Divorce in Islam, and Other Cultural Issues


Mod Note — This topic is a splinter from "Divorce Because Of". The topic post has been copied from the original discussion.

can a woman ask for divorce if her husband has little experience in sexual intercource.What is the size of the normal private part.
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Splinter: The Islam Digression

That's the problem with Islam. You can't try before you buy.
Notes around (excerpt)

Mod Note — This is a relevant excerpt of a longer post from the original topic. Extraneous material has been removed.

Spidergoat said:

That's the problem with Islam. You can't try before you buy.

Well, same thing with Christianity. Culturally, though, the difference is apostasy. Says a lot about our values that in the West we simply prefer the insincere.

Don't get me wrong: I'm a firm advocate of non-marital sex. And, hey, in the United States and some other nations, you can "try before you buy", so it's not purely about the religion.
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Just like Islam. I subscribe to neither.

It's not the Muslims who spend tens of thousands of dollars to make their dicks/breasts larger, make their noses smaller, become anorexic or bulimic, etc, simply to become the standard perception of beauty. It's the Western culture that makes people think their body isn't normal, for the sole purpose of taking their money to make them look as they're "supposed" to.

Get your priorities straight.
Why is this a discussion on Islam?

Anyway, Muslims can divorce for sexual incompatibility and get remarried in 40 days, so you can try try try try and then return.

I know a girl who divorced a guy cos he liked the backdoor approach too much.
No big deal.
Yeah, I suppose Indian "Muslims" can.

I see you follow the modern (post-Christianity) form of Islam

Judith Tucker's rewarding study of Islamic law in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Syria and Palestine titled "In the House of the Law," talks about a period when Muslim legal thinkers gave considerable attention to women's roles in society, and Tucker shows how fatwas, or legal opinions, greatly influenced these roles. She challenges prevailing views on Islam and gender, revealing Islamic law to have been more fluid and flexible than previously thought.. In the book Tucker studies court records from Ottoman-Syria and concludes:

1. The Shariah courts were available and popular with women
2. The courts took upon themselves the task of defending women's Islamic rights against the vagaries of custom. For example they would insist on her right to a share of the inheritance or her right to refuse a marriage proposal against her family's or communities desires.
3obtaining a divorce was easy for women who could prove one of the following:
-mental abuse
-sexual incompatibility
-the mistreatment of her family
-abandonment for a year's time

These conditions are no longer applied in the modern shari'a family courts.

Guess we missed the revolution. :rolleyes:
So something is permissible in Islam because 17th-18th century Syrian societies practiced it? Oh, you Indian "Muslims" and your convenient excuses!

I see you follow the modern (post-Christianity) form of Islam

I've said time and again I'm a traditionalist. What I see today makes me gag.

Mod Note — Edit to remove personal insult.
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So something is permissible in Islam because 17th-18th century Syrian societies practiced it? Oh, you Indian "Muslims" and your convenient excuses!.

I've said time and again I'm a traditionalist. What I see today makes me gag

Some traditionalist, you cannot even recognise how the Prophet treated his wives, what you are is a pseudo-Wahabi, the "traditionalists" I see today are the ones who do not recognise that women were given rights 1400 years ago that some modern societies have yet to recognise.
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Some traditionalist, you cannot even recognise how the Prophet treated his wives, what you are is a pseudo-Wahabi, the "traditionalists" I see today are the ones who do not recognise that women were given rights 1400 years ago that some modern societies have yet to recognise.

I know how the Prophet treated his wives like the back of my hand. And why are we diverging to women's rights here? The topic is sexual incompatibility, which is irrespective of gender, meaning men and women have equal say in the matter. Your liberal viewpoints of Islam are merely excuses to justify your pro-Western longings and lifestyle; you have no basis in saying I am not a traditionalist. Indian "Muslims" have gone from Kings to a crushed minority, all because of people like you. You notice the mote in my eye, but not the beam in yours.
Is it common to find men who seek divorce for sexual incompatibility?
Is it common to find men who seek divorce for sexual incompatibility?

Why not? Has research on the topic been done? If you want an example, look no further than Tiassa. Every now and then he likes to complain about how terrible his wife is in bed.
(Insert title here)

Mod Note — This is a relevant excerpt of a longer post from the original topic. Extraneous material has been removed.

Kadark said:

It's not the Muslims who spend tens of thousands of dollars to make their dicks/breasts larger, make their noses smaller, become anorexic or bulimic, etc, simply to become the standard perception of beauty. It's the Western culture that makes people think their body isn't normal, for the sole purpose of taking their money to make them look as they're "supposed" to.

Get your priorities straight.

You know, Kadark, at this point even I am tempted to make a point about who forces their women to cover themselves from head to toe and says it's for the benefit of their dignity.

It suggests certain depths of bigotry when you're willing to be condescending about what would otherwise be common ground between you and another.
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You know, Kadark, at this point even I am tempted to make a point about who forces their women to cover themselves from head to toe and says it's for the benefit of their dignity.

How many places in the Muslim world force the burkha? Very few.
It's not the Muslims who spend tens of thousands of dollars to make their dicks/breasts larger, make their noses smaller, become anorexic or bulimic, etc, simply to become the standard perception of beauty. It's the Western culture that makes people think their body isn't normal, for the sole purpose of taking their money to make them look as they're "supposed" to.

Get your priorities straight.



Instead, many Muslims (in France and elsewhere) are caving in to family and social pressure and having their hymen's reconstructed. So how are they any different to women who decide to get a boob job?

Sitting in the same cafe, a 19-year-old Moroccan studying in Paris who asked to be called Amel spoke just before her first consultation with Abecassis.

"I dated a boy when I was 15 and I didn't even realise what had happened," she said, referring to her first and only sexual experience. "I didn't understand what I did."

Her parents introduced her to a young man earlier this year, and they plan to wed when she returns to Morocco in June. But he would not accept a non-virgin, so she needs the operation soon.

You were saying about making people into what they were supposed to look like Kadark?

It would never have been a problem for her if she didn't have sex with another guy before her marriage that was to happen later that year. Not surprisingly, it happened in France (a country under heavy Western influence).

You were saying?
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