Dispelling the myth

Concentrated ? :bugeye:
She is juicing them herself.

have you ever made a carrot juice yourself? One you take a carrot and mash it, it forms liquid and the rest is carrot pulp, carrot pulp is either used for further cooking or trashed...the rest is highly concentrated carrot juice.
have you ever made a carrot juice yourself? One you take a carrot and mash it, it forms liquid and the rest is carrot pulp, carrot pulp is either used for further cooking or trashed...the rest is highly concentrated carrot juice.

Rather you just set the blender to max for a few minutes and drink it all, if their is any pulp its going down with the rest of it! It taste wonderful! It like a orange color orgy in your mouth and everyone is cuming at once!
have you ever made a carrot juice yourself? One you take a carrot and mash it, it forms liquid and the rest is carrot pulp, carrot pulp is either used for further cooking or trashed...the rest is highly concentrated carrot juice.

The rest is just carrot juice..

3. to intensify; make denser, stronger, or purer, esp. by the removal or reduction of liquid: to concentrate fruit juice; to concentrate a sauce by boiling it down.
Wake up people...you have been poisoning your liver all along. I am here to speak the truth, eat less, be smart, stay healthy.
"On the other hand, supplementing the diet with beta-carotene does not produce any significant toxicity despite its use in very high doses in the treatment of numerous photosensitive disorders. Occasionally, patients complain of "loose stools," but this usually clears up spontaneously and does not necessitate stopping treatment. Elevated carotene levels in the blood do not lead to vitamin A toxicity, nor do they lead to any other significant disturbance besides a yellowing of the skin (carotenodermia). The ingestion of large amounts of carrots or carrot juice (.45 to 1.0 kilograms of fresh carrots per day for several years) can, however, cause a neutropenia ads well as menstrual disorders. Although the blood carotene levels (221 to 1,007 micrograms per deciliter) of these patients did reach levels similar to those of patients taking high doses of beta-carotene (typically 800 micrograms per deciliter), the disturbances were because of some other factor in carrots. Neither these effects nor any others have been observed in subjects consuming very high doses of pure beta-carotene over long periods of time – e.g., 300,000 to 600,000 I.U. per day 9180 to 360 milligrams beta-carotene, which is equivalent to 4 to 88 pounds of raw carrots). Doses up to 1,000 milligrams per kilogram of body weight have been given to rats and rabbits for long periods of time with on signs of embryotoxicity, toxicity, tumorigenicity, or interference in reproductive functions."
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Yeah I drank it, I feel normal (well, as normal as I can feel). Don't fret my little Russian Bear, I'll not overdo it on the complex beta-carotene.
Yeah I drank it, I feel normal (well, as normal as I can feel. Don't fret my little Russian Bear, I'll not overdo it on the complex beta-carotene.

yes...but the affects of this will be seen/felt upon after some time...when age hits.
I drank carrot juice today made with 6 carrots, it was great. I don't think 12 will harm you since beta carotene is a precursor or vit A (precursor to retinol and rhodopsin retinal etc etc hence the see in the dark thing). Still a friend of mine always told me too many at once will make you ill (he tried apparently but was a macro so don't trust him).

Tomorrow I will try 12.

It's not like eating polar bear livers stuffed full of retinol and dying which is well documented.
"Drinking carrot juice is thought to be extremely beneficial for the liver due to Vitamin A's cleansing effects. Vitamin A reduces bile and fat in the liver. However, for the liver to reap the maximum benefits of Vitamin A, it is said that drinking carrot juice needs be done regularly rather than occasionally."


"A number of symptoms can accompany a vitamin A overdose, depending on the level of overdose and the individual patient. One of the most distinctive signs of vitamin A overdose is yellowish to orange skin. Since this symptom can also be caused by jaundice, it is important to see a doctor who can consider the patient's other medical symptoms and generate a diagnosis. Fortunately, a fairly large amount of vitamin A has to be consumed to reach the state of overdose."

"One of the more serious symptoms of vitamin A overdose is bone loss which can result in weak or brittle bones. Prolonged overdosage can cause osteoporosis. Vitamin A overdose is also associated with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, an upset stomach, exhaustion, irritability, dry or cracking skin, hair loss, and damage to internal organs, particularly the liver."

"Most people who eat a balanced diet will not experience a vitamin A overdose because it is rather challenging to eat too much of this vitamin. However, such overdoses have been observed in athletes taking supplements and in people with eating disorders. Always read the packaging for vitamin supplements carefully to make sure that you are not exceeding recommended dosages of vitamins and minerals."

In other words: drinking lots of carrot juice is not a health risk.

Carotenoids from vegetables are not the same as retinoids from animal sources. The most anyone can suffer from eating too many carrots is orange skin.

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cabbage and carrot juice, vomiting after

Okay so I think I may have an ulcer,
I rarely vomit, I have an iron stomach, however, lately I've been
having pain in my stomach after I eat occasionally and my esophagus feels like there's a hole in there, or a hollowness or emptiness like I can't take enough breath in.
I read cabbage is good for ulcers and I think that's what I might have. Need to go to the doctor to find out for sure.
I bought a small cabbage and juiced it with about 7 carrots.
I felt nauseated after and then a few minutes later vomited the entire thing.

So tomorrow, I will just drink cabbage juice and no carrot juice so that I can find the true culprit. The problem is when you vomit from eating something you tend not to want to eat it for a very long time, months, even years, nature's way of protecting you. I hope I can drink cabbage juice still.
I know that sometimes when people have ulcers they puke everything anyway but hat has not been the case for me until tonight.

So tomorrow, 1/4 cabbage is what I'm putting in the juicer and I may mix it with water, I'll keep you all posted, I do feel better now that I vomited.
Should try red cabbage.

I have no idea of the medical benefits would be better (In fact, I strongly urge you to see your physician.)

But if it, unfortunately, attempts to escape your innards, it can be a lot more fun. Especially if the crowd is large...
Just look down afterward and say, "That's funny... it wasn't red thirty minutes ago..."