
What makes it worse than your science teacher telling you his belief of eternal black nothingness when you die.

name and quote 7 science teachers who have done this in school.

Or what about the schools scaring the shit out of kids with horrible stories of peoples lives forever ripped apart by drunk driving accidents.

Fuck! is that the best you can come up with? - peoples lives ARE wrecked by drunk drivers - hardly a fair comparison to the fear of a myth like this vid?

Don't forget all the baby polar bears that kids are torturing by riding their minibike instaed of walking.

Name and quote 7people that have voiced concerns over climate change in that exact manner

Oh and the theory that their parents are insane and have been lying to them since birth.

I don't think they are insane - just simple minded and delusional - and yes - all parents lie to thier kids - and kids do figure this out eventually, often without any long term damage done

I thought it was a good performance for just a spoken word thingy. You guys are scared that their may be some truth there and that's why you're in a huff. Which is funny because the whole point is to say that something as simple as mentioning Jesus and baptism could actually do someone a favor down the road.

Not scared, just concerned that this is how far people will go to demonstrate god's "love"

Now, ask yourself, has the new way (anti-religion) shown much promise?

Actually this - as far as the USA goes is the OLD way - the country was formed as a secular democracy - many of its problems stem from religion - as I will demonstrate

1 in 4 teenage girls have VD.

Perhaps in america - the most christian nation on the planet - this figure is true - it comes from inadequate teaching of sexual education - and which group stands against this in the US? that's right - the christian whackos

Kids are shooting people and planting bombs in schools.

caused by the nihilism of the beleif in an afterlife

Rouge military factions with no ethics.

And the leader of the largest rogue military group - George W Bush - is a "committed" (never has that word been more appropriate in his case) Christian.

Business leaders preying on the very people who buy their products.

And which political party is deepest in bed with big business? and is that same political party deep in bed with christian loonies?
the answer is yes of course - can you guess the political party guilty of this hypocracy?

Teenage pregnancy.

Point 1. What's wrong with teenage pregancy? - for thousands of years most women had produced at least a couple of kids by the time they reached 20 - if they hadn't we wouldn't be aroiund now.
Point 2. If you are discussing babies born out of wedlock, this comes from inadequate teaching of sexual education - and which group stands against this in the US? that's right - the christian whackos

The list goes on and on of horrible trends that started occuring after the thought of a higher power was removed from the minds of children.

Well considering I've pointed out how religion may equally be to blame I'd suggest you are talking shit old pal

You thin skinned people need to look at the big picture and give kids a little credit(which I'm pretty sure kids made this). The truth always shines through the bullshit.

ha ha - yes - see my previous comment

P.s. The USA foriegn policy is not a christian one, so don't even bring that shit to the table.

Tell that to GWB - he did afterall claim that god commanded him to invade iraq and afganistan

Child Abuse? Uh, I don't think so.
What makes it worse than your science teacher telling you his belief of eternal black nothingness when you die. Or what about the schools scaring the shit out of kids with horrible stories of peoples lives forever ripped apart by drunk driving accidents.
Don't forget all the baby polar bears that kids are torturing by riding their minibike instaed of walking. Oh and the theory that their parents are insane and have been lying to them since birth.
I thought it was a good performance for just a spoken word thingy. You guys are scared that their may be some truth there and that's why you're in a huff. Which is funny because the whole point is to say that something as simple as mentioning Jesus and baptism could actually do someone a favor down the road.
Now, ask yourself, has the new way (anti-religion) shown much promise?
1 in 4 teenage girls have VD.
Kids are shooting people and planting bombs in schools.
Rouge military factions with no ethics.
Business leaders preying on the very people who buy their products.
Teenage pregnancy.
The list goes on and on of horrible trends that started occuring after the thought of a higher power was removed from the minds of children.

You thin skinned people need to look at the big picture and give kids a little credit(which I'm pretty sure kids made this). The truth always shines through the bullshit.

P.s. The USA foriegn policy is not a christian one, so don't even bring that shit to the table.

I could have written you a long response, but one word will do: Bollocks
name and quote 7 science teachers who have done this in school.

Not the issue. The question is if it's abuse.

Fuck! is that the best you can come up with? - peoples lives ARE wrecked by drunk drivers - hardly a fair comparison to the fear of a myth like this vid?

Once again, Abuse? Nope, neither case.

Name and quote 7people that have voiced concerns over climate change in that exact manner

Name seven people that have parphrased the bible in "THIS exact manner".

I don't think they are insane - just simple minded and delusional - and yes - all parents lie to thier kids - and kids do figure this out eventually, often without any long term damage done.

So you admit, no long term damage? Abuse? *Sigh*

Not scared, just concerned that this is how far people will go to demonstrate god's "love"

A camp fire story with a voice over? Abuse? They're not telling kids to strap bombs on for allah.Maybe you're concern is misdirected.

Actually this - as far as the USA goes is the OLD way - the country was formed as a secular democracy - many of its problems stem from religion - as I will demonstrate

Wrong again, it was founded on the two rules that all faiths agree on.
1. Do all you agree to do.
2. Don't enchroach on others

Higher power.

Perhaps in america - the most christian nation on the planet - this figure is true - it comes from inadequate teaching of sexual education - and which group stands against this in the US? that's right - the christian whackos

This isn't a political debate,friend. But since you brought it up, what age does the left suggest starting sex ed,now? 1? 6 months? Kids get sex ed at 5 and look at the results. Public education is a failure in the US.

caused by the nihilism of the beleif in an afterlife.

Again, confusing christians and muslims? Please do yourself a favor and look into the reasoning behind some of these shootings in the u.s. Most have left behind writings and such. 9 out of 10 are kids that have baught into the "No God, All humans suck, No reason to live" crap that sec types radiate.

And the leader of the largest rogue military group - George W Bush - is a "committed" (never has that word been more appropriate in his case) Christian.

Anyone can call themselves a christian. It served his statist agenda.

And which political party is deepest in bed with big business? and is that same political party deep in bed with christian loonies?
the answer is yes of course - can you guess the political party guilty of this hypocracy?

Not a political debate but you can see my above comment if you wish.

Point 1. What's wrong with teenage pregancy? - for thousands of years most women had produced at least a couple of kids by the time they reached 20 - if they hadn't we wouldn't be aroiund now.
Point 2. If you are discussing babies born out of wedlock, this comes from inadequate teaching of sexual education - and which group stands against this in the US? that's right - the christian whackos

Well considering I've pointed out how religion may equally be to blame I'd suggest you are talking shit old pal

I guess that would make two of us, then.
Choking from the fumes of burning strawmen

Not the issue. The question is if it's abuse.
My point is that you are lying about what science teachers say in order to add weight to your point - prove that you are not by actually naming shaming the science teachers who have said this.
So to compare a real case of a deliberate attempt to frighten and warp a childs mind with your imaginary one simply is not a comparison.

I'll take the win in advance on this one thanks!

Once again, Abuse? Nope, neither case.

Wrong - again no comparison between the two - one is real and a worthwhile lesson - the other is the htreat of an imaginary torture - one is abusive and one isn't.
Looks like I take the win again

Name seven people that have parphrased the bible in "THIS exact manner".
The point I was making ias that once again you are making a non-comparison - and are lying over the details.
Firstly - I don't know of anyone that treats and phrases the threats of climate change in the way that you put them, and certainly not to children - prove me wrong name them - quotes them.
Secondly, climate change (whatever is casuing it) is a REAL threat.
Discussing real issues with children is healthy - terrorising them with imaginary horrors is not

3-0 too easy

So you admit, no long term damage? Abuse? *Sigh*

I've yet to hear of any child suffering from not being told about god - I've heard of plenty who have been abused in gods name

A camp fire story with a voice over? Abuse? They're not telling kids to strap bombs on for allah.Maybe you're concern is misdirected.
Depends on who you listen to - there are christian groups in the US almost jealous of the commitment of islamic fundamentalists and want to out fundy the fundies

Wrong again, it was founded on the two rules that all faiths agree on.
1. Do all you agree to do.
2. Don't enchroach on others

Nope - learn your history - I'm right - end of

This isn't a political debate,friend. But since you brought it up, what age does the left suggest starting sex ed,now? 1? 6 months? Kids get sex ed at 5 and look at the results. Public education is a failure in the US.

Yet if you compare that to scandanavian countries that uses a secular and fact based rather than a religious and faith based approach to sex ed - and also start at an early age - and they have some of the lowest rates of teen pregnancy, and std's in the world - its religious meddling that's the problem - not the solution

Again, confusing christians and muslims?

Whats the difference - they are both equally nihilistic - look at how many christians encourage climate change because it will bring about the rapture - if that's not nihilistic I dunno what is

Anyone can call themselves a christian. It served his statist agenda.

Your first sensible point! - GWB neither is nor ever was a christian - he merely uses it as a crude manipulation tool - ironically not unlike the video we are discussing - both are abuses of the people he does it to and the religion they pretend to support
My point is that you are lying about what science teachers say in order to add weight to your point - prove that you are not by actually naming shaming the science teachers who have said this.
So to compare a real case of a deliberate attempt to frighten and warp a childs mind with your imaginary one simply is not a comparison.

I'll take the win in advance on this one thanks!

So I'm lying and no one really believes? They're all lying, too? It's Opinion presented as fact in both cases. My question is what's the difference? And btw, my teachers majored in fucked up opinion-and no you don't know them.

Wrong - again no comparison between the two - one is real and a worthwhile lesson - the other is the htreat of an imaginary torture - one is abusive and one isn't.
Looks like I take the win again
Imaginary because you have no experience with it? If you want evidence, spend some time with dying people.Note the manner in which believers and non believers act in the last moments.

he point I was making ias that once again you are making a non-comparison - and are lying over the details.
Firstly - I don't know of anyone that treats and phrases the threats of climate change in the way that you put them, and certainly not to children - prove me wrong name them - quotes them.
Al Gore's movie is required veiwing in most schools.
Secondly, climate change (whatever is casuing it) is a REAL threat.
Discussing real issues with children is healthy - terrorising them with imaginary horrors is not.

3-0 too easy
Threat to who? The jurry is still out. Global Warmig may be saving us from an ice age. And it's still legal for parents to teach their customs to children, no matter what you call it. This isn't being taught in public school, that's my point.

I've yet to hear of any child suffering from not being told about god - I've heard of plenty who have been abused in gods name
I've seen plenty of suffering relieved by telling a depressed child about god. What's your point?

Depends on who you listen to - there are christian groups in the US almost jealous of the commitment of islamic fundamentalists and want to out fundy the fundies

Nope - learn your history - I'm right - end of
Not worth the effort. next.

Yet if you compare that to scandanavian countries that uses a secular and fact based rather than a religious and faith based approach to sex ed - and also start at an early age - and they have some of the lowest rates of teen pregnancy, and std's in the world - its religious meddling that's the problem - not the solution. [/QUOTE]
US public schools don't use faith based anything so I don't know what you're talking about.

Whats the difference - they are both equally nihilistic - look at how many christians encourage climate change because it will bring about the rapture - if that's not nihilistic I dunno what is
Never encoutered that type, I guess.Most I know wouldn't worry about it at all.

Your first sensible point! - GWB neither is nor ever was a christian - he merely uses it as a crude manipulation tool - ironically not unlike the video we are discussing - both are abuses of the people he does it to and the religion they pretend to support

So you believe religions not only inflict abuse but also are abused themselves.

Anyway, I'm done thanks for the entertainment. :D
I like you and I'm sure we'll meet again.
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I like the part where the angels act as correctional officers performing an execution, complete with the sound of their heavy boots approaching your death row cell. Tell me, do you walk the green mile or is it some other color?

I thought the video was aimed at people who are already Christian and are not pushing the Word. Sounded as if they were condemned also, along with all the other schmucks who weren't Christians.