

Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Ok everyone keeps saying i am WAY to trusting


how do i lose that and distust people more?
I dont know what to tell you Asguard, I trust very few people. Ive always lived by the tenents that trust and respect are earned. So if someone wants me to trust them or respect them, they better damn well start working hard to earn it. I go with the "Fuck me once, shame on you: Fuck me twice, shame on me" I make it a point to never get to part 2 of that statement.
I can have a lot of faith in someone (like that they're a good person, trusting, etc.). But for me to put any kind of trust into anyone is EXTREMELY hard. Not cause I've had problems when I've trusted people but I just feel like no one can have empathy or truly be trusted in a relationship with me.

Wow, I've never heard of someone wanting to deliberately distrust people... :D

Step One: Paranoia. Start by thinking everyone's out to get you.

Step Two: Mafia/Crime Lord/Jail/Rehab. Hang around these people/places. It's bound to stretch your nerves and make you watch your back.

Step Three: Church. You'll learn that everyone's a sinner, and that no one's perfect, therefore you shouldn't trust them at all.

I hope these help. :D
Get someone to deceive you. Like a close friend you might trust. That might do the trick.

As the other mentioned, paranoia will also help.
Step Two: Mafia/Crime Lord/Jail/Rehab. Hang around these people/places. It's bound to stretch your nerves and make you watch your back.

Is it any wonder that police develop a mind set after a career of "fighting crime?"

Many is the time I have been put in a bind because I was too trusting, much like you, Asguard. Those who did not violate that trust make it all worth while. The thing is after a while you become sceptic towards trusting. There comes a time when you realize that you can not right the world. But your help can make a difference. Choose wisely...
Originally posted by Azrael
I go with the "Fuck me once, shame on you: Fuck me twice, shame on me" I make it a point to never get to part 2 of that statement.
Seems a good philosophy. Asguard, I think you'll find once someone betrays your trust, that will be enough to make you change your ways.
Trust ...

Somehow I think it was one of my uncles on my mother's side that
told me when I was still quite young:

"Sonnyboy, you can only be betrayed by someone you trust."

Sixty years later, it still seems to be true.

Take care ;)
I, myself, give everyone the benefit of the doubt. As in I doubt I will benefit from them.:D

No really, I tend to give everyone a chance, if they screw me then I'm done with them. It's not a matter of distrusting people. Don't trust people so readily.
get this guys

a girl i met before TI TOTALY screwed me over

turned out she was still with her ex and she did some other stuff that put me in a pit im STILL climbing out of but i STILL blindly trust people

even my EX is telling me i need to stop trusting so easerly

hence the thread
Maybe its something thats deeper then blind trust in people. Maybe you crave attention or companionship so you do whatever it takes to make people want to be around you, hence putting way to much trust in people. Or I could just be full o' shit and totally off the mark
Bumping to the top, in light of the troll.

I'm of the opinion that trust is earned, but I'm not a very trusting sort to begin with.
heyya all

just had a quick skim and ..well
my op is
trust is a virtue
you have it or you dont
most will give it even though they know in thier heart they will break it.
mostly sooner rather than later...mostly!
try prove me wrong!

groove on all :)
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
I trust everybody 100%.

I trust them to act in their own best interest.


translation = i am selfish
well i guess thats humans for ya!
mostly like...
Maybe you crave attention or companionship so you do whatever it takes to make people want to be around you, hence putting way to much trust in people.

This can be a huge problem.

You gotta be... you gotta be your own dog, you know what I'm saying? -dEUS
heyya all :)

Maybe you crave attention or companionship so you do whatever it takes to make people want to be around you, hence putting way to much trust in people.

hence the facilitation properties of an alpha male :D
even at thine own cost...?
to do for others...?
to choose the path of light over dark
inspite of the dark that covers you!

do you seek to be evil at heart?

this is the real question you are asking! :D

this is the poison that lies in the heart of most people!
they get to a point of thinking i should not trust people because
someone "ripped me off"
they then judge all by the values that apply to the evil people of the world.
this is where there heart turns black!
and rarely is there a path back from the blackness!!!
footsteps on the other side!!!
you can identify evil very easy if you wish!
just look for
fear mongerers
intense hate
great arrogance and extreem self rightgouseness
(staunch christians) are the biggest group.
anyone of these is a sign of true evil!
that is the curse of such knolledge!

good luck on your journey.
i hope you pay head to your inner voice and do not use fear as a crutch.

peace and love