DNA Anaslysis


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
my study on DNA shown that if you ever have the chance to find the exact combination of all DNA structure between two different individual, you will have the chance of getting the similar personality, same body structure, and more astounding is same fate, same luck,same sickness ,same emotion, do the same thing everyday and even same day of birth and death. That is the secret code of GOD creation that all the information of the person is hidden in the code that God can 'refer' to.... like you browsing for reference book in the library using coding system.
From DNA analysis in the future, you don't need to refer to fortune teller to tell you your luck, but you can refer to DNA analysis to understand your future about everything, including sickness, luck, career you will venture in etc. From now on, i am accumulating all the people DNA result, understand their habit and personality, daily luck, their background to compile 'The God's Reference Book'. This would be also a major breakthrough in the future science.
I know what i wrote, not many people can understand it. but time will proof it... lets wait and see.
You didn't answer my question. What exactly has your 'study' involved? Because obviously haven't actually read anything about DNA beyond that known by a layperson. To claim that DNA not only defines our physical bodys and (partly) our personalities (which no one denies) but also 'luck' and career is just nonsense. What actual work with DNA have you done? Where's your analysis of the data you claim to have? Where's the data? Where's anything to justify your claim?

Do you even know how science is done?
talk about career? Sure there are many coincidence, for example, can you tell me the singers that are twins? They do possess the same genetic information in certain part of their DNA. So they are both good at singing and they possess quite the same vocal range, feeling, and even voices. So for these group of people, they possess certain criteria and mostly their talents are pass down from their ancestor. So you may notice that both twin are professional singers and have the same career.

As for talented artist in art, musical instrument, scientists, high IQ people, behavior characteristic, they share the same genetic information that are pass down from their ancestor. If we can find out what specific genetic structure represent certain illness, talents etc, we can better forecast what we are able to do in the future and try to minimize the risks factor such as diabetes etc. For example if your parent got diabetes, then the risk of getting diabetes for his children is greater than normal level. In fact, researchers have found nearly 20 different genes that can affect your risk for developing diabetes. Two of the best studied genes in Type 1 diabetes are the HLA region and the insulin gene. so your 'LUCK' for getting diabetes is governed by those genetic information.

In conclusion, those genetic information representing the characteristic of the person and you can almost predict what is their talent and what job suit them best, If you can be able to extract a baby's DNA for analysis, with ample reference, you can predict what likely he will be in his future. No matter how, God knows what DNA means for him and we are trying to crack the secret code. So far we are able to crack some of it in the field of medical to know what gene causes the illness. So as the talents must be hidden in certain genes.
Come on, Happeh, fess up. Or put me down as a collaborator. Is there any money in your unified theorem? Will we need a Unix system to run the genotypic-phenotypic array in something like a couple hundred million dimensions?
talk about career? Sure there are many coincidence, for example, can you tell me the singers that are twins? They do possess the same genetic information in certain part of their DNA. So they are both good at singing and they possess quite the same vocal range, feeling, and even voices. So for these group of people, they possess certain criteria and mostly their talents are pass down from their ancestor. So you may notice that both twin are professional singers and have the same career.

As for talented artist in art, musical instrument, scientists, high IQ people, behavior characteristic, they share the same genetic information that are pass down from their ancestor. If we can find out what specific genetic structure represent certain illness, talents etc, we can better forecast what we are able to do in the future and try to minimize the risks factor such as diabetes etc. For example if your parent got diabetes, then the risk of getting diabetes for his children is greater than normal level. In fact, researchers have found nearly 20 different genes that can affect your risk for developing diabetes. Two of the best studied genes in Type 1 diabetes are the HLA region and the insulin gene. so your 'LUCK' for getting diabetes is governed by those genetic information.

In conclusion, those genetic information representing the characteristic of the person and you can almost predict what is their talent and what job suit them best, If you can be able to extract a baby's DNA for analysis, with ample reference, you can predict what likely he will be in his future. No matter how, God knows what DNA means for him and we are trying to crack the secret code. So far we are able to crack some of it in the field of medical to know what gene causes the illness. So as the talents must be hidden in certain genes.

There are several major flaws in your reasoning but I'll only take the time to point out one of them: Training.

For example, practically every movie star has gone through hundreds of hours in voice (singing) lessons as well as dancing, acting and other things.

As a general rule, movie stars are made, not born - they are selected primarily for their physical appearance, not talent specifically.
Talk about singing, we all can sing , we can learn to sing as well, but I am talking about the nice voice that every professional singers possess need talents, If you don't have talent, then no matter how many hours your training is, will be only a waste and you will not be able to be a recording artist. Sure professional singer got talent and most of their talent is pass down from their ancestor. So their ancestor pass down the same genetic information. As to what type of genes that become a good singer, we need to accumulate all the singers' genes to see which genes coincides it.
How soon do you think it will be before we isolate the gene for "deluded crackpot" or "utter fruitcake"?
Will there be a cure?
Do you think it will be possible to engineer people who have those genes and provide them with an "aversion to posting crap on the internet" gene?
Talk about singing, we all can sing , we can learn to sing as well, but I am talking about the nice voice that every professional singers possess need talents, If you don't have talent, then no matter how many hours your training is, will be only a waste and you will not be able to be a recording artist. Sure professional singer got talent and most of their talent is pass down from their ancestor. So their ancestor pass down the same genetic information. As to what type of genes that become a good singer, we need to accumulate all the singers' genes to see which genes coincides it.

Sorry, but you've got a serious case of tunnel vision (as also demonstrated by most of the other posts you've made here in the past) and fail to connect with actual reality quite frequently.
no,you are wrong ... those really professional singer really got born talents, they need not much training but can sing very well. study more about professional singers or good singers background to better understand what I am mentioned about the singing talent. I know it best about singing talents...
no,you are wrong ... those really professional singer really got born talents, they need not much training but can sing very well. study more about professional singers or good singers background to better understand what I am mentioned about the singing talent. I know it best about singing talents...

Sure, many people naturally have good singing voices without any training - never said that wasn't true.

But you are still unable to see the whole picture, as I said. The problem here is that you WANT your idea to be true to the extent that you completely IGNORE evidence that is contrary to it. In scientific research - and practically EVERY other area of human endeavor - that's labeled as DISHONESTY. Sorry, but when the label fits, you have to wear it.

And actually, your idea does nothing but raise the old question of "nature vs, nurture." Are you even aware of that age old debate? And the correct answer to the debate has been known for years - it's BOTH.
Is there a link to this study? Could you tell me a little about your methodology?
How soon do you think it will be before we isolate the gene for "deluded crackpot" or "utter fruitcake"?
Will there be a cure?
Do you think it will be possible to engineer people who have those genes and provide them with an "aversion to posting crap on the internet" gene?

Even Pincho has come to deride the madman.

I fear this thread is doomed.
Doesn't anyone want to see what he has done? Are we to determine outcome solely through assumptions?
Even Pincho has come to deride the madman.

I fear this thread is doomed.

Don't worry, this thread will never be doomed. If in case this thread is doomed, then this whole sciforum will be doomed in the future. Time will proof that I am right. Lets see it in year 3000... DNA just carried too much hidden information that are waiting for us to decode....
Doesn't anyone want to see what he has done? Are we to determine outcome solely through assumptions?

Don't worry, this thread will never be doomed. If in case this thread is doomed, then this whole sciforum will be doomed in the future. Time will proof that I am right. Lets see it in year 3000... DNA just carried too much hidden information that are waiting for us to decode....

No, Sam, you're quite right: there was nothing at all in the thread preamble that could possibly have allowed us to predict the following doomsday-style prophesizing. It's never a clue.
since so many ask me about the 'LUCK' in DNA. OK, I just tell you the simplest proven contemporary science in medical field in my methodology study,I won't tell more as it is the confidential information of the organization and it is still being studied, For example, you may know your 'luck' in percentage or probability of getting certain disease in DNA analysis such as cancer or diabetes.

Hundreds of diseases can be inherited through defective gene sequences. An inherited genetic disorder called "hemochromatosis" will causes a person's intestines to absorb too much iron. The iron then builds up in different vital organs. Eventually, it can damage the liver, the heart, the joints...and possibly even cause death.

Celiac disease is caused by an interaction between the celiac disease genes and environment. Strong evidence shows that in order to develop celiac disease, a person must have one or both of two genes known as HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. The major environmental factor, of course, is gluten ingestion. Gluten proteins interact with the celiac disease genes to trigger an abnormal immune response that damages the lining of the small intestine.More than 97% of patients with celiac disease have at least one of the two genes. Most patients (more than 90%) carry the DQ2 gene. Fewer than 10% carry the DQ8 gene. In the near future, researchers will likely discover additional genes that predispose an individual to celiac disease.Having these so-called "celiac disease genes" does not mean you're guaranteed to have celiac disease. In fact, the vast majority of people with the genes never develop celiac disease. Having the genes only means you have a risk of someday developing celiac disease. On the other hand, if you don't have these genes, your odds of developing celiac disease are slim to none.

Huntington's disease, an inherited neurodegenerative disorder is incurable and fatal. But a new discovery about how cells repair their DNA points to a possible way to stop or slow the onset of the disease.People with the disease have a version of a gene called huntingtin that carries an extra segment with a particular sequence of repeated subunits. If the segment is too large, the gene produces a faulty protein that has a destructive effect in the brain.

there are more studies on gene related disease, so you can tell a new born child that the 'LUCK' or probability of getting the disease in the future if those genes present in their DNA. Talk about luck in your career or your future direction and decision is at the advanced stage and it is guided by your genetic information, what strength and weakness your gene can tell means your probability of your future route to be chosen. Either you are most likely to end up more frequently in jail because you inherited a gene that will cause you bad temper person; or become a more successful person because you got the gene that are more resilient to mood swing. Or end up more frequently in hospital bed because you are ill. I can bet the information given is more accurate than a fortune teller can tell you about their LUCK
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