Dislike the U.S.A. ?


Valued Senior Member
I know several people here do - they are forever griping and complaining about America. It's time these moaners woke up - the U.S. always has been and still is the MOST generous country on the entire planet.

Take a look at the current goings-on in Haiti. The U.S. government has already pledged nearly TWICE the amount of money that the combined 27 countries in the E.U. have!! And if that's not enough for you, consider that U.S. charities alone have raised almost as much as the 27 E.U. countries - and this is during some of the worst financial times we've ever experienced!

(And that's not even counting the billions in aid we've poured into Africa over the years.)

And guess what else? Haiti has NO oil - or anything else that we might be interested in getting. All that money is being spent for humanitarian reasons alone.

So the next time I see some dummy talking about hating America, I'm going to post a link back to this post for them to read. The next time and EVERY time I see something like that show up here.

oh good Americans, the so generous Americans reaching out to the needy and the desperate homeless Haitians, nothing to do with politics or Cuba, just friendship eternal and everlasting.


Minister Alain Joyandet that the United States was giving priority to its own military and relief flights ahead of other nations' aid flights. Joyandet, a member of Sarkozy's ruling UMP party, went as far as demanding a U.N. investigation into U.S. aid efforts.

"This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti," Joyandet said Monday.

Oh noooooesss :eek: did I just post a quote that is not CNN'nized propaganda :eek:
Joyandet, a member of Sarkozy's ruling UMP party, went as far as demanding a U.N. investigation into U.S. aid efforts.

Has anyone here ever heard of that person?

Doubtful, just some wannabe that wants to gain political respect by trying to disrespect some other country.

The fact is that the US has given more, end of story Draqon.
oh good Americans, the so generous Americans reaching out to the needy and the desperate homeless Haitians, nothing to do with politics or Cuba, just friendship eternal and everlasting.


Oh noooooesss :eek: did I just post a quote that is not CNN'nized propaganda :eek:

That's pretty dumb, Draqon. Suck it up and act like an adult for a change - if that's even possible for you.
Has anyone here ever heard of that person?

Doubtful, just some wannabe that wants to gain political respect by trying to disrespect some other country.

The fact is that the US has given more, end of story Draqon.

Nope, never heard of him. And like you say, just some silly politician grandstanding - doesn't mean a single thing. :shrug:
oh good Americans, the so generous Americans reaching out to the needy and the desperate homeless Haitians, nothing to do with politics or Cuba, just friendship eternal and everlasting.


Oh noooooesss :eek: did I just post a quote that is not CNN'nized propaganda :eek:

No. You didn't post anything, in any color, that has any meaning beyond your totally invented claims. It would be one thing if you posted links to respected news sources that ran stories contrary to the MSM, but you don't. You invent bullshit and then run like a scared little brat when confronted.

Wow! You posted a pic with a rude comment. See, with you, Draq, had the USA stayed away, you would have chimed in about selfishness and how the Americans don't care. Since we've gone (and no other nation, of comparable strength has, in even remotely similar numbers), you're here bitching and pigeon-holing the reason.

Support your claim or leave.

You're a pest.

Millions of Americans have donated millions of dollars, and these people couldn't care less about Cuba. Get a fucking clue, for once, little boy.

Note: I'd be curious in what you've done to help? Lemme guess, you didn't get your scrawny butt up off your couch to do a thing.

read only said:
And guess what else? Haiti has NO oil - or anything else that we might be interested in getting. All that money is being spent for humanitarian reasons alone.
Haiti has its payoffs, its elite.

Cuba has provided about one thousand doctors, many native Haitians, on the ground in or available to Haiti.

Had the US government (mostly invisibly to its people) not blocked generations of financial and political reforms in Haiti, especially anything resembling the Cuban patterns of change, the wonderful charity of the US people would not be now filling a hole this deep - an estimated ten years to merely restore what was, before the quake, the most miserable situation in the hemisphere.

You can call it charity, you can call it an obligation - down payment, partial payment, on a debt.
One of the biggest contributors apparently to the amount of devastation, was the chronic shortage of proper construction techniques, materials and qualified engineers.

Something to do with economic sanctions and political interference.

Just to put another perspective on it, humans react instinctively when others of their kind are in danger or injured, this is not a trait that America can or should claim as its own, because it isn't.

Sure, plenty of American people, ordinary voters, want to help, but they don't know much about why Haiti got to where it is. It wasn't that big of an earthquake and if infrastructure was built properly, a lot fewer Haitians would be dead or waiting for help.

America sees the need to exert political influence, and the closer you are, the more influence you are on the receiving end of. America has the most reasons to be disliked: it's the biggest bully. It isn't alone in being one. Everybody wants to rule the world not just the good ol' USA. It should at least admit it has enacted failed policies (I mean, every country does this sooner or later), but maybe Americans just don't like criticism?

Click the link for better formatting...I'm too lazy like the OP and his Fox news source?


Haiti aid pledged by country

Click heading to sort

Funding, committed and uncommitted, $

$ per person

% of total
Canada 131334434 3.912 6.49
Sweden 23219317 2.510 1.15
Norway 10398613 2.161 0.51
Denmark 11246301 2.056 0.56
Luxembourg 722900 1.487 0.04
Finland 7718305 1.449 0.38
Guyana 1000000 1.312 0.05
Switzerland 9314631 1.231 0.46
Spain 45839589 1.021 2.27
Estonia 1000000 0.746 0.05
United Arab Emirates 3208129 0.698 0.16
Ireland 2886002 0.639 0.14
Australia 13489211 0.634 0.67
Japan 75327154 0.592 3.72
United States 183893080 0.584 9.09
United Kingdom 32590138 0.529 1.61
France 31313132 0.502 1.55
WORLD TOTAL 2022702837 0.296 100
Netherlands 4329004 0.261 0.21
Germany 20356105 0.248 1.01
New Zealand 1000000 0.234 0.05
Italy 9302037 0.155 0.46
Ghana 3000000 0.126 0.15
Czech Republic 1154401 0.111 0.06
Belgium 1151876 0.108 0.06
Brazil 15535730 0.080 0.77
Russian Federation 5000000 0.035 0.25
Morocco 1000000 0.031 0.05
Poland 1089466 0.029 0.05
Greece 290000 0.026 0.01
China 13005286 0.010 0.64
Indonesia 1700000 0.007 0.08
South Africa 134903.63 0.003 0.01
Others 687295260 33.98
Private (individuals & organisations) 494806332 24.46
World Bank (emergency grant) 100000000 4.94
European Commission 44877340 2.22
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) 25935690 1.28
UN & agencies 5154205 0.25
Donors not specified 2219169 0.11
Inter-American Development Bank 200000 0.01

Click the link for better formatting...I'm too lazy like the OP and his Fox news source?


Haiti aid pledged by country

Click heading to sort

Funding, committed and uncommitted, $

$ per person

% of total
Canada 131334434 3.912 6.49
Sweden 23219317 2.510 1.15
Norway 10398613 2.161 0.51
Denmark 11246301 2.056 0.56
Luxembourg 722900 1.487 0.04
Finland 7718305 1.449 0.38
Guyana 1000000 1.312 0.05
Switzerland 9314631 1.231 0.46
Spain 45839589 1.021 2.27
Estonia 1000000 0.746 0.05
United Arab Emirates 3208129 0.698 0.16
Ireland 2886002 0.639 0.14
Australia 13489211 0.634 0.67
Japan 75327154 0.592 3.72
United States 183893080 0.584 9.09
United Kingdom 32590138 0.529 1.61
France 31313132 0.502 1.55
WORLD TOTAL 2022702837 0.296 100
Netherlands 4329004 0.261 0.21
Germany 20356105 0.248 1.01
New Zealand 1000000 0.234 0.05
Italy 9302037 0.155 0.46
Ghana 3000000 0.126 0.15
Czech Republic 1154401 0.111 0.06
Belgium 1151876 0.108 0.06
Brazil 15535730 0.080 0.77
Russian Federation 5000000 0.035 0.25
Morocco 1000000 0.031 0.05
Poland 1089466 0.029 0.05
Greece 290000 0.026 0.01
China 13005286 0.010 0.64
Indonesia 1700000 0.007 0.08
South Africa 134903.63 0.003 0.01
Others 687295260 33.98
Private (individuals & organisations) 494806332 24.46
World Bank (emergency grant) 100000000 4.94
European Commission 44877340 2.22
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) 25935690 1.28
UN & agencies 5154205 0.25
Donors not specified 2219169 0.11
Inter-American Development Bank 200000 0.01

Nope, YOU post bull - as usual. First off, you claimed my source was Fox news while it clearly was NOT ! Secondly, you must have failed to read the comments attached to the source you linked to. They clearly point out that the numbers shown are not accurate - but even at that, it STILL shows the U.S. as being the top contributor.

Tell me - does you foot hurt after having shot yourself there? I would certainly imagine it does. Good!:D
Nope, YOU post bull - as usual. First off, you claimed my source was Fox news while it clearly was NOT ! Secondly, you must have failed to read the comments attached to the source you linked to. They clearly point out that the numbers shown are not accurate - but even at that, it STILL shows the U.S. as being the top contributor.

Tell me - does you foot hurt after having shot yourself there? I would certainly imagine it does. Good!:D


Clearly the data shows that going by per capita - northern countries put the U.S to shame. What's the matter with you guys? Why is Canada/Sweden Norway so nice and everyone else doesn't give a fuck? lol

See how easy it is to fuck with the numbers to push a bullshit comment?

Does it hurt to be such an egotisitcal prick? Of course not, the ugly american is impervious to logic.

Clearly the data shows that going by per capita - northern countries put the U.S to shame. What's the matter with you guys? Why is Canada/Sweden Norway so nice and everyone else doesn't give a fuck? lol

See how easy it is to fuck with the numbers to push a bullshit comment?

Does it hurt to be such an egotisitcal prick? Of course not, the ugly american is impervious to logic.

You should read the op. You are arguing two separate issues.
I'm a foreigner in origin but I greatly like the US, particularly Texas and the West and South.

Politically, there are problems, of course; but the country is a great country and I'd much rather live here than in Europe.

Clearly the data shows that going by per capita - northern countries put the U.S to shame. What's the matter with you guys? Why is Canada/Sweden Norway so nice and everyone else doesn't give a fuck? lol

See how easy it is to fuck with the numbers to push a bullshit comment?

Does it hurt to be such an egotisitcal prick? Of course not, the ugly american is impervious to logic.

Nope, nope and nope. It's only you here who is trying to push any BS. Everyone else (including me) is letting the raw numbers speak for themselves.
Nope, YOU post bull - as usual. First off, you claimed my source was Fox news while it clearly was NOT ! Secondly, you must have failed to read the comments attached to the source you linked to. They clearly point out that the numbers shown are not accurate - but even at that, it STILL shows the U.S. as being the top contributor.

Tell me - does you foot hurt after having shot yourself there? I would certainly imagine it does. Good!:D

So a more accurate example of how the people give(the one you posted is biased in favor of large populations) is bull? why is it because it contradicts your cushy world view that America is the greatest?
Nope, nope and nope. It's only you here who is trying to push any BS. Everyone else (including me) is letting the raw numbers speak for themselves.

No you knowingly choosing a frame work that helps promote the meme you wish to promote rather than a framework that removes bias. their is a reason most comparisons are done with medians and per capita's its the only honest way to compare entities with differing capabilities.

Click the link for better formatting...I'm too lazy like the OP and his Fox news source?


Your post doesn't include the dollars spent on the massive amounts of food provided by the military, the cost of deploying them (several million a day) and the total amount of money given by individual American citizens and corporations.

It's ever so much easier to send cash (which the US, its corporations and citizens have done to the tune of about half a billion dollars). The real job is in actually putting your people there, sending military doctors, military forces, aircraft carriers, and medical ships (total of 10,000 military personnel), which the USA accounts for almost all. This says nothing about the thousands of civilian American doctors, recovery teams, nurses, engineers all volunteering their time there right now.
