

Registered Senior Member
Heres a little video....I think you all should see.
Warning! Highly disturbing!

Discuss, by the way, they showed this to kids at a camp, I consider this child abuse. What do you think?
being scared shitless keeps you obedient. Life can be easier in so many ways if you have rules and someone else is responsible for decisions.
...alright.....sure....we need the brainless masses right?

<---glad it never happened to him.
kind of reminds me of the south park episode where cartman becomes a born again preacher . He tells the congregation that kenny has gone to hell when he gets hit by a bus bound for mexico (he was on his way to confession to get relieved of all sin, so he kind of just missed out). Actually kenny gets scraped off the bus in mexico and he rings up cartman to tell him where he is. The next day cartman tells the congregation that he got a phone call from kenny in hell and proceeds to give all the details ... like everyone speaks spanish and if you drink the water you get diarrhea and pass blood for 5 hours.

As for showing it to kids, they tend to be more responsive to positive messages rather than negative ones ... actually the same holds for everyone ..... fear of hell is no insurance policy for avoiding it because the mind and senses forcibly engage a person according to their conditioned nature anyway.... still, the cheap and easy version of religiosity seems to be what sells these days, however bringing a genre under the microscope by examining its worst examples tends to be a bit of strawman ....
Heres a little video....I think you all should see.
Warning! Highly disturbing!

Discuss, by the way, they showed this to kids at a camp, I consider this child abuse. What do you think?

Yep, that's some good old fashioned child abuse right there.
Child Abuse? Uh, I don't think so.
What makes it worse than your science teacher telling you his belief of eternal black nothingness when you die. Or what about the schools scaring the shit out of kids with horrible stories of peoples lives forever ripped apart by drunk driving accidents.
Don't forget all the baby polar bears that kids are torturing by riding their minibike instaed of walking. Oh and the theory that their parents are insane and have been lying to them since birth.
I thought it was a good performance for just a spoken word thingy. You guys are scared that their may be some truth there and that's why you're in a huff. Which is funny because the whole point is to say that something as simple as mentioning Jesus and baptism could actually do someone a favor down the road.
Now, ask yourself, has the new way (anti-religion) shown much promise?
1 in 4 teenage girls have VD.
Kids are shooting people and planting bombs in schools.
Rouge military factions with no ethics.
Business leaders preying on the very people who buy their products.
Teenage pregnancy.
The list goes on and on of horrible trends that started occuring after the thought of a higher power was removed from the minds of children.

You thin skinned people need to look at the big picture and give kids a little credit(which I'm pretty sure kids made this). The truth always shines through the bullshit.

P.s. The USA foriegn policy is not a christian one, so don't even bring that shit to the table.
Heres a little video....I think you all should see.
Warning! Highly disturbing!

Discuss, by the way, they showed this to kids at a camp, I consider this child abuse. What do you think?

Come on, any smart 12 year old in bible camp can work out that it's total bullshit.

Wait. This was designed to be shown to dumbasses wasn't it ?