Divining rods

There is a sciency word for it, but basically your own thoughts and wishes influence your body movements. No rigorous experiments have confirmed the accuracy of anecdotal accounts. But even scientists who try it call it spooky.

the placebo effect?
quantum that was specific to spiders comments. I was making no comment at all as to the validity of the thread. I would prefer to see actual controled scientific studies before judging wether the issue under discussion had merit.
That's right quantum wave. You find water. The question is how deep do you have to go. My buddy can thank a dowser for picking the spot that gave him a record for the deepest well drilled within a 20 mile radius. That dowser needs better tools. Good thing he didn't use the dowser to:

*mineral search
*test food, herbs or medicines for their compatibility with his system
*find missing people or lost objects
*check sex of unborn children or unhatched eggs
*many different facets of healing, including medical diagnosing, spiritual healing, distant healing, adjusting chakras or meridians
*quality control
*stock market, money and relationship dowsing

How about this for a book: Stalking the Wild Pendulum

I can hear Mr Haney from Green Acres selling dowsing supplies:

Now right here is your basic bent coat hanger variety of dowsing tool. It got chakra stimulation written all over it. Now here is an agate amethyst moonstone special I can let you have for a nice price. And over here is a healing vibrational set with real obsidian beads all the way from Atlantis. Now talk softly and whisper as I pull out the best one, my positive vortex with higher clarity and positive energy ones made from bent hat pins. Don't want the kyanite to feel bad geometrical potentials do we?