Divorce in Islam, and Other Cultural Issues


It would never have been a problem for her if she didn't have sex with another guy before her marriage that was to happen sooner that year. Not surprisingly, it happened in France (a country under heavy Western influence).

You were saying?


An exponent of the hymen cult is hymen reconstruction (hymenorrhaphy, hymenoplasty)[123] said to occur in Morcocco[124], Egypt[125], Jordan[126], and also China. Hymen repair is illegal in most Arab countries but is said to have been performed unofficially throughout the Islamic world, with specialists doing five or six a week. The matter presents ethical issues in non-Islamic countries[127]. Of course, Islamic doctors are well aware of the fact that the coital truth of anatomical non-intactness is not a complete one. At the Medical Jurisprudence Third Symposium on "The Islamic Vision of Some Medical Practices" held from 18-21 April, 1987 A.D., Sheikh M. Al-Ghazali argued: "I swear to God, girls have come to me, they only played with themselves, and I believe them because their tears were faster than their words […][128]". El Saadawi (1980: p15-8)[129] relates that girls are refrained from masturbation by fear for their hymen; on the other hand, they would be frequently touched by their brothers.

This is also interesting reading.

You're going off topic. I'm talking about how the Western culture exploits people's insecurities to physically change the way they look, all for money. You're talking about how sexual activity is viewed in certain Middle Eastern countries. Please try to stick to the topic at hand.
You act like it's either one or the other. Culture in general is a scam. Consumerism is no one's culture, it's just the triumph of con men over good taste and craftsmanship.

You're going off topic. I'm talking about how the Western culture exploits people's insecurities to physically change the way they look, all for money. You're talking about how sexual activity is viewed in certain Middle Eastern countries. Please try to stick to the topic at hand.

And I am reminding you that some cultures place ridiculous expectations, sometimes with risk of harm, abuse or death, if the individual does not adhere to said expectations. You find it easy to criticise the West for their exploits, without realising your own society also has such expectations, leading women to undergo surgery to repair their hymen, whether they had sex or not, because their family and spouse to be demands they are virgins when married. In short, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.

The topic at hand is whether it is acceptable to ask for divorce if the couple's sex life is bad or the other person in the marriage is bad in bed.

Mod Note — This is a relevant excerpt of a longer post from the original topic. Extraneous material has been removed.
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You find it easy to criticise the West for their exploits, without realising your own society also has such expectations, leading women to undergo surgery to repair their hymen, whether they had sex or not, because their family and spouse to be demands they are virgins when married. In short, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Which society are you referring to when you say "your own society"?

What expectations of beauty does "my society" uphold?
Pay attention, damn it!

Kadark said:

If you want an example, look no further than Tiassa. Every now and then he likes to complain about how terrible his wife is in bed.

You really should learn to pay attention, Kadark. I wasn't stupid enough to marry her.

Which, it would seem, is one of the recurring themes of this topic. I'm sorry if I confused you by not making the point about not marrying her, but since you're aware that I mention the issue every now and then, I would think you could have picked that part up by now.
Oh.. I should have said that many of the same faith as you.

That's still incorrect. People of my faith are very diverse. You have Muslims that think the burkha is mandatory for all women (of any age), and you have Muslims who think it is unIslamic. Most people of my faith disagree on many issues with me.

Change "beauty" to "purity" and you might actually get it.

Again, "purity" has nothing to do with it.
You really should learn to pay attention, Kadark. I wasn't stupid enough to marry her.

Do you say things like this to her in person? "I'm so happy we're together, but thank God I wasn't stupid enough to marry you!"

Which, it would seem, is one of the recurring themes of this topic. I'm sorry if I confused you by not making the point about not marrying her, but since you're aware that I mention the issue every now and then, I would think you could have picked that part up by now.

Well, did you describe her as a "girlfriend" or as a "partner"? Maybe the wording confused me. Or maybe, small details about your relationship with women seem to go through one ear and out the other with me. Who knows?
Mod Hat - Advisory

Mod Hat — Advisory

This topic has been split out from "Divorce Because Of". The posts included here are removed in full or part from the prior discussion, with the exception of the topic post, which was reproduced for reference purposes.

This topic will remain in EM&J for the time being. I will redirect it appropriately (most likely to Religion) in the near future.
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And how many western women would announce on their wedding night that they were supremely accomplished sluts?

Any woman who marries a man whose obsessive hobby is sex sex sex... well, she deserves what she gets.

No man whose hobby is sex will EVER be faithfull.

Oh, and any woman who is obsessed with sex as a hobby will never be faithful to her husband.

A slut is a slut is a slut is a slut.

Mod Note — This topic is a splinter from "Divorce Because Of". The topic post has been copied from the original discussion.

can a woman ask for divorce if her husband has little experience in sexual intercource.What is the size of the normal private part.
That's still incorrect. People of my faith are very diverse. You have Muslims that think the burkha is mandatory for all women (of any age), and you have Muslims who think it is unIslamic. Most people of my faith disagree on many issues with me.

That kind of rules out the claim of Muslims that Islam is perfect?
That kind of rules out the claim of Muslims that Islam is perfect?

There is no claim in Islam that it is perfect.

Aren't you ashamed to be just making this shit up as you go along?

But the real problem with Islam is Deterministic Falatlism. that is to say that God is Omnipotent and that EVERYTHING that happens is thus necessarily the WILL OF GOD.

Well, the political effects of having a populace that widely believes in fatalisitic determinism, is that they THINK that whatever they can get away with must be the WILL OF GOD.

This DETERMINISTIC FATALISM along with everything about glorifying the SWORD leads to every problem with Islam.

Unfortunately the Koran tells all those stupid Rag Heads that Might Makes Right. They might as well be making a Prophet of George Boush.
Show us the REAL WORLD, Leo! :yay:

This is where it begins to matter whether one is intelligent or stupid.

One can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink.

Intelligence measures the ability of a person to predict the future from the perceived current events.

Intelligence supposes that a person can create an intellectual model of the Universe that can project into the future.

For instance, an intelligent person who is accepted for a Job and told that he will start on Monday morning, that he will show up on Monday morning. His Model of the Universe was able to put that all together for him.

But sometimes we are not asked to show up. We are not tested. And so we are allowed to persist in our own delusions and inconsistencies.

So, I can not show you the TRUTH.

But I can ask you to look at THINGS and EVENTS and project into the future what you think will be the likely consequences.

If you are delusional, then your projections will be wrong. Then you will have to realize that your thinking is dysfunctional and that perhaps you have been projecting along side the wrong premise and mind set.

So, in a few words I cannot tell you the truth of all things. Only a good education and a conscientious faculty of dicsernment can do that for you.

Oh, and here is a story. After Jesus had cured ten blind men and had given them there vision, a man came to Jesus pulling his idiot brother by the ear, and he asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus said, "I can't heal stupid".