
"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough." - Frank Crane

As far as exactly how much it's wise to trust, that's something that ultimately has to be learned through experience.
no it was a seriouse question

ripple said i was trying to become evil

how is not trusting people blindly being evil?
Originally posted by Xev
I'm of the opinion that trust is earned, but I'm not a very trusting sort to begin with.

Exactly, I trust no one unless they earn it first the same goes with respect, i haven no respect for someone unless they earn it. Like I cannot call anyone sir or ma'am. And I don't have respect for senior citizens either, just because they are old does not mean they deserve respect. I expect everyone to treat me the same.
Exactly, Increan. E-fucking-xactly.

And in the end, it's not whether you respect me, but whether you are worthy of my respect, that counts.

Very few people are worthy of my respect.

As for trust and love.....

You can't trust someone you truely love. At least, I can't do that. I don't know how anyone can.


Ummm....he's a moron and an insulting jerk. I'd ignore him if I were you.

Right now you are the only person on sciforums that I respect.

I don't have anything against anyone, just no one else has earned respect yet.
a candle in the wind

i am not insulting you asgaurd!
i am mearly trying to be clinical in my explanation to avoid

try and think about a situation like this....

you... asgaurd
are having a bad day!
you feel very angry and want to destroy something(very human emotional outlet it seems)
you walk past a "person" who sees you in that expresion and then they think what is the trust they would expect to get from you?
you do not show them respect because they cant earn it before you know them!
you have now placed YOURSELF in a

do you understand my point?
i only wish to help not insult!
groove on dude!
unless you are soo feeble minded that you need to try and imagine that someone else is more ignorant and destructive than you know yourself to be!
THE TORMENT of the inner mind!
very sad to see it..when i do.

peace and love and chocolates from above.