Do Bacteria Communicate?


Just look it up in any intro biology book. It's common knowledge. Google under "peppered moth."

Quorum Sensing is just that: "sensing." It is not true active communication like individual species have amongst each other. Bacterial quorum "sensing" communication utilizes hormone autoinducers to regulate gene expression, virulence expression, physiological functions, and surface chemicals during growth phases. This is stimulus-response: recognition-expression of function. Acyl-homoserine lactone quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria enables the species to sense when it has reached a critical population density in the host. Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing uses Las and Rhl (composed of LuxR-type proteins, LasR and RhlR, and two acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) synthases, LasI and RhlI): LasI catalyzes the synthesis of N-(3-oxododecanoyl)homoserine lactone (3O-C12-HSL), whereas RhlI catalyzes the synthesis of N-butyryl-homoserine lactone. Deletion of the lasI gene or both the lasI and rhlI genes greatly diminishes the ability of P. aeruginosa to colonize in the lung. All Hulomomis species synthesize AHL signal molecules for growth-dependent phase activities. Borrelia burgdorferi utilizes autoinducer-2 (AI-2), which utilizes a small cell-permeable signaling molecule (AI-2), whose synthesis is dependent on the product of a luxS gene; but may not utilize a LuxS/AI-2 quorum-sensing system in any stage of its life cycle. LuxS exists in over thirty bacterial species, but is not a mechanism of gene regulation. There is a lot of research in this area, called quorum sensing research.

Many bacterial species use quorum-sensing mechanisms to regulate gene expression at the level of the population. Such bacteria secrete autoinducers into their surroundings, while simultaneously sampling the environment for its presence. When low quantities of autoinducer are produced by a population, each bacterium can detect little or no autoinducer. But when the autoinducer concentration increases in the culture, the high levels sensed by all of the bacteria serve as a signal for them to alter gene expression. In this manner, bacteria can coordinate a behavior, such as production of virulence factors during host infection.

Brian Stevenson and Kelly Babb. (2002) "LuxS-Mediated Quorum Sensing in Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme Disease Spirochete." Infect Immun. 70(8), pp. 4099–4105.

Hubner, Anette, et. al. (2003) "Expression of a luxS Gene Is Not Required for Borrelia burgdorferi Infection of Mice via Needle Inoculation." Infect Immun. 71(5), pp. 2892–2896.

Smith, Rojer S., et al. (2002) "The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum-Sensing Molecule N-(3-Oxododecanoyl)Homoserine Lactone Contributes to Virulence and Induces Inflammation In Vivo."Journal of Bacteriology, Vol. 184, No. 4, pp. 1132-1139. online abstract:
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Don't play coy Valich, I respect your opinion far too much for that.

Please provide the source for your terminology (#15) of:
allometry, polymorphism, and evolution

The fact that you have selectively chosen a definition to refute my hypothesis and cover up your lack of understanding will not cut the mustard with me.
I am not "playing coy," whatever that means. It is an accumulation of knowledge from a wide variety of sources: books, journals, courses, profs, discussions with colleagues, research.

Geez! Look under Wikipedia, Brittanica, or even in Webster's dictionary:

1. allometry: "relative growth of a part in relation to an entire organism"
2. polymorphism: "the quality or state of existing in or assuming different forms: as (1): existence of a species in several forms independent of the variation of sex (2): existence of a gene in several allelic forms.
3. evolution: "a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications [mutations] in successive generations."

A polymorphism is not a mutation, nor is it evolution. It is one of the many possible variants of the expression of a morphological phenotype that is already present within the given population's gene pool. For example, hair color, fur color, different sizes and shapes of individuals. Some polymorphs become more persistent than others because they are more advantageous for fitness, with fitness measured in units of offspring reproduced. Thus in the Arctic, many of the same species that can interbreed and reproduce viable offspring are white in color, while the same species nearer the equator may be brown or black - camouflage. These are polymorphs.

Oxford Dictionary of Biology:
1. allometry: "The growth of one part of an organism at a different rate from that of the whole organism."
2. polymorphism: "The existence of three or more distinctly different forms within a plant or animal species."
3. evolution: "The process by which new species are formed from preexisting species over a period of time." compiles a collection of "definitions" from a wide variety of credible sources. You can pick and choose and judge for yourself which one you feel is more scientific and appropriate for the given context, i.e., biology and genetics:
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This is a Biology and Genetics forum Valich.

Why not widen your grasp of the diversity of material available...look for a reputable biological dictionary! This will give you a wider knowledge of terminology and its context.
Now you've criticised my hypothesis using flawed sources - how about another critique...this time using correct definitions. I don't mind being proven wrong - I welcome it as an opportunity to learn.
The terms you use in #15 are different to #25. Why? Were you using them selectively to discredit what you could not prove?
The terms you use in #15 are different to #25. Why? Were you using them selectively to discredit what you could not prove?
I really don't have time to go back and look at this. Do you want to talk to my attorney? Whatever floats your boat, but I thought you told Charon that you'd better do some more research. Gotta go.