Divine Knowledge


Staff member
I had this weird thought. If I post it in Religion, the members will try to kick me out for not conforming to their view of "for" or "against" framework. It is one of those rules of engagement paradoxes.

If I am a God or even a superior being, and decided to help people of planet Earth, I would not show up as burning bush or angel or man but provide real knowledge as to how to design a vaccine, a transporter, an advanced communication device, or provide seeds of high yeilding corn, rice. Teach how to build bicycles, model Ts, airplanes, turn desert into oasis and so on. I will also slice a chunk of ice from Antratica and use it for irrigation in a desert ...

Throughout history, people who have claimed to have seen God or people speak in the name of God have NEVER come back with knowledge to advance our civilization - to cure, to enhance, to communicate....etc.

All we get is a lot of Laws - as if God wants to turn the whole society into lawyers and the priests as judges. Something just does not add up.

Just a weird thought...wonder if anybody noticed the same.
"...post it in Religion, the members will try to kick me out for not conforming..."

Lots of fora here are like that.

A very great many people find the sum total of even currently available empirical evidence inadequate to the task of constructing an emotionally comfortable world-view.

Taking the long view, I see such behavior as the practical requirement that some stay home on Earth while the rest of us go to the stars.

Who are gods but those capable of overcoming their own inadequacies to the embarrassed chagrin of others?

You assume that a god wants to help humanity.

What if –

The god is simply watching humanity learn and grow. I have learnt from my 3 teenagers that it is pointless telling them or doing something for them, they simply do not believe or learn by that means.

If a god wants to see us develop into an advanced society, which has learnt how to reach that state, then the best policy may well be non-interference or intervention.

Just a thought.

...the members will kick me out for not conforming to their view of 'for' or 'against'...
I came across a nice little quote this afternoon by R.A. Lyttleton:

"A common defect of the human mind is that it craves either complete certainty or complete disbelief".

And what about the undecided?
I've got quotes for that as well :)

"Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things of rationality." Bertrand Russell

"Ubi dubium ibi libertas."
"Where there is doubt, there is freedom."
Latin Proverb

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
Martin Rees

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The bible god was an extraterrestrial...

Don't you know that? He was afraid the Israelites would go and worship another 'god' when Moses came down the mountain of Sinai with the stones with the ten commandments on it.

It was after this that some of the people with Moses went on to the so called promised land and the others went off to live somewhere else. And that were the original Natives from nowadays America.

The bible and preachers and so on are taken much to serious. The bible is a book of symbols and if you read it well, then you come to the conclusion that in the old testament 'god' was a nasty, mean character and in the new testament he is all of a sudden a nice guy. (who sends his son(?) to Earth:rolleyes:

Guess humans all have a dark side at the least and that's why there is always something to fuzz about. And what better then religion, with its rules and characters.

Kmguru, your intentions are good though, hope you are the new Prahana then...;)
And...we are not talking about just Christianity. My view applies equally to every color of manmade God out there. And Cris, if your view is correct, then our life goes on with or without... the same.

But realistically, I am sure Cris gave a cell phone or other physical resources and specific knowledge to his kids to keep them harms way or not starve to death....
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It´s the journey that is the point of existance. To learn. And the "God" learns with us, and enjoys the journey.
We are one and the same. "God" is only our very much larger soul, that all souls are a part of. The "parent"-soul. We do have the knowledge how to create a "paradise" on Earth ( as in having full control of the physical reality, our emotions and all that we want ), but for the pleasure of the journey we have chosen to forget, so that the remembrance will be so much more blissful. You know , heureka! :D

In otherwords, Benelina, more philosophy, more expression, more language than practical, useful information - the word "irrelevant" comes to mind. :D
Irrelevant in what context?
If you are asking what the point of it all is, even the Gods existance, the universes, there is no real point, it´s juts a choice of being or not being. And we ( all that is) has chosen being. :) Because we like that better than not being. And since we have chosen to be, we must also have a form, and we have chosen ( made up) the human form, and why not? Aren´t we funny creatures after all? :)

Most funny creatures indeed :)

As for the religion forum... it´s the nastiest and rudest of all forums here.
Makes you wonder yes... :bugeye:
Doesn't it make perfect sense that the religious group would be the most nasty and uncivil? Similarly, think of how peaceful the "Holy Lands" are! This is why my only prayer to God is: "God, protect me from your followers."

Bebelina wrote:
"If you are asking what the point of it all is, even the Gods existance, the universes, there is no real point..."

I agree with you Bebelina, the answer to the question, "What is the meaning of life?", is that there is no meaning to life.

"The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it seems pointless." Steven Weinberg.

But even though the universe has no "meaning", I can ascribe any meaning I choose to my own life.

"We are valued in this world at the rate we desire to be valued."
Jean De La Bruyere

Though I do not agree with the Postmodernists that we may correctly impose our own "truth" on the world. All ideas are not equal. A thought is not automatically true. For the purpose of describing the world, some ideas are better than others.

My only disagreement with what you wrote Bebelina, is that I didn't choose a human-form. I only woke up one day and realized that I am a human. I think I would have prefered my form to be silicon based rather than carbon based :)

But you are right in saying that we make the choice to continue to live.

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Originally posted by kmguru
All we get is a lot of Laws...
You know... kind of like politics.

The parallels between religion and politics are so patently obvious as hardly to be worth enumerating. Both seek to control people, one by fraud, the other by force. Both have their hierarchical bureaucracies and authoritative potentates, whether central and totalitarian, or local and democratic. And both make a call for altruism and sacrifice from people, ostensibly for some "greater good", yet somehow vast sums of the money, and almost all the clout ends up benefiting the poobahs first and foremost, while crumbs and coins that spill over are sent out to charity and welfare.

When cold fusion was first announced this hamster’s reaction was that fortuitous discovery of a cheap, low tech, non-polluting energy source might be evidence for a caring universe. With energy, one can produce clean fresh water. With energy, food production costs drop and marginal land becomes productive. With energy, resource scarcity is less important. As much conflict is over scarce resources global tension might be reduced. Cold fusion would have raised the living standard of most humans while lowering environmental damage.

Too good to be true. Sigh. (Humans will just have to do it on their own.)
The meaning of life is...

To live your life on Earth in good understanding with other humans and Nature. And to respect one another.:)

Religion and politics are inventions by humans who want to have control, because they are afraid to live their lives on their own. Perhaps they are afraid of the darkness that's there in their minds.:p If you can't trust yourself, than you don't trust others.

And Bebelina is right. Every human is 'god', so to say. God and the devil, all together. Every human has a dark side. It is just the way you handle things. There always will be humans who want to be in control. Reptilians...;)

Just a weird thought...wonder if anybody noticed the same.


Weird thought? I have 'em ALL the time! :D

Nice to pause for a reality check now and then though, except... well, "reality?"... I mean, now we're talkin' weird!

I sit with the camp of "as far as we know..." because I think we humans are limited in our capacity to know anything. Don't think we have to accept this limitation though. (Don't have to be limited by our limitations?) Yeah! That'll work!


Live long and prosper...?

I think the don't interfere and see what happens aspect makes sense, but alternatively we already have a lot of power and don't seem to know how to make intelligent use of it. More technology is not necessarily going to make the world better. The faster we advance the faster we have to adapt as a society and I'm not so sure how good we are at that. I think the devil might be the one who would come and start empowering us to our own potential hubris and downfall. (kmguru, I'm not suggesting you are the evil one).

There might not be a point to life, but I certainly have learned a lot from biology and I think it provides the best cues to understanding what life at least should be about. There's something about how it's organized, that's hard to sum up, which makes you see how beautiful the universe is and how much more amazing it will be as it's given time to evolve ... even if we kill ourselves off and miss the show. I hope there is a god just so somone gets to see the whole thing. Would be a waste if no one does.
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If you wanted to know the truth there is a method.

Imagine the following scenario (this is just for a fictional representation, please do not try this with your supercomputers at home)

Imagine I map the whole universe into a magic little box (A supercomputer), I with my understanding of how I think things work, begin to recreate the universe running at a speed in conjunction with the period of time that I would like to view in. (say 1 hour per 1,000 years)

The system allows me to roll the timeline back and forth if I so choose or even in reverse. Your existance within the box (your whole lifetime lasts just over 4 minutes)

I use a specific system of taking satellite information about our planet and place it into the system, along with any data on the universe. (In fact I'm so cheeky that I sneak satellite systems around the other planets one by one in parallel and then tie them all together in my Multiverse model.)

Now I have the capacity to grow my universe and also alter some of the integral factors (Like manipulate religious icons on this planet).

I would be able to do all of this from the "FUTURE", and the universe I exist in actually exists in another one of my BOXES but from another more forwards parallel.

The whole universe is comprised of Boxes in Boxes, with the lowest quanta being continually lower as there is no end to it's compression.

Of course the reason I do all of this, because thats what I CAN do! does it make me a GOD since you would now know I'm at the same evolutionary point as yourself, or do you sway me one-side arguing it's not possible. I of course in such a position would know if I so choose because I would be able to see (although I would have to slow your 4 minutes down)


Hope that concludes my theory of what could have been, although I will still just say that early man termed their Beliefs as a personafication. Similar to how ATHENs had ATHENA, and England has BRITANNIA!