Disproving a Personal God with Science

He is said to do things like making the Sun shine and the food in your intestines to digest.
That cannot be true, since the mechanisms for those things are fairly well known. There is just no place for him in those processes.

Let's look at the issue of making the Sun shine, for starters.

First, there need to be time and space in which it will all take place.
(Time and space are notorious for being impossible to produce by humans.)
Then we need hydrogen and helium and some other elements. In considerable quantities.
(Also known for being impossible to make from scratch for humans.)
Then they need to be brought to the point of nuclear reactions that produce such light that is visible to the average human eye that is at the distance that light passes in about ten minutes.
All this then has to persist for millenia.

IOW, if humans cannot reproduce something entirely on their own, then they cannot say they know how it works and how it came about.

So there is plenty of room for God in making the Sun shine.
IOW, if humans cannot reproduce something entirely on their own, then they cannot say they know how it works and how it came about.

Ridiculous :bugeye:
spidergoat said:
Where did God come from?
That seems like an innocent kind of question. But what really is it asking?

Is "what did God come from" an equivalent question? What if it's reframed in the present rather than the past, so "where or what does God come from?" is an equally valid question?

The past tense is easier to consider: we know that early cultures believed in animism and that natural events were explained this way--a god or gods were responsible. So then, our idea, or one of them, comes from our early attempts to explain the capriciousness of nature. Nowadays we can explain the causes of natural events, we don't need an animist kind of explanation the way we used to.

But that doesn't do away with the concept, and our ability to form it. We still, fairly obviously, have both. So why do we? Where does the idea come from?
Humans can make light even brighter than the sun. With lasers.

Those lights will never give life

Yahweh - Creator
Michael Gabriella Lucifer - God's first creations, and Archangels
Jesus Christ - Son of God, savior of the people
Urial Raphael Azrael - Additional Archangels

Lucifer the fallen angel who is currently and has brought forth the anti-christ.
Those lights will never give life

Yahweh - Creator
Michael Gabriella Lucifer - God's first creations, and Archangels
Jesus Christ - Son of God, savior of the people
Urial Raphael Azrael - Additional Archangels

Lucifer the fallen angel who is currently and has brought forth the anti-christ.

I paused at that Old Testament maligned, to mark the old but lingering lines of the ‘knowing’ of more invisibles, the beliefs in imagined angelic creatures…

There were angels standing, frozen in stone, over the timeworn memorials’ poems, and atop the crumbling gateposts, they being the livelier and near-living ghosts of the representations of the three spheres Of the Heavenly host: the demigod-near seraphims, cherubims, ophanims, thrones, principalities, dominions, powers, archangels, angels, and, those final, and perhaps the most useful—the guardian angels that are said to protect children from falls.
spidergoat said:
From the tendency to attribute events to the agency of a being, particularly animals. That is what one would expect of a forest dwelling species.
But we aren't a forest-dwelling species any more.
Do you think that it's just a tendency we've retained? Where did monotheism come from, then?
Why or how is dreaming connected to religion, is dreaming a natural event?
IOW, if humans cannot reproduce something entirely on their own, then they cannot say they know how it works and how it came about.

You will need to explain this.

If you don't know how reproduce something, you cannot claim to know how it works and what is necessary for it.
Evolution. What would be the advantage for an animal if they assumed that a certain smell or movement meant a predator or prey was near?
I paused at that Old Testament maligned, to mark the old but lingering lines of the ‘knowing’ of more invisibles, the beliefs in imagined angelic creatures…

There were angels standing, frozen in stone, over the timeworn memorials’ poems, and atop the crumbling gateposts, they being the livelier and near-living ghosts of the representations of the three spheres Of the Heavenly host: the demigod-near seraphims, cherubims, ophanims, thrones, principalities, dominions, powers, archangels, angels, and, those final, and perhaps the most useful—the guardian angels that are said to protect children from falls.
