DNA Anaslysis

Well, I must confess that you've covered some points of note: specifically, physiological cascades. Are gene interaction pathways the focus of your work or article?
since so many ask me about the 'LUCK' in DNA. OK, I just tell you the simplest proven contemporary science in medical field in my methodology study,I won't tell more as it is the confidential information of the organization and it is still being studied, For example, you may know your 'luck' in percentage or probability of getting certain disease in DNA analysis such as cancer or diabetes.

Hundreds of diseases can be inherited through defective gene sequences. An inherited genetic disorder called "hemochromatosis" will causes a person's intestines to absorb too much iron. The iron then builds up in different vital organs. Eventually, it can damage the liver, the heart, the joints...and possibly even cause death.

Celiac disease is caused by an interaction between the celiac disease genes and environment. Strong evidence shows that in order to develop celiac disease, a person must have one or both of two genes known as HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. The major environmental factor, of course, is gluten ingestion. Gluten proteins interact with the celiac disease genes to trigger an abnormal immune response that damages the lining of the small intestine.More than 97% of patients with celiac disease have at least one of the two genes. Most patients (more than 90%) carry the DQ2 gene. Fewer than 10% carry the DQ8 gene. In the near future, researchers will likely discover additional genes that predispose an individual to celiac disease.Having these so-called "celiac disease genes" does not mean you're guaranteed to have celiac disease. In fact, the vast majority of people with the genes never develop celiac disease. Having the genes only means you have a risk of someday developing celiac disease. On the other hand, if you don't have these genes, your odds of developing celiac disease are slim to none.

Huntington's disease, an inherited neurodegenerative disorder is incurable and fatal. But a new discovery about how cells repair their DNA points to a possible way to stop or slow the onset of the disease.People with the disease have a version of a gene called huntingtin that carries an extra segment with a particular sequence of repeated subunits. If the segment is too large, the gene produces a faulty protein that has a destructive effect in the brain.

there are more studies on gene related disease, so you can tell a new born child that the 'LUCK' or probability of getting the disease in the future if those genes present in their DNA. Talk about luck in your career or your future direction and decision is at the advanced stage and it is guided by your genetic information, what strength and weakness your gene can tell means your probability of your future route to be chosen. Either you are most likely to end up more frequently in jail because you inherited a gene that will cause you bad temper person; or become a more successful person because you got the gene that are more resilient to mood swing. Or end up more frequently in hospital bed because you are ill. I can bet the information given is more accurate than a fortune teller can tell you about their LUCK

That's not luck. Why don't you just call it the illness gene.