I tend to just walk away, because they have their beliefs and I have mine (or I have a lack of beliefs.. lol). I know that it bothers my mother the most and that it hurts her that I am no longer a 'true' catholic. I know.. I'm a bad daughter lol... So if I want to make her a bit happier, On a few rare occasions I'll sometimes pick her up on a Sunday morning and accompany her to church. I will usually stay for about 10 minutes and then I'll leave, but the smile it puts on her face is worth it to me.

Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?
No. They have their beliefs and I have mine. If they find happiness or peace and comfort in religion, who am I to tell them that they are doing something wrong?

Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
I don't see the religion as being either bad, evil or good. It's the followers who have such qualities.

Do you think they oppose you?
Some do yes. I have been called a heathen (LOL) and evil by some people when they've realised that I'm agnostic bordering on atheism. One (no longer) friend of the family was very offended last year when my aunt asked me to do the eulogy at my uncle's funeral in the church. He made several comments to me after the funeral about how it was sacriledge that an atheist and heathen like me could read in the church at the funeral of someone who did believe in God, etc. I was too upset at the death of someone I adored to bother replying, and my family, some of whom had overheard his comments, told him that he was not welcome anymore... That would probably have to be one of the worst cases of opposition I've felt I guess.

Do you think they want to harm you?
I wouldn't know... lol. But why would they? I don't infringe on their beliefs with my own. But in all seriousness, I wouldn't think so.
Rather than say atheists are wrong I will say that they are making a mistake. Since God is forgiving it does not necessarily mean they will suffer if their lives have been otherwise good. We all know that at the last moment everyone has an opportunity to see their error and we really don't know who has or has not repented in their hearts as they move from this life to the next. I, too, was an atheist so I know there is always hope.

I will say personal experience has shown me that most atheists I've met are the most cynical, angry, miserable people and I can't imagine why anyone would want to talk me into espousing their worldview (as most of them do). Of course, this may be only those who trumpet their atheism as a way of antagonising. There may be plenty of nice atheists who just don't get into it with people because we all know where religious discussion leads.

Agnostics seem to be more laid back about it, as though they would really like there to be a God but can't quite convince themselves one way or another. I don't get that same misery vibe from my agnostic friends that I do from my friends who proclaim atheism. Just my personal experiences.
There are many types of people. We all know that. For me, the answer to most of those questions could very well be "yes and no, some do and some don't". Though I find labels disconcerting, I'll go so far as to say I'm agnostic.

Some of the most loving, intellegent, caring, and understanding people I know are devout Christians. Interestingly enough, the majority of these people are elderly. They have traveled the road of life, experienced doubt and belief, and have come to a conclusion that works for them. When I tell them stories about my 24 year old school teacher who was "on fire for God" they smile and remember their own "childhoods".

To truely understand faith requires experience. Taking fresh converts, even if they've been believers all their life, and slapping that image over all of religion isn't just. There are more than a few inflamitory and argumentive Christians on these forums. The first sign that you truely believe something is when you don't feel the need to justify it, to yourself or others.
§outh§tar said:
How is that related to whether there is a God or not? I don't see how the analogy of good and bad can be related to existence and non-existence
In both cases the person doesn't have enough information to make a decision... yet you attempt to force them to make a decision anyway. To make it worse, you then hold them to it.
I thank you all for your input. :)
I have started this thread to collect some impressions. The questions I've stated in the beginning seem to be crucial when it comes to the meeting of believers and non-believers.
Persol said:
In both cases the person doesn't have enough information to make a decision... yet you attempt to force them to make a decision anyway. To make it worse, you then hold them to it.

Romans 1

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
If you are an atheist/agnostic:

Do you think that the religious believers are trying to convert you whenever they can?

Do you think that religious believers are doing something wrong?

Do you think they are bad? Evil? Good? Other?
Not bad or evil, insamuch as too committed to their beliefs.

Do you think they oppose you?

Do you think they want to harm you?
Only the truest believers.

And South, I'm so tired of making this point, but here it comes again ... using the Bible to "prove" anything about God is an absolutely asinine argument. You're saying that because God is in the Bible, God exists, and because God exists, God's word, as presented in the Bible, is true. How cannot you see that it is a circular argument, and as such invalid?

But since you brought it up, based on what you said in the porn thread, you'd seem to qualify as someone who suppresses the truth of your own wickedness.

As for agnosticism ... yeah, there is a God, or there isn't. That's not the point. The point for agnostics is that as humans, we do not have the cognitive capacity to answer that question. There's a right way to plan a nuclear reactor and a wrong way. That doesn't mean that a bonobo's going to be able to tell the difference.
You're saying that because God is in the Bible, God exists, and because God exists, God's word, as presented in the Bible, is true.

How do you know what I'm saying? And that is NOT what I'm "saying".

P.S. Been meaning to tell you this, "Deceny" isn't in the English dictionary. :p

EDIT: As for supressing the truth in wickedness, everyone is wicked before coming to Christ. Na na.
“ Originally Posted by Persol
In both cases the person doesn't have enough information to make a decision... yet you attempt to force them to make a decision anyway. To make it worse, you then hold them to it. ”

Romans 1

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
And stupid things like this are religion is bad.