Dispelling the myth


It's an animal thing
Registered Senior Member
Can too much carrot juice make you vomit? I bought a juicer and thusly pulped about 12 carrots for my consumption and veritable enjoyment, only to be told before I drank it, by a big party pooper, that too much carrot juice will make me puke if my body isn't used to a 12 carrot bonanza. Is it true or can the body withstand that much carrot goodness in one go? I don't want to puke so I'm not going to personally verify this claim. Help me Obi Wan SciForums, you're my only hope.
Too much of anything can make one puke. It's what the 'too' is meant to denote.

I wouldn't know, sorry ;)
Probably's no good to me. I want a definite assurance I'm going to be able to drink this duodeca concoction.
When I had a sip I did think vodka would go very nicely with it. Was yours a gala of 12 carrots or a bottled juice drink though? I'm not taking that advise unless it was pure unadulterated carrot delight.
OK that's good enough for me. I'm going to drink it!

not only can you puke...it might cause your liver to really suffer, from all that vitamin E in carrot juice, liver toxicity will increase...
"Drinking carrot juice is thought to be extremely beneficial for the liver due to Vitamin A's cleansing effects. Vitamin A reduces bile and fat in the liver. However, for the liver to reap the maximum benefits of Vitamin A, it is said that drinking carrot juice needs be done regularly rather than occasionally."


"A number of symptoms can accompany a vitamin A overdose, depending on the level of overdose and the individual patient. One of the most distinctive signs of vitamin A overdose is yellowish to orange skin. Since this symptom can also be caused by jaundice, it is important to see a doctor who can consider the patient's other medical symptoms and generate a diagnosis. Fortunately, a fairly large amount of vitamin A has to be consumed to reach the state of overdose."

"One of the more serious symptoms of vitamin A overdose is bone loss which can result in weak or brittle bones. Prolonged overdosage can cause osteoporosis. Vitamin A overdose is also associated with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, an upset stomach, exhaustion, irritability, dry or cracking skin, hair loss, and damage to internal organs, particularly the liver."

"Most people who eat a balanced diet will not experience a vitamin A overdose because it is rather challenging to eat too much of this vitamin. However, such overdoses have been observed in athletes taking supplements and in people with eating disorders. Always read the packaging for vitamin supplements carefully to make sure that you are not exceeding recommended dosages of vitamins and minerals."

In other words: drinking lots of carrot juice is not a health risk.